Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

Skill issue? What does that have to do with anything? That Blizzard shouldn’t have justified playable undead and Warlocks? They were still staring down narrative landmines across the entirety of their game (Shadow Priests, NE in general) because they keep making hard lines within their story. The problem with a hard line is it becomes a boundary you’re never allowed to cross, and with the sheer amount of hard lines they tried to draw, it boxed in the story to a stagnant mess until they finally relented and started to soften or even outright remove the lines, whether narratively or just through gameplay.


You introduced the concept, I merely formalised it. So that would place the onus on you.

That their justification is, by your own posts, half-baked, poorly executed, and open to far superior solutions?

I still remember your comment about AR’s not being proper races per se, so at some level you do recognise that problem.

Edit: real life, see you in 4-8 hours

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You didn’t formalize it, but thanks for trying. If anything you tossed out your opinion and made up some different scenario…

Needless to say you haven’t come up with a solution for the already completely trashed lore.

So what is the ‘superior solution’? Not to include the material? Adjust the lore? Just headcanon it? My primary gripe with ARs is that they were basically customizations rather than independent races, and making them as such would have gone a long way to mitigate a lot of the ‘problems’ with expanding options. Though it probably wouldn’t be enough for the lore diehards, as they’re still bickering about the undead elf skin being used on Paladins (which, hey lookie there, undead pallies).

That said however, I want more options, not less, and I can generally trust myself to come up with something to justify any combination I find appealing, no matter how outlandish. So even if the lore goes completely sideways, it’s no skin off my nose because I can just handwave it as-necessary. If you think my Tauren character is somehow reverent of nature and respectful of her ancestors, or my Pandaren gives one flip about anything resembling a balanced livelihood then boy-oh-boy do you have a real big surprise about to hit you 'cause the Tauren’s a very eco-hostile Engineer and the Pandaren is hellbent on finding out how many Arcane Blasts it takes to get to the center of the raid boss.


I would personally suggest that many of the new combinations are interesting enough to explore the ramifications and reactions of them in their society.

Like you said, the individual is unique, but the same cannot be said for the faction as a whole.

Other solutions involved, say in the lightforged example, reskinning the demons to also be lightforged.

Your own solution, of pushing more outlandish race/class combinations out of traditional starting zones to say, exiles reach is also just as valid.

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It’s telling that you haven’t denied that you brought up the idea that previous breaches In lore invalidate criticism of later breaches.

The opinion i pointed out, was yours. I don’t appreciate the attempt at presenting a red herring to deflect from answering why you think

was a valid way to refute Maldazzar

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When lore is already invalidated there is no reason to “protect” it any further. Anything else is your own head canon at this point.

You added your opinion.

There was none. So, I guess you can appreciate it after all.

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Then you are missing the people who are explaining how it IS lore friendly.

The lore is individual agency.

You’re allowed to change or modify your religion or how you believe in it.


Don’t blood elves have heritage armor?

It’s a weird line to draw. How do you define what gameplay exists in lore and what doesn’t?


The game isn’t nuanced enough for that. Otherwise death knights, and demon hunters would be hated by most npcs. Probably locks of any race.

Blizzard won’t do this because of laziness. But you’re free to HC that they’ve been lightforged.

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I’m 90% sure this is because the Tauren were viewed as the ‘joke race’ of the Horde back in Vanilla. Alliance had Gnomes, Horde had Tauren.


scenario doesn’t relate how?
“see lore was already disregarded on a massive scale”
“this doesn’t give carte blanche to justify other breaches though?”
“it sure does”

"see this person is already unhealthy
“this doesn’t give them free reign to self-sabotage”
“it sure does”


“see this car already has cracked windscreen”
“this doesn’t mean you can crack the windows as well”
“it sure does”

There is no need for opinion, or even any knowledge of wow to show why the reasoning does not hold water.


Both can be , one definitely is.

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Like I said your little scenarios don’t make any sense and are not comparable.

Please try harder!

That is all you have is opinion. I said lore was already trashed that is a fact. You have nothing but some incorrectly made up scenarios.

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The scenarios are comparable because the way the logic is structured is the same.

This has been incorporated in each supporting example. every second line has been a fact that has been shown to be unusable for justifying the conclusion. Calling it an opinion is at best, a stretch, generally, speaking, a fallacy, and dishonest at worst.

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Wrong, but you can’t understand the reasoning why.

Again, this is way beyond you. Your little scenarios are unrelated and ridiculous. They are dishonest at worst.

You assert without justifying, and you call me stupid in all but name, what am i supposed to glean from that? are you replying to defend your position, or just to antagonise?

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Pot meet Kettle!

Have a nice evening with your head canon and scenarios.

this wont happen because most ppl welcome these changes


Most folks I know are neutral or supportive of it.

Draenei are just food to feed the dark portal :crazy_face: :popcorn:

you just made me so much more excited.

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