Dragon riding is going to the old world

Just a lore thing. I’m sure they’ll want to introduce it on a wider scale in 11.0 but honestly, I don’t see how they’d make it work either way. I like dragon riding to SOME extent but it’s getting to that point where the issues with Dragonriding are showing itself for me.

Don’t remove OG flying.

When did we vote for it? I know I don’t want to lose regular flying. In fact I prefer it.
Why not have both?


Don’t want to be the person who said I told you so, but this is Ion’s way of getting rid of regular flying. They have been trying to years to end flying and now it is happening.

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I did not hear that regular flying would stay. I heard what they usually say when they know they are removing something but don’t want to outright say it.

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Because that question was specifically is Dragonriding continuing after Dragonflight, which was emphatically confirmed. The confirmation for regular flying was awhile ago, ergo: https://www.wowhead.com/news/dragonflight-developer-roundtable-with-ion-hazzikostas-and-steve-danuser-326869 or https://www.wowhead.com/news/full-fledged-flying-planned-for-a-later-patch-in-dragonflight-326874


Old world flying should be also brought to Dragon Isles


As long as they leave pathfinder, and any future similar nonsense like it behind, that would be great. Also, normal flying should always be accessible in every expac for those few that can not handle dragonriding, of which I am not one, thank Dramamine. :+1:

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


What about regular flying? Ian did say we would get that back eventually?


For now. Eventually age will get you.

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Lord I hope so but I really don’t trust Blizzard. Ion has wanted to get rid of regular flying for years.
This is his chance. Watch and see.


I’m able to get from the Obsidian Citadel to Valdrakken with almost max stamina by the time I land.

Honestly I don’t get a lot of the criticisms of Dragonriding. I understand those with disabilities having issue but a lot of people honestly just seem to hate the fact that flying is an engaging mechanic now and not a “alt-tab in this direction” button.

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I prefer the “alt-tab in this direction” and “hover here for a moment” options so that I can multitask while traveling from one place to the next. You know, so I can look up my next objective or have my map open all the way as I’m zooming around, without needing to watch a vigor bubble and adjust my altitude direction to keep momentum.


Other than them blatantly saying “hey, we’re going to add Dragonriding to other zones if it’s received well” as early as the announcement? This isn’t news unless your name is Patrick Star.

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Well, and I’ll blanket address this to all the haters, the fact is I’ve been at cap for less than a week. I only have like two bubbles in the tree filled. So obviously my report isn’t an endgame report, more what it’s like as a new player.

The fact it gets much better is heartening to me. I definitely never wanted to hate it just to hate it. It’s simply that starting out, it’s a little wonky. I’ll look up how to get the glyphs and tech myself out going into the future.

Still doesn’t mean I don’t prefer “normal” flight but for this expansion at least I’m more than willing to give it a chance and the fact that it seems once I get down the tree most of my issues are allayed is nothing but a positive going into the future.

See you in the Isles!

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Fill your tree out first…

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Yes, this. It’s not well communicated in-game, but using Ascent while aiming upwards is far more effective than Surge while flying forwards for getting into a Thrill state and starting to generate Vigor. Just make sure you aim sightly below horizontal from about half way through the Ascent animation to avoid shedding speed and losing Thrill. Once you’ve reached a good speed and comfortable altitude you can stop using Ascent and settle into a series of long, shallow swoops and just use the occasional Surge to keep your speed up during the upswings.

Assuming you’ve got to the point where Thrill recharges Vigor, you can get anywhere as long as you start with at least two Vigor. If there’s an edge to jump off and get into flight mode without using Ascent to launch then you only need one Vigor.

If you’re already in that ran-out-of-speed pseudo-hover/slow-fall mode then Ascent won’t get you into Thrill. Aim down for a second to get back to forward flight and then pull up and hit Ascent.

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Now,given the reason why would old trainer be in the reach when they can’t fly? And yet an achievement has an npc flying her gryphon when we photo her?

It’s staying as I doubt they’ll modify all old flying mounts to do dragonriding any time soon. Especially since you can fly at 30 but cannot use dragon riding until the waking shore.

In any discussion, the burden of proof is on the one making the claim.

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Maybe you need to talk to the trainers to learn how to use the hundred of flying pets you have now.