Dragon Riding Camera Bug

When I use dragon riding or soar, my camera has a high chance to stop following my character after I land. I’ll turn my character and when I press move forward, the camera is at an incorrect angle off to the side of my character.


This isn’t restricted to dragon riding, it happens with normal mounts and combat situations where you’re strafing too. It’s really annoying having to /reload on a regular basis because the default camera follow position gets screwed up.


I’m having the exact same problem and reported it earlier.

/reload is the only solution right now =[


I thought i was the only one having this issue, i thought i was gonna go crazy


Slapping a bump on this. My workaround has been tapping Turn Left or Right on the arrow keys. That’ll usually fix it until the next flight. Super annoying though.


Same bug here.

I actually remember this exact same bug being introduced many years ago, before being fixed.

I find that when the camera bug occurs, instead of a /reload it can sometimes be fixed by using the arrow keys to pan left and right for a couple of seconds.

Hoping for a fix soon.


I’m having this issue as well and like others, the only way to fix besides a /reload is spamming a & d.

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same issue, only reload works

Hitting the turn left or right key works, too. I have turn right bound mouse button 5 for when my camera messes up.

I have actually turned my camera auto follow off. It was weird at first, but now that I’m used to it, I kinda like it better than before. And since there’s no auto follow, there’s no camera sticking.

I have also experienced this on occasion. It’s pretty annoying.

Just experienced this today, and saw this post about /reload fixing the bug where the camera stops following when you turn left/right, for me the A and D buttons. I have the settings to “never follow” so the camera doesn’t try to zoom into the particular view from above and behind the character. It was like if you, for me left click and hold on my mouse, and turn left or right you can watch your character run in circles without the whole world spinning with you, and when you let go of the left button, it goes back to your character.

My solution was to turn off automatic camera follow. Now I always hold down my right mouse button to straighten out. My OCD is now sated.

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happens everytime 30 sec or so after landing. using strafe helps but its an annoying bug

It happens to me too every couple minutes. As a trackpad user it makes gameplay nearly impossible. Using the left and right arrow keys does not fix it for me, only manually moving the camera.

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This is happening very often for me. It happens both on foot or after dragonriding. I’ve tried multiple mice and different computers. Seems to be software related but not sure if addon or bug or what. I can get mine to fix by clicking both mice buttons to move a couple times, but I’m sure reload will work too as others have suggested.

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Bumping this. It’s been happening since launch, as far as I can tell. It seems to occur after dismounting from a dragon, for me. Very annoying.

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I’ve run into this bug a few times, but today is the first occasion where I can’t fix it. Relogging and /reload and other misc movement/adjustments aren’t doing the trick :frowning:


Please fix ASAP Blizz


Adding my voice to this thread. Same issue here still.

I remember a long time ago (Legion) I experienced a similar issue and a wow setting fixed it. I don’t remember which setting that was, but it may have had something to do with mouse acceleration.

I’m giving that a shot. I’ll let you all know if that fixes it.

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