Dragon Flight requires Win 10+?

much better than 8. Still sucks over 7 and 98.

I only get notifications for Discord. That’s all. :woman_shrugging:t4:

I do. all the time.
most of it seems to come from that little bar where the weather/time sits that is FULL of ‘hot deals’ and all sorts of other crap. Very odd how my wife and I are the ONLY ones on this forum who have that thing, lol

I have Windows 10 but won’t be able to upgrade to Windows 11 without building a new PC due to Windows 11 not supporting Haswell processors (which came out during MoP iirc). Hopefully the end of support for Windows 10 isn’t for awhile longer


That free upgrade feels like maybe 2 years ago.

You have literally years left of support. Hard to find up to date data on this but it seems like less than 25% of PCs are running windows 11. I wouldn’t worry about it.

Dude, Windows 10 is miles ahead of 98 in every way possible. Windows 98 wasn’t even good when it was released. No memory protection, no multi-processor support (ie, wouldn’t even work on modern systems with multi-core processors), a 20 year old filesystem patched over and over again with no journaling or modern features, the list of things it lacks was staggering even in 1998.

You’ve got to be trolling.

Sounds like you installed crap. Windows 10 doesn’t give “Hot deals”.

Did you allow a website to send you notifications ?

Not hard to find.

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I have Windows 10, but I’m worried my old potato laptop won’t be able to handle this game once Dragonflight comes out. Forcing people to upgrade is not something I like. Almost seems… snobbish.

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I’m on Windows 11 22H2. No issues so far.

Hard to read words for this one I guess.

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You have adware then.


I literally gave you the link to the “hard to find up to date data” you claimed.

I believe he has adware running. You would be surprised how many do not realize what they allowed on their computer.

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Like I said, you can’t read. I was talking about the % of PCs using windows 11. The years of support I mentioned is what you linked. 3 years, years of support. Go back to bed.

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That’s irrelevant to the end of life of Windows 10.

Yes, which is the only thing that matters. % of installed PC has no bearing on this.

Obviously Windows ME :face_vomiting:

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Worst OS ever. So glad when XP came out.

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I’m going to have to echo others here. I used 10 for years and am already upgraded to 11 and I have never once seen an ad. The only thing the tab that displays the weather on my hot bar reflects when I hover over it is the weather and the most recent world and economic news.

Which can be turned off too if you don’t like it :

If stuff like this is an ad to Yelena, then he would have been sad when KDE5 shipped with Plasmoids that essentially did all the same stuff.

Maybe their pc came with a bloatware bundle? I know it use to be you would buy a pc with all that crap on it and format and reinstall just the OS.