Dragon isles pathfinder.... Really ? just give us good flying back

Get lots of rest and Tren really hard.

I prefer dragons for gathering. But happy they’re finally putting in classic flying. Choice is excellent.

I like Dragonriding way better too, however that being said – Having standard flying to be unlocked through ridiculous means is … Well, ridiculous. lol

They should just make it – “Complete the quest campaign. K, you’re good - Enjoy.”


Players from classic wouldn’t be switching over for flight anyway.

If somehow people think we’re going to get reg flight without PF after 10 years, those people are the ones mistaken.

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Come on man, use your brain for something more than a hat rack.
How did you NOT see this coming? How long have Pathfinder achievements been in the game now?

The moment there was even a whisper about classic flying potentially being brought back within Dragonflight zones, you should have realized that was likely going to require Pathfinder in some capacity. Plus, like so many times before, had you folks actually been PLAYING THE GAME even in just a casual capacity, you’d have most if not all the requirements already done outside of stuff like the 10.2 rep grind.

Instead, we’re all going to need to hear you guys complain about needing to “catch up” depending on just how childish some of you decided to get regarding “i’M nOt PlAyInG uNtIl I gEt My OlD fLyInG bAcK!!!11one” Honestly, I’d say “let this be a lesson” but let’s be realistic: regardless of if we have dragonriding or not in 11.0, many of you are going to repeat this cycle up until 11.2 announces its own Pathfinder achievement.

Seriously, I sometimes wonder if some of you just sub to complain about the lack of flight for 8-12 months followed by a year of complaining about Pathfinder.

I think that’s what always gets me about this entire subject in general.

These people constantly act like the game is fundamentally broken if they can’t have flight from the word “GO!” and then spend far more time and energy complaining about it. They’ll act like the requirements are an insurmountable waist high fence when the reality is that 90% of it would have already been done had they just played the game as usual rather than complain for months on end only to start complaining about being “so far behind” once they finally did decide to actually play the game.

The most amazing part is the fact that each time a Pathfinder requirement is mentioned, they become just as shocked as a Pokémon fan that still can’t grasp that the series operates on a three year cycle for each generation while simultaneously complaining that it’s “too soon!” for the next generation due to (insert reasoning here).

Honestly, I used to think it was simply really bad trolling, but I’m starting to think that basic logic and reasoning eludes some of these folks :man_shrugging:

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I love dragonriding! Zoom…zoom…zooom!!! And I appreciate all the flying I had before! Blend them together… that is even better! I just don’t understand the issues peeps have in complaining about any of it… you don’t like flying… walk or use land mount, don’t like dragonriding… don’t use it. That’s all it takes!
But for some reason there are peeps who want to ban something they don’t like!? What is this mentality?
I just don’t get it (well… I am quite awake and get chastised for it… So I can see these who think if they don’t like it… it should be banned… these are a tyrannical type mind… IMO.) Just change the channel, don’t participate, don’t buy it?.. seriously?

I do not think most people are trolling. But what most people do not understand is that this game needs players to stick around badly for the next expansion to succeed.

Dragonflight so far is a major flop.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I mean you had since like Dec of 2022 to get renown up no ?

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Nah, its about the same as SL , give people something to play and people will play it, then you always gonna have people complain about the color of the sky

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I don’t see a need to have normal flying mounts, but still, if people want it, give it to them. Pathfinder is just pointless busy work, and it’s so obvious that they’re desperate to find ways to keep people busy without a lot of work.

I miss Ghostcrawler. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


In any other expansion I would agree completely, but this time around it does feel pretty sleazy to require pathfinder even though we were given a vastly superior version of flight on day one without any arbitrary hoops to jump through.


Both should just coexist as toggleable options. Dragonriding will be faster, but that’s okay. That’s the offset you get for engaging with flying instead of numlocking.

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Considering that dragonriding was a feature of the expansion AND giving us flight from the start…as people wanted and they listened yet still aren’t happy, Pathfinder makes perfect sense. It is no different than any other expansion flight unlock which also serves to have us engage in content as well as extend our playing metrics.


I don’t think anyone’s asking for trains, get outta here with that

I guess, just feels kinda scummy to me. But it doesnt matter to me anyways, I have no desire to ever use a boring mount in DF. And if the situation were reversed, I would happily jump through whatever hoops they put in front of me to unlock dragonriding in the old world

You wouldn’t even choo choose a train?

Oh no. Anyway.


I’ll probably switch between both when gathering. Vigor regen is still too slow for me when i dual gather. It’ll be nice to have both mounts on my bars and actually be able to use them.

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You don’t have to use dragonflying to do the pathfinding, right? Use flight paths and ground mounts.

I will use normal flying for distance too. Dragon riding makes me sick.

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I mean, I feel like they could just add it in by default. It feels weird to lock the slower version of flight behind Pathfinder. That said, I’d never use normal flying mounts in the Isles. Dragonriding is a downgrade from GW2, but it’s still pretty fun imo.