Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

Cry a river.
I’ve wanted night elf and draenei warlocks since the dawn of the game.


crying is forbidden, we scream loudly and annoyingly here.


What is the mindset for them to do this? I want my character’s race and culture to mean something not just a cosmetic skin.


Ner’Zhul in WoD was a Mag’har Warlock.

Course in WoD he was wasted too.

he was more like a void necromancer tbh.

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If I wanted lore/story, I’d play a story or a lore based game. WoW has not been that for expansions.
I started in wrath, and I have skipped reading every single quest in those 14 years. The more stuff you open across the game and account wide, the more the game will start to appeal.


I understand Red Eredar getting Warlock.

But Draenei and especially the Lightforged? What is wrong with Blizzard?!

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lol the story has been trash for years. you realise that both our factions dont even have a real leader? your king got mind controlled and he’s been gone for “3” story years or whatever bc he felt bad and horde doesnt even have anyone at all. we have baine coming over to dragonlands for no reason with his pathetic self.

story is a joke. better focus on what really matters and its actual gameplay. sorry but old blizzard is gone.

You do know that Legion was greatly praised because of the lore and story, right?


I didn’t play legion. Absolute garbage expansion for me.


Because video games, have never, ever had story, or been celebrated for story, right? Especially not recently, and they definitely haven’t won game of year awards, etc.

Change is fine, given proper justification and storytelling. Justifying this is a very tall order, though, and not something that can just be handwaved.


Even human warlocks. It used to even state in their brief starting bio (way back in the day) “hatred of all things demonic”, I paraphrased, but I was also making a human warlock in charge of her own demon arsenal, hanging out in stormwind with the other “humans”

It’s always been flaky.


That’s no excuse to butcher it even more.

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All the people crying about “you killed the lore boo hoo” and it was almost 20 years ago when WoW was in beta I was like, “Wait what is with the acceptance of warlocks?” Modern orc warlocks are corrupted uncorrupted corrupted orcs. Wrap your brain around that one.




I’ve also never heard of that once.
#1 thing I’ve heard legion praised for is the endgame. I play a game for content and boss kills, not to read some boring story.

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The weak lore reason was that Thrall granted them a pardon and let them have their own district. Easier to keep an eye on them if they felt that they won’t be killed on sight.

WoW didn’t exist in the 1990s

Whatever you’re smoking you need to stop, even the jailer doesn’t want to meet you


This is beyond stupid, and it’s ultimately the end result of a bunch of children screaming “But I want all classes for all races daddy!”

Mind you, I’m never against more combinations, but they need to make sense. This isn’t the Elder Scrolls where you see examples for every possibility with every race. Stuff like warriors/hunters in WoW? Yeah, fine. Anyone can swing a sword, shoot a bow, be a scout/tracker, etc.

Warlocks? A class with demonic connections? The class that literally set the events of the original Warcraft into motion? A class that races with deep connections to either nature or the Light DESPISE?

With night elves and draenei (especially Lightforged!) in particular, this is a MASSIVE stretch.


“lOrE iS tRaSh”
people, if you think its trash, than try for better lore, not encourage dumber things…