Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

Hey, I understand that you sometimes have to add on to existing lore.
With that said, give me a good justification for draenei (especially those that are Lightforged!) to be willing to accept warlocks.


how do you want us to do that? look at this crap they gave us in this expansion and look at the past expansions. they dont listen to us at all. all their decisions are based by their group up in headquarters and streamers. they rarely listen to anyone else

The problem is that these people do not think is good or bad because the lore is bad. This is just an excuse to avoid saying they wanted it just because they wanted it.

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Not an argument. Called a conversation with differing opinions. But kudos.
If they remove this bc “lore doesn’t make sense” It’ll royally piss me off because I’ve wanted this forever

In terms of lore, there’s a difference between cultural improbability and physical impossibility. For Draenei, I guess one could be a warlock, but culturally they would be shunned and despised for it. Lightforged make no sense, however.

That ship sailed though. Void Elves being warlocks was an example of a head scratcher. I remember the Xhul’horac fight in WoD, and it didn’t seem like void and fel mixed very well…

Cuz they got bored and feel like it.

Idk, prob fighting fire with fire type BS.

For LFD, we know that holy and fel can coexist with that maiden fight in ToS.

I’m more interested in the justification for maghar locks.

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orc warlocks aren’t lore breaking.

Then give up names instead of races!
also, those nelfs were insane anyway, and rejected from society moment they decided to follow illidan into outlands.

they can use it, hurts em.
being undead doesn’t forbid you from using the light, it just hurts more.

and no, lightforged are not likely to use fel magic, considering they were fighting the legion, and had a strick policy on such things.


It’s both depressing and hilarious how many of the ‘I only do endgame’/‘I don’t read quest text’ crowd go on about there being no lore, when 70-80% of it is in the quests.


It makes sense to me!

:clown_face: :hammer_and_wrench: :poop:

I think if you really read the lore you will see that everything can be retconned, changed, and anyone can be anything. WoW mirrors the real world!

No one is even asking for it to be removed that I have seen. Nor would they remove it.

Just asking that justification for it in the story exist.

Rest easy, Blizz doesn’t care what we say.

Exactly. Hopefully the trainers will have some explanation and then that’ll be that.

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Pandaren here I finally come.


A lot of people have been asking for this for a while, and at this point there’s literally no reason for every race to not have outliers representing every class.

Honestly, at this point it’s pretty clear that Blizzard just doesn’t give a damn about the Lore anymore. We’re all just wasting our breath. We try to tell Blizzard what we want, and they promptly ignore us, and then act surprised when we don’t like the stupid choices we keep warning them about.

I’m done trying to reason with them.

I quit.


While i’m certain most people wouldn’t like hearing it, it could very simply be that mag’har orcs saw their main timeline counterpart having warlocks and figured “Hm, maybe we can use these powers for some good?” and there ya go.

I know people, especially the lore nerds here, like to believe every person of a race is a hive mind with no individuality, but…people do experiment and if you’ve been around enough different groups and cultures enough they tend to pick up some things lol.


That is ironic,since Draenei have resist to shadow damage (little not much) and play warlock?

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encourage for better, not worse for starters…
don’t go out in public an say stuff like “HEY! we should increase taxes cause we’re already paying taxes anyway!”


Argue against female night elf druids and male night elf warriors and I’ll try take you seriously.

Bro you play nightborne. You’re whole race existing is a fatty retcon unless you have gills hiding behind those ears. There was no land before Gul’dan raised it from the ocean bottom. ALL of it sank after the Well of Eternity went boom. Then Blizzard was like, “Well we can’t make this whole area out of coral and seaweed,” so they retconned it. Only those of us “who read quest text” noticed. Odd you apparently didn’t notice.


They asked for Red Eredar for Warlocks.

No one asked for Lightforged Warlocks as it makes no sense.


I mean couldnt they just be lightfored Eredar? I would lovesome holy demons.

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Either way, all classes need to come to all races. It’s been long enough.