Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!


Just to help out a bit.


Thank you for taking one for the team, that link was scary as heck :dracthyr_nervous_animated:


Yesss. Drae locks unite!


It is a facebook image link. They seem scary, but this time it wasn’t.


Who cares what someone else play? Bit self-centered dont you think? If someone wants a dranaei lock more power to em i say.


Disappointing to say the least. I understand that this is a positive thing from a gameplay perspective, but it really does fly in the face of the established lore. And before anyone says gameplay > lore, the two shouldn’t be at odds where one needs to triumph over the other. They should work together to create an overall better product.

That’s how it used to be with classes being gated. The gameplay was still there. Warlocks, druids, paladins, shamans were all still playable but the fact these classes were so restrictive really helped solidify racial and class identities. We had both lore and gameplay.

But if this is the direction they want to go then so be it. I just hope they hurry up with removing the other restrictions so we can all move past this silly argument.


and void elf paladins


You should scroll through this thread a bit. It’s explained several times how this does not in fact contradict any lore in the game.

It’s not gameplay > lore. Situation. It’s a completely lore friendly one.


This still feels to me something akin to an athiest believing in God.

It’s whatever, at this point. Maybe we’ll get those in-game next.

Demon orcs believing in and worshipping Elune. That’ll be the day.

It’d be more like someone raised by atheists choosing to become a Christian. Or vice versa.

Or in the case of LFD. Someone who was christian but then expanded their faith. Maybe they believe satan doesn’t oppose god but works along side him. It’s certainly not doctrine but won’t stop the person.

Anyone can convert to any religion. Though cross factional religions seem less likely. An orc joining troll or tauren religion makes more sense.

Friendly reminder that the term “lol lore” was coined during the announcement of Draenei’s and BE Paladins for TBC.


Draenei in general were the biggest retcon the series might have ever seen.

Though there have been many, many little retcons that add up over time especially from the RTS’ to wow.

Arguably so. They were added because Blizzard needed a clever way to break the Pally/Shaman exclusiveness that the factions had.

Let that sink in people. Faction identity was literally broken in the first expansion of the game. BE Paladins were a stretch, and Space goats? Massssive stretch.

There were even contradictions to the lore in the new retconned Eredar/Draenei story in which Metzen even came out and practically said “Oops, I was so excited to do this that I forgot the original Sargeras/Eredar lore”.

It was clear Blizzard decided game mechanics > Lore, literally Post vanilla.

well lets make it the biggest stretch in the galaxy then by adding void elf paladins next


Blood Elf Paladins were certainly a stretch, which is why they went the extra mile to justify them with a bunch of new lore and a cool original hook. Creating Blood Knights, writing up a new dark take under the paladin umbrella. Much of TBC, especially its ending ties directly into this. They didn’t just dump paladins in and say “idk, come up with your own story whatever”

Most wild new race/class combos can work with this approach, but we rarely get anything so involved. The new warlock quest is pretty light on meaty lore. Would love to see explicit maghar necrolytes under the warlock umbrella etc

The Orc priests (Which the community had to really make their voices loud so that they didn’t just get thrown in as generic holy light worshiping brother orcs lol) are a great example of how to do this stuff imo


It may come as a shock but what if I told you most people care far more about options then lore in most cases. Is there a line that may be too much like say Tauren Demon Hunters? Possibly but I have friends who want to play Evoker but hate Dracthyr and would love to just play it as any race with the dragon elements removed lol. I personally would throw lore out the window to have more race options for my Druid and Paladin. Sure that stuff may go against lore (that’s been ever changing since BC) but it’s likely to have zero impact on the actual story going forward and realistically they could just never bring it up as not everything needs to be intricately woven in to the lore especially if it’s something done simply for giving more options to players.


There never was a lore issue.

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Why do people always go straight to tauren for their examples? I don’t get it.

You do know there is nothing physically stopping a tauren from being a DH. To become a DH, you just have to go through a ritual.

Yes, Illidan only wanted to teach elves but him being a racist doesn’t physically prevent other races from doing the ritual. The Zandalari figured out how to do the ritual without even talking to Illidan:

So Illidan could come back and decide he’s going to teach other Alliance races to be DHs and the Zandalari goes “f that” and teaches the Horde. Or Blizzard could do what they always do and just say “here ya go!”

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If players are literally unsubbing because of this I bet you they will roll it back…and that’s what’s happening…already hope there ready for the masses to unsub…there are already multiple posts on this…“they totally took the War out of world of warcraft …it’s now world of transmog craft or just warcraft…there slowly dissembling this game little bit little…hey I guess there position is ““if Microsoft is taking over there going to screw up the game so much…and then everyone will just walk away…”” the streamers and the content creators already see the writing on the wall”

What’s with other races, especially night elves copying something trolls did and claiming they did it first?

Druids, Demon hunters, Mages, Priests, Shamans. Most classes probably invented by trolls first. But night elves like “no us”

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