Dragon isles pathfinder.... Really ? just give us good flying back

We all know that BlizZard has lost the plot.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Having done candy buckets in Eastern Kingdoms tonight… people who want old-school flying instead of dragonflying are out of their minds.


Yeah TBC flying is better for distance as well if there are enough obstacles.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Exactly. It is useful for special instances. I’d also like to get dragonriding for the rest of the game. It is great for other purposes.

That is why TBC flying has stood the test of time.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

I cant read minds either… but whats that got to do with flying?

Corrected spelling mistake… happy now?? :rofl:


I was just messin with ya… no harm no foul! :hugs:

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I figured that. :grin:

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Or just want something different and aren’t as enamored with the system as others.


Or just have different preferences for how they play, who would’ve thought in a game people might prefer different ways to play.

Sorry not everyone enjoys Dragonriding like you do. Now comes the part where you say they are playing the wrong way or wrong game and they should just leave.


I did all the candy buckets for the easy XP on 4 characters and I enjoyed doing the non DF ones much more. :person_gesturing_no:

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no point in PF anyway.
They CLAIM its about seeing the content on the ground and feeling the danger.
Well that didnt happen this time, we got flight day one…hour one.
So using the worn out line that PF serves ANY RPG purpose at all this time around is just flat out dishonesty.

If normal flight AFK is the issue here, change it.
If there is no forward motion, the mount loses lift and falls to the ground like DRing mounts do.

The AH prices are tanked. Gone. Normal flight / druids have no advantage this late in the game. Theres no reason for PF to exist this time, literally at all.

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You have to wonder about those chastising anyone over wanting flight for maybe a few easy quests given THAT poster and all the rest of us got flight hour ONE for an hours worth of EASY questing…lmao.
But theyre sure quick to come in here railing at lesser abled players…or just those who dont like DRing…pretending like THEY should have to grind for inferior flight while that poster and we…didnt lmao

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When your car breaks down and your mechanic isnt good enough to fix it…whats the logical thing to do?
Yet for some reason we keep taking it back to the same place knowing they dont seem to know what to do.


Normal flying should have been in from the start of DF (and other expansions but whatever). Asking people to do pathfinder for it is absurd. Pathfinder has always been absurd but in an expansion where we could fly day 1 as long as we did it Blizzard’s way is just moronic.

If you don’t like normal flying now that you have DF, I have great news! You can still do what you like so there is no reason to oppose normal flying.

Personally, I don’t have a preference because DF isn’t really any faster in the Dragon Isles than regular flying is in previous expansions in relation to how long you are flying to get to wherever you are going. DF VS regular flying is a pointless argument that doesn’t confront the issue that blizzard seems to be dealing with, which is time to destination. That’s why the Dragon isles are so large but with lots more unused space and have more dramatic topography.


Skillfail, did you even try dragon riding? It’s a blast and dies not require pathfinder.

Well said. Blizzard listened and players still complain.

BlizZard didn’t listen to players with disabilities as an example. That is why these threads exist.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

How did they make it this far 9 expansions in?