Dragon Riding Everywhere

So Blizzard nerfs fun yet again.

It’s true they are devs and we aren’t. Unless you’re a blizz dev you have 0 clue as to why this was needed.

They released a big blue post of easily refutable “reasons” like access to pet battles and older content.

I think they, and yourself, are the ones with 0 clue why it was needed when they grasp at straws like that and provide their weekly PR failure.


Blizzard is acting like an arrogant s.o.b.? Sure reads like you are the arrogant s.o.b…

There are many valid arguments to defend it and Blizzard might not have explained their points the best but their points still stand. People have mostly been screaming that if it can’t be TWICE the speed of fast flying it can’t be fun.

As far as dragon riding go, it’s reasonable to not include a feature like it in old content to start. It might come later and that’s fine. Moreover, dragon riding might also get adjusted to lower speed as it’s still in development. Doubling travelling speed has big impact and unlocking that in the whole world would make it harder to go back.

Wasting your time he hates blizzard with a capital H. All his time is spent blasting blizzard and conspiracy after conspiracy. Yet despite all of that blizzard still takes that 15 bucks from him every month lol.

I’m more perplexed as to why it’s going to be available in older content at all.
I mean, thematically it does make sense that they wouldn’t lose their ability to fly when they move to a different continent, but then again why wouldn’t average player be able to apply the same to his dragon mount.

If they want to release it later, then just release it all later.

It’s almost like they want to use the Dragonkin flying as a post-beta-beta to analyze whether Dragonflying is even going to work in those areas. And if it doesn’t and they take it away from the dragonkin it’s going to be quite ugly in here for a while.


I don’t see what is great about dragon riding lol but I’m sure it is more a tech thing that they need to overcome but don’t right now due to being busy with focus being on DF. They also wanna see how more people react before putting the time into it.

As I understand it now the biggest issue is moving faster than rendering can happen and zones like Grizzly Hills looking like a hilly plain without any trees as you buzz over.

But that’s going to remain an issue with normal Dragon flying as well as the racial version.

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Outliers should be ignored.

Yea testing could be a possibility. The cool factor seems to be what is the reason why they can use it outside of dragon isles. You’d be surprised how much of that reason is used for designs. The speed tho was a problem and they’re adressing it.

The whole point of balancing is not ignoring outliers. xd

I’ve never heard this complaint. This is a straw man argument. The actual complaint is “hey Blizz. Everyone with actual access to the alpha is reporting the soar is materially LESS fun after the nerf. The nerf adds no benefit. So why reduce the level of fun?”

No one cares about the actual speed ratio. They care about the fun and everyone with access to the alpha seems to agree it’s less fun.


You don’t realize but you just said what I said.
It can’t be fun because it’s not the same, not twice the speed.

I have a feeling they may enable dragon riding everywhere eventually, but I think a lot of coding has to go into the game in order for that to happen. It isn’t just a switch of a button.

Oh so that is what Blizz is doing wrong…

Yeah no… this isn’t a dps, healing or tanking ability…


Sure so dks are gonna double the speed of everyone outside of combat.

We can’t balance it it’s not dps, healing or tanking. /s

The game itself isn’t balanced…

Balance is something to thrive for, not necessary attain or want to attain perfectly.
As perfect balance would be everyone doing the same thing exactly.

ROFLMAO no it wouldn’t stop gaslighting.

Yeah, antisoarers keep using straw man arguments.