Dragon isles pathfinder.... Really ? just give us good flying back

BlizZard arm twisting players to play a certain way is very sad state of affairs IMVHO.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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“good flying back”

“bad mount system”

I have changed how I approach ALL BlizZard games with how the WoW devs have treated their player base.

At this point I am more disengaged and waiting for Microsoft to drop the hammer and clean house.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


None of that is going to happen. They don’t care how we approach them or what we think of them.

They want you playing/paying overall
Which you are.

Mission Accomplished to them.

This is universal now? People who stopped playing the expansion or quit altogether have these?

Totally disagree. As far back as cata changes have been made in the game to push players to stop playing the way they like and play the way the devs want them to have to play.

They stopped reporting sub numbers in wod. Since then they seem to care a lot whether people are playing the right content that will allow them to report a participation spike.

It’s called mudwimping when the devs of a game get tired of people playing their game wrong and try to force them to play the game right.

If you believe there is only one right way to play the game, and options should be removed until the playerbase has no choice but to play the game right, you just might be a videogame dev at war with your playerbase.


Yeah cause s3 is old world dungoens so the ports are in the capital

You already have good flying. /thread

TBC flying is love, life and liberty.

TBC flying is back. Yay!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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I wouldn’t mind pathfinder so much if it took less to get it done
 5 chapters with 10 or 12 quests each. Looks like you need to do the whole damn expac to get reg flying back =(