Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

But Fel does explode when exposed to Light. Because that’s where Fel came from: the chaotic energies from the collision between Light and Void.

a destructive and extremely addictive energy originating as a result of the mutual destruction of Light and Void as they collide on a cosmic scale in the Twisting Nether.[8]

I’d say order and disorder have a pretty direct conflict.


They could bring Lothraxion back with some more lightbound demons to fill out your stable for situations like this, but that would require the devs to acknowledge the existence of Legion, which they’re hellbent on avoiding.

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Your link says it explodes when Light and Void collide, not just being exposed to Light.

But that still doesn’t change the fact that the opposite of fel is arcane. That’s what the chart says, not me :woman_shrugging:


I would wholly accept this constraint.

I’m of 2 minds, where does unique lore stop and player enjoyment begin? I lean more toward the latter, but I’d like service paid to the former. I like that night elf city guards are still female, that way cannonically, male warriors exist but are an exception. I wish Blizzard had done the same with female druids. And all other racial issues on top of that. I LIKED how warlocks were outcasts, even within society, in vanilla. Same with rogues.

Well it’s more the fact that maghar turn green when using fel magic.

So how can a maghar lock be a lock and be brown.


I can obviously only speak for myself but i have not cared about 97% of the lore at all in over a decade so when i first read the news my first reaction was sweet! one step closer to human shamans :slight_smile:

Right?? It’s going to be so dumb. A red/brown/gray orc warlock :rofl: :rofl:

I’m going to make one just to amuse myself.

Changing my opinion lol.

Who cares at this point? Your hero can be whatever you want them to be which is better than race restrictions imo because character model customization in this game has always sort of stunk.

I’m not denying that part. But Light and Fel do clash and explode as one brings life and the other brings destruction and corruption.

Those that are Fel and those that are Light don’t exactly get along well.

Same random way drinking Manoroth’s blood turned Alt Kilrogg Grey-Brown with spikes shooting out of his body and growing an extra skull in his beard.

Craps weird and hasn’t been consistent with that crap since WoD.

There’s that holy fel maiden in tomb of sarg


I dunno. I stopped caring about that kind of stuff when Blizzard started picking game play over lore.

We both know a LFD and Velf Priest should explode but they gave them to us anyways. And yes yes “in lore” they’re both supposed to be Light or Shadow but I really don’t believe Blizzard thinks that stuff through anymore.

Maybe AU mano blood has more electrolytes?

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Nope. Its all about Disneyification of WOW>


Give us wildhammer dwarf druids next.


Amen brother.

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I never understood why she weilds Light, when she’s a Titan construct. It’s very strange. Another lore thing that made no sense.

You’re not wrong. :frowning:

Again you’re assuming every draenei is a mindless drone afraid to touch fel magic. As long as free will exists among a race then it’s justification enough for every class as long as it does not clash with actual lore, void elf paladins for example.

Orcs turn green when drinking demon blood not when using fel magic.