Dragon Flight requires Win 10+?

I wouldnt get too concerned just yet.
On the beta right now with the same settings as live, DF is actually running better/smoother than BFA or SLs have on my end.

Bethesda was renowned for this crap. Constantly pushing the envelope. Very annoying. These are RPGs, not supposed to be fast paced 200FPS action games.

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oh yes…XP. Forgot to add that one to the list. XP pro was one of the best.

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gonna have to repeat that I somehow doubt that me and my wife are the ONLY win 10 users in here with that popup bar where the current temperature and other crap is lol
Its jam packed with stuff, including ads.

And I am going to echo what I linked you before: you have adware.


The Ultima series, one of the grand daddies of CRPGs, was quite known for pushing all the limits back in the day.

You can ask anyone who tried to install Ultima 7 on what was modern machines back in the days. Most people ended having batch files to switch their config.sys from a normal state to an U7 state and rebooted before starting the game.

There is no rule that RPGs need to be these outdated games that run on 20 year old machines.

This thread reminds me of when I tried to run the desktop app for Discord when I was still on Windows Vista…it was a dark time then…

Anyway, the app wouldn’t run on Vista, you needed 7+. I reached out to support and they were just like, “Sorry, no can do! And trust me it’s more complex than you think!” And they weren’t wrong!

Also I wouldn’t be running Win 7 anymore myself, either. It’s no longer officially supported by Microsoft meaning it gets no security updates, and leaves you vulnerable to all sorts of nasty stuff. Which is why a lot of schools and such here in the States are being targeted by ransomware: Very easy to exploit obsolete OSs!

That’s Tynne’s Tech Talk™! Bye!

Not as far as I know…

Also it’s worth noting that the hardware supported for windows 7 is… generally ancient at this point. Although intel CPUs are still within the supported range.

Reminds me of the (strange) folks that “stubbornly refuse” to get a smartphone to have an authenticator, despite plenty of affordable $30-$50 options being available all over the place

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How about VISTA??? This may be goodbye to WoW for me!! :rage:

i run windows 98. CHECKMATE.

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because i shouldn’t have to AND WON’T spend 50$+montlhy phone bill in the first place to play wow.

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I first heard about StartAllBack here on the forums. I downloaded it an it’s great I really like having the old task bar and start menu back.

I have no clue what people are talking about with ads. I’ve never gotten a single ad from ANY windows version and I started using Windows 11 before release through the Windows Insider program.

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Haven’t read the whole thread but have we had a “Evil Microsoft Conspiracy post yet” If not I can get on an alt and make one.

Windows 7 went “End of Life” a couple years ago…Microsoft doesn’t even support it anymore why would Blizzard?

just stop. That bar has been in there since we bought these machines, lmao. It has news…and it has ads. Theyve ALWAYS been there since we got win 10. It will push popups here and there.

yeah, probably cuz you two download and install stuff without reading and just clicking OK. you got adware and or malware. install spywareblaster and malwarebytes. and read what you are installing. im guessing you guys also have atleast half a dozen search bar addons on your browser too.


Im gonna block you just because I can son. Ive been building computers since the early 90s, son…how about you?
It CAME WITH the little bar down around the daily temp and time that has news and ads, son…and it kicks out popups here and there.
now…bye bye

then thats bloatware. if you been building computers you should kow that. i am an A+ certified tech, was working in the tech shop at CompUSA in the 90’s. i dont believe you.













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and that search was so simple that youve been dealing with ads for years now? lmao.

i have never ever seen any of these ads on my machine. since day 1. i dunno what you people are doing.