I bought it in 2018.
I’m updating my video card tomorrow to the 3060, and I think that will be all I need for a few more years.
I haven’t had any problems with the motherboard so no need to upgrade it at this time.
I bought it in 2018.
I’m updating my video card tomorrow to the 3060, and I think that will be all I need for a few more years.
I haven’t had any problems with the motherboard so no need to upgrade it at this time.
Yep lol. I haven’t paid for an os upgrade since windows 7 lol
hey… thank you! I was able to get TPM turned on, and am now compatible and eligible for upgrade. I am apparently a derp and didn’t even think of checking the motherboard manufacturer site for help.
HAHA, 2018 is far newer than what I thought you were going to say. You should be good to go for a while.
Im also running an i7 950 (is that first genertion??) and would like to upgrade it, but the chip setting in the MoBo is what’s restricting me as well.
You should be fine for Windows 11. TPM just needs to be enables in the BIOS.
Edit: Nevermind I missed you post saying you had already gotten it enabled.
Not all BIOS/UEFI have TPM. My new-ish computer doesn’t.
Anything that goes in an X58 has really really bad single threaded performance and is missing a lot of important instruction sets in current use. That thing is unfortunately ageing out. X58 had a good long run, but it was the last major commercial CPU platform to have split north and south bridge. The whole architecture is obsolete.
Recommend watching one of the high view count PC building guides on Youtubes and ordering up a kit of DDR4, a new CPU, an m.2 SSD, and a new motherboard.
Something like this would do it, Ryzen 5000 options are great too:
You had to pay for the long term support and it was actually cut off for most non-enterprise users in order to get people to update as most app and browser makers were discontinuing updates on pre-Win10 systems.
As for the DF client spitting out the DLL error, that’s because Blizzard is currently, and likely will not at launch, support the DX12on7 functionality. Without that, if an app is coded to require Windows 10 at a minimum it will hit you with that error. D2R initially had that but Blizzard put in the extension to allow it to run on Windows 7, though they could remove that at any point in the future.
It really is time to get onto Windows 10 already. Everything from 1903v2 and up is pretty well done, minus a couple of goofs in this year’s deploys regarding printers.
LOL neither did I until someone else gave me the link, too!
Only the setting for TPM is in the BIOS the actual chip is on the MoBo and most recent ones are going to have a TPM Chip.
Yea, but not all of them do. Which is what I said.
You have junk software installed on your PC. It’s not Windows 10.
I know I was just saying most do. You just have one of the few that don’t.
That’ll give me somewhere to start, thanks! Ive been lucky with this machine over the years. Speed and performance have never really been an issue, as I’ve done what I can to upgrade whatever parts I can. Added an SSD and moved OS and WoW to it at the end of BfA. 16GB of DDR3 handles whatever I need it to, but those’ll get upgraded. gtx 960 card I could probably still use.
I’m just hesitating because I know it’s going to be a costly upgrade this time around…hoping to put it off as long as I can, and as long as the emerging technology and subset requirements allows me too.
Dude, those are because you permitted notifications to a Website. It’s not Windows 10. It’s you. All your links are about disabling stuff you asked for.
There are no pop up ads on Windows 10.
If you’re getting along happily with an X58, your mind would be blown by the cheapest new stuff. a cheap 65W current gen i5 is like 25x faster. Don’t need to spend a lot. Even an i3 is massively faster.
Careful or you’ll wind on his ignore list… he’s right and everyone else is wrong.
I’ve never had ads on ANY Windows version.
I mean, I’ve gotten ads on Windows 10… because I clicked “Allow notification” on a news website in a haze of morning grogginess. It was as simple as going and disabling notifications for that website again. Chrome probably has a “Never allow Notifications” option, I should hunt for that.
But none of this is related to Windows 10.
What company in their right mind doesn’t put TPM on their stuff, knowing for at least three to four years now that the newest OS needs it?
That’s some seriously poor planning on their part. I’m sorry you have to deal with that.
Me? I didn’t pay attention to the type of mobo I was getting and accidentally throttled the speed between my chip and my gpu. So I know what it’s like to have something newish that somehow is just a bit behind.
Yes, there are. But they are very very rare.