Dragon isles pathfinder.... Really ? just give us good flying back

If you think people are willing to switch over from classic and be forced to use a bad mount system in order to unlock the good normal flying you are mistaken

As first i was willing and looking forward to playing some dragon land until i seen you have to unlock normal flying.

Players from day one have been asking for normal flying and less time wasting


Blizzard please give us flying that will take three times as long to get from point A to point B.


Honestly you are both as bad as each other. So someone doesn’t like you thing you like big deal. Get over it and stop acting like children


Just give us mandatory RP walking, any form of locomotion that doesn’t involve my leg tendons is simply not the way.


So up you want to be kicked from groups twice as fast

Cause instead of taking your slow time flying with dragon riding and be kicked you’ll now fly even slower and get kicked twice as fast


I don’t see the appeal of regular flight besides it being the lazy route to let Druids fly without a mount again. Regular flight is so slow compared to Dragon Riding but to each their own I guess. Still find it dumb Dracthyr are being denied their soar getting the better flight mechanic and we’re not seeing the wild stuff one could do as a druid in flight form flying with the dragon riding system without the mount. So much for seeing my druid’s bird form dive and soar like an actual bird for once


Not a problem for me… I don’t group. :rofl:


It’s been explained a 100 times or more. Some people have actual physical difficulty with dragonriding and others simply don’t like it. Not everyone’s obsessed with speed.


Also its fun to have a variety of mounts to use, I know it was datamined or something that they are giving a number of mounts dragonflight capability, but I imagine not everything will be released at once. Its nice being able to blob around as the hivemind brain or fly a water rabbit.


One thing I do like about old flying is that it’ll be easier to get to specific places since it’s a pain for me to nail precise landings


You’re on classic, so why do you care? If you had played retail casually, you would have pathfinder done in 2 weeks.


And how do you get all renowns to 15 in 2 weeks. :person_facepalming: :rofl:


Push ups, sit ups, and drink plenty of juice.


we already have good flying, you want slow flying


Druids have had flight form since TBC. Is it somehow suddenly ‘lazy’ to have an ability that is part of their class nature and identity? Would you feel the same if warlock pets were taken away because of some assumed advantage over classes that dont have pets?

Jeez, what is it with players and WoW nowadays…

Exactly, so why should players who want to use all their gorgeous flying mounts in the current expansion zones be forced to do ridiculous pathfinder when gimmick flight has been available from Day 1? Please explain the logic of this to me, because I swear I cannot see it.

And prior to Dragonflight, standard flight has been in the game since TBC and has been a perfectly acceptable form of transport for many years. Dragonriding is a gimmick, inhibited by energy requirements, distancing players from the environment even more (because who gets time to enjoy the view when you are too busy doing all the button pushing?) and being difficult for many people to use.

When I finally get through the nuisance of Pathfinding, my drakes will mostly be put away so that I can soar and glide and hover to my heart’s content on some of the game’s most beautiful flying mounts.


you had good flying since day 1.

They added good flying at Dragonflight launch, though.


Oh no if only we didn’t have portals that take us right to the dungoens location. That and the dungoens are old world ones this tier so you can’t even dragon ride anyway.

Use your :brain:. People will dragonride for distance and regular fly for gathering.


The trolls just want to troll. They have the brains of :chicken:s.