Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

i’d rather they just be lightforged who control demons who were lightforged i guess?
like that one dreadlord fellow who was light forged

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I think i’m having a headache with this ,like watching misbehaved kids in a play ground.

Draenei aren’t mindless drones they like anyone else can choose to become warlocks. People need to stop labeling personal choice as lore breaking. Heck lightforged is fine too because light and fel are not in direct opposition with one another on the cosmic chart so they should be able to wield fel just fine. Also if you rp, just pretend the lightforged is a reverse exorcist who enslaves demons to better understand and combat them.


Holy Demon is all that matters.


Lightforging isn’t compatible with Fel/Void. They’re like direct opposites.

Lightforged isn’t a race either. They’re elite Eredar/Draenei who are hand selected to go through the Lightforging process. The process of Lightforging should be impossible for a Warlock, not to mention at odds with what the Lightforged look for in new recruits. Seeing as they were designed to slay Demons and the Burning Legion.

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Basically just a shadow priest honestly, which is why it was cool mag’har got to be priests to me.

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False. Orc warlocks are among the most lorebreaking in the game. The New Horde is based upon rejecting demonic magic for shamanism.

And yet here they are back again. Accepted with no problems. Just like… HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Were fighting the legion. I’d be with you but this ship sailed years and years ago. Honestly the only change I would make is change “lightforged” to “forged” and open up eradar skins for appropriate classes, so then “forged” could also be “felforged.”

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Right opposite of fel is arcane.

Arcane has no direct conflict with Fel.

Are you insane? This is an amazing change. I absolutely LOVE that pet customization is a thing and we can FINALLY PLAY EREDAR.


Well, if you look on that pretty chart that they made along time ago, it shows that fel and arcane are opposites.

Fel is not the opposite of Light.

Dude, they lightforged a dreadlord. Come on now.

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Not gonna lie, kinda surprised the amount of people not liking this.


it was retconned i guess. sad it is.

never should of been a playable class…

i hate this… i hate this entire decision by blizzard…

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No one is saying this.
It just makes no sense that a race like the Draenei, that were almost wiped out by demons, that were chased and hunted across the stars by demons, would start bargining with said demons. Let along Lightforged, that are absolute zealots against them.

It is pretty stupid, nelf and Draenei warlocks, but I ‘stopped caring when Blizzard stopped caring.

So now I focus on the bright side of things which is tauren and HMT warlocks.

Gameplay should never suffer for lore open all classes to all races.

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Do we chase all possibilities in the universe we live in,I sure hope not because that would cause mass extinction.

I would play a nelf warlock.

I wouldn’t ROLEplay one, but I would definitely OOC level one. Just cuz.

Why would it matter if they removed it? You said you only play for endgame and boss kills. Unless they buff the Draenei racials or something there will be no reason for you to use that combo.