Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

If someone legit quits because of new race options, they weren’t likely to stick around anyways.

The world feels more like a world than it has in years.

Game’s fun. Idk what you’re on about.


Are you just figuring out that the Lore does not make any sense what so ever and no one cares? I think that occurred several expansions ago? I remember taking alts to discover the intricacies of the NPC stories and appreciating the little details. Now they’re all just a bunch of Tetris blocks. Honestly I applaud everytime it gets worse and laugh at how bad it is. I will definitely have a Darenei Warlock and would really like the red skin to go along with it, but please don’t try to justify it Blizz. It just makes you seem dumber LOL.

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There are over 1000 messages on this topic and most of them are the same things that have been said before in similar topics and I really don’t care enough to sift through all of it.

Most of them can be boiled down to things like:

“LOL who cares about lore?” Said by those with terminal stage 4 raid brain.

“I’m going to quit if this happens.” Said by those who is only here until the next FFXIV content patch

“Yeah but Forsaken really should/shouldn’t be paladins.” Said by those who are somehow still willing to die on that hill.

My point was that this whole can of worms didn’t really need to be opened. I’ve only seen the lore for LF warlocks and it is extremely flimsy at best, so I don’t have faith that justification for the other races is much better.



Lightforged specifically are a VERY different beast.

This is stupid. It’s completely disregarding the Lore, on a pretty massive scale.


I want to make a DH. Only reason I havent is because thier is no achievement or Heritage armor reward for hitting 50.

So… Will Blizz be making Dark Iron Dwarf Demon Hunters?
Can’t wait.

Yeah, that they can be SHADOW priests. See lore was already disregarded on a massive scale… If you protested this maybe I will give you some points.

No sane person was going to demand void elves and Lightforged be locked out of specs. The reason them getting priest was accepted was because at least one spec did make sense and that canonically the other 2 specs are non-exist for them.


It is still lore completely disregarded!

That doesn’t give carte blanche to justify other breaches though?

You could apply that same reason to say no-one has a right to be disappointed in shadowlands’s story.


It sure does. Also, no lore is needed. Not every member of a race is going to follow the collective like a zombie.

Basically, we are saying lore is already trashed but we only care now.

I will be making a Lightforged Warlock! They seem super cool now after all the discussion, just like my Lightforged Shadow Priest!

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Which probably means that not every npc is going to accept them frictionlessly, as currently seems the case :dracthyr_shrug:

It doesn’t really hold up. Saying previous breaches means the current discrepancy is null is like giving up on trying to get fitter because they’re already fat.

Of course, it holds up and that scenario doesn’t relate.

The example seems to draw some pretty compelling parallels. I would say it’s pretty relevant.

PC interaction and gameplay will always trump a fixation of lore, and rightfully so. The Warlock class, and the Forsaken race, would not exist otherwise. Every single culture on Azeroth has extremely good reasons to hate both with an unmatched passion. That said, there were unique gameplay opportunities both provided, so the decision was made to neuter the entirely appropriate response the entire World had for them and carve out weak justifications for their existences (‘oh we might want demon experts’ or ‘oh i bet we can help them’). Thus would be the exact same excuse trotted out for members of a race involved with ‘taboo’ classes.


I’m pretty sure this was already addressed as a skill issue on blizzards end.

And you are already clear on my position on player characters, and their lack of relevance to the NPC/lore issue.

Like I said it doesn’t relate

Your word is hardly law

Same is true about your word…

Except the onus is on you.

Wrong again!