While using vigor go straight up. Glide until vigor recharges, fly straigbt up again.
If you havent unlocked the vigor recharge are high speed then yeah, itis a little tougher to stay in the air a long time but you’ll get there.
I recommend grabbing all the glyphs around the world. Having 6 vigor is a big difference, even without the vigor recharge.
Good news is you only have to do this once. Any alta will already have all your dragonriding upgrades available.
You can do this with dragon riding also, but the passenger turns into a whelp to “fly along”. It is a little harder to notice unless youre looking for it.
Who wouldn’t want to Dragonride off of Dalaran and through the jagged cliffs of Stormheim? Or swoop and rise through Storm Peaks in Northrend?
Limp simpletons are who.
I wouldn’t.
I may be a limp simpleton, but I don’t have an attention deficit that drives me to go faster and makes me NEED to interact with the game constantly. I’ll bet you’re one of those who can’t take two steps without hitting the space bar to make your “toon” do something.
Now I’m wondering if old trainers learning it mean they would teach it to the older mounts they’ve been training every xpac.
I’ve played older expansion world content to death, and it has changed so little since it was new, that I have no interest in sprinting through it 3x as fast as I did before.
I guess players who skipped that stuff before might find some new joy in it, but I suspect the reason they skipped the content before had nothing to do with flight speed and everything to do with not being interested in that content in the first place.
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You can fly from one end of the map to the other at any point if you have unlocked all abilities. With ease. Fly upward, time your boosts up, then angle slightly downward. Do it again when you have 6 stamina again. You should never ever have to touch the ground, if you do you are doing something wrong.
ITT: people still complaining about dragon riding.
Just be less bad at it.
They provided what their source is, wowhead, it’s up to you to go look at it.
As for the article itself, I am very excited to hear this. I absolutely love Dragon Riding and very much agree with other people who say that if you don’t like it it’s because you’re simply bad at it. It’s fun and gives me something to do while flying places other than sitting there and doing nothing. Also, it’s much much faster.
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Why would that mean we are dragonflying in old content. Flight masters in a way are just taxi service getting us from a to b. So why would them learning it involve us flying there?
Most likly just a lil easter egg as fp are not used much anymore.
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You should stop thinking your opinions actually mean everyone.
For me i think dragonriding is just a gimmick and nothing really special about it. Its not great nor is it horrible. And as for the reply to your direct comment saying we are bad at it. I have gotten advance dragon riding with the title acheavement.
Flight trainers, not flight masters, the people who teach people how to fly, are the ones learning how to dragon ride.
And as Blizzard has straight up confirmed Dragonriding is going forward after Dragonflight (https://youtu.be/l51K-K_9yZ8?t=97) it is much more then simply an easter egg, but as said showing in-game how they are learning so they can train people to Dragonride outside of the Dragon Isles (and likely on more than just dragons, also per said interview)
This game will flop hard if thats the case
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No one said old flight will not also be an option, only that dragonriding is going forward. If people can dragonride on their preferred mounts, same as people can use old flight on whatever mounts they wish, that is a plus for the game, not a negative.
If its like right now, real flight will be timegated for eternity, and eventually Ion will say that players want it removed
Doesn’t mean you’re not bad at it. There is literally no reason to hate against the fastest movement system we’ve ever had in nearly 20 years of WoW. Again, if you dislike Dragonriding it’s simply because you’re bad at it. Period. Also, I don’t have opinions, I only state facts.
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Not everyone is trying to rush through games, or life, or anything else. In that case, super speed is just part of the system, not necessarily a good thing or a bad thing.
People appreciate different things in life. Some are social, some want solitude. Some like cities, some like wilderness. Some like skiing, some like football. Some like fast travel, some like slow. And on and on. No right or wrong, until we start telling other people what they should like.
Didn’t realize there was such a passionate community for Blizzard RPing NPCs having to go somewhere to learn stuff.