Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

Then you’ve been living under a rock.

Lore starts from somewhere, they’re just adding to it.

There’s no evidence of that being the case.

Indeed, the more options that have been added, seem to go hand-in-hand with drops of players. Cataclysm marked the downturn in WoW’s subscriptions, and they’re clearly losing players ever since. Shadowlands likely saw an even bigger drop off, which as noted also marked the ability for all races to become DK’s.

Now obviously, I’m not suggesting that added options is the sole reason for WoW going downhill. But there is zero evidence to suggest those additional combos had a positive effect, either.

ROFL I hope that Draenei Warlocks still wake up on the ship (which is timelocked to TBC.)

That’s going to be so freaking funny.


No, I play endgame, and talk with endgame players. I don’t care about story. never have, never will.


Then I’m not sure what you were reading, because the entire reason people loved Class Halls and the zones were due to the lore and storylines.

And there are others who play for lore. Or both. We aren’t all the same here.


Okay then we have our reason for draeni warlocks then. Done.

The weak lore reason was that Velen granted them a pardon and let them have their own district. Easier to keep an eye on them if they felt that they won’t be killed on sight.


They stopped making storylines after Legion.

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Correct. That’s why they should remove Holy and Disc for Forsaken, if you care about the lore. That or remove Priest class entirely from that race.

i’m talking Orc Warlock origins. Back in their day, it would be unthinkable for them to be tampering with demonic powers, yet here we are. Draenei doing the same thing is not controversial.

i’m talking Illidan himself harnessing the demonic powers, not his followers.

The point of it is that Night Elves and Orcs before harnessing demonic energy would be clutching their pearls at the very idea of doing it. Individuals/small groups of a race can easily search for new sources of power, even if their overall culture is against it. From that point, it’s easy to expand the followers/users of that source of power.

and you accept that horrid attempt at lore? :rofl:

Well Lightforged can use demonic energies as well it just hurts them too. :slight_smile:


All the panic over here and I’m thinking finally, that’s a pretty nice race/class combo.


People don’t realize how important it is in having a cohesive world with different races having different cultures. All these people who don’t read quest text or have any context to what makes races unique I would venture are the same people asking for “moar classes, moar races!”


As I stated previously. I asscoiate myself with endgame players. Have zero desire to listen to someone explain a storyline to me.

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I don’t care if all races can be all classes.

What I care about is if it makes sense.

Lightforged Warlocks make no sense based off their lore and backstory as well as the Lightforging process. I have no faith in Blizzard making it make sense.


To run around both willingly blind and ignorant. I pity you.


Then why are you in this thread? It doesn’t affect you and you’re simply dismissing other playstyles and concerns that also don’t affect you.


Because it’s a forum and I am allowed to express my opinion honey. <3


Hehe, this is amazing.

If draenie, LFD, and freaking maghar orcs can be locks then there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that can keep any race from being any class.

That means even having evokers for non dracthyr at some point in the future somehow.



I dont.

You have expressed it and that’s perfectly fine. But you’re arguing things you aren’t part of at this point and don’t care about. So I’ll just chalk it up to arguing just to argue. Have a good day.

I can’t wait to change my locks to tauren. It’s going to happen so fast my credit card will catch on fire.

I’ll swipe even harder for DHs and HMT paladins, Blizz.