Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

I like how you’re using mental health issues like suicidality as a base comparison to people (few people, you say) not wanting things in the game that clearly have many valid reasons from an in game perspective to not exist. It’s like when people use cry and other negatively connotated emotional terms because your vocabulary is both lacking and it immediately puts the other person on the backfoot in an effort to fend off the verbal attack.
Bones that really dull my skinning knife, your post is.

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They weren’t. You had a class trainer in some shadowy alcove down in the drag.

archimonde? Kil jaeden? The dranei were turned into the eredar by dealing with fel magics, weren’t they? Eredar aren’t a playable race. I can’t even get a red skin… I’ve wanted it for forever tbh.

All Draenei are eredar but not all eredar are Draenei.

In other words, eredar is the race and Draenei is the faction. The ones with red skin are called “man’ari.”


Even so, they were put in the drag for a reason, because for the most part, Thrall put them there probably because orcs didn’t trust them. Same w/ the warlock trainers in the basement in stormwind.

What if you were that one Draenei in the present time who decided to go against your current society and practice fel magic in the Dragonflight expansion.

Also, not everyone who deals w fel magics has a changed skintone

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It’s still illidan levels of mental rot. “This magic destroyed my civilization and planet, but it won’t happen to ME!” Leave than brain drain for the orcs and less cultured swine, like the blood elves and humies.

then you would be a dungeon boss that actual PCs enjoyed killing, if your parents didn’t throw you off a ledge when they found ur black candles and summoning circle.

Draenei joined an alliance that has warlocks. This alliance has not got rid of these warlocks, they have added more.

So, they can’t be that picky.


Ah, so the alliance has no individual cultures between the different races. But ofc you could always be an orphan taken in by a human warlock that had good intentions and wasn’t just looking for children to sacrifice to the demons or blood spirits or load ofc so by that logic ofc you could totally just be any class with any race ofc because ofc theres always an exception to every rule ofc and i’m the PC and i want to be special.

I get it. I still object to it and think its dumb, but i get it. destroy culture in the world, destroy culture in the game.

Life imitating art or art imitating life?

Exactly! You came up with a good backstory for a character. Draenei warlock? Orphan adopted by a human warlock! Boom.


I have no idea what you’re trying to say but my point is you can’t have it both ways.

So either Draenei are these purest that hates fel or they understand it has it’s uses which is why they decided it’s ok to work with gnome and human warlocks.

I’m not sure what the above has to do with orphans or culture.

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It’s actually my favorite hobby. Some would go so far as to call me a “degenerate” or even “heretic” in some cases I suppose.


I don’t think the culture is destroyed. The culture can still exist along with outliers. Plus, it’s not like every player is gonna be some draenei warlock. It still just opens the route for other people to play a certain race/class combo.

Idk how to break it to you but wait till you see what people irl are like. We aren’t some hive mind.


Man i heard they made a 3rd GotG movie and a 19th Jurrassic park movie. Those were great.

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Idk about jurrasic park but I heard GoTG 3 did really well.

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You have no idea where I live or what i get to experience because of it. Thanks, though. Mom, or aunt. Sweatie, w/e.
To pose a hypothetical, if your culture/civilization was destroyed by something, say playing with genetics or bioweapons in a lab, do you think you would go on to allow people to meddle in such things afterwards? Would there be punishments for people who did those things? If you’re going to be a LF lock, ok, but think about how many people will smell that on you. You wouldn’t be welcome anywhere. Its like the above point about warlocks in the horde, where you weren’t either welcomed or trusted. If you had this as a race/class combo, ok, but there’s goign to be no downsides to it. It’s like gettign rid of halfbreeds in dnd or having them exist with no stigma.
I think it would be neat to have some sort of third faction, with maybe forsaken or warlocks from all races or something equivalent that actually experienced negative interactions from their choices, but in game rn the biggest negatives you’ll experience is maxing the wrong sub spec in a profession so you have to dismount to mine or gather herbs.
It lacks responsibility. Anywasy i gtg, my homie EetButzlmao and his pets Dingus and Dongle want to run some mythics.

I mean isn’t that literally the case with human and orc warlocks? Both races had bad experiences with both of them. They literally got sent to the drag/the basement.

People didn’t really like the death knights either… and who’s to say they still like death knights now.

Iirc, when you finish the dracthyr starting zone, some guards will like you, some guards won’t.


Personally i disliked the deathknight story arc and it being open to all races and how it turned out. I did miss out on a lot of the lore leading up to it, and was hardcore into wc3/2 so it kind of just left a bad taste in my mouth. That coupled with the following champions of the light saviors of azeroth thing has always really irritated me, as someone who gravitates towards more disreputable classes.
As to the locks in the basement, yes yes, but that’s an argument for orcs not being allowed as warlocks, i think, but it was pretty iconic. I chose undead after a while, BUT an UNDEAD ORC WARLOCK would have been my #1 choice to be sure. apprently that’s just a deathknight, i guess, or it was. Idk whats going on with the deathknight story anymore. Everything is all convoluted. 2 separate raids for the factions sort of like the zandalari raid in BFA would have been cool, but its spilled milk at this point. Each faction could have completed the raids for their own reasons and it not just be a “atta boy, champion!” moment at the end from Dadghar.
I would think that “light forged” being in the name would sort of stop them from having access to the class.

I want you to be hostile on sight. If you want access to teh AH go to the sewers and use the black market.

Fine, the wording was bad, but the point still stands; the world does not end with one Draenei Warlock, that being the PC. Prior posters were up in arms to the point of saying ‘I’m gonna cancel my sub’ and completely misunderstanding what a ‘hive mind’ is. As if they couldn’t ever play anything other than a pre-gen because gods forbid they step outside of the Sacred Lore™. Then when confronted with the reality that canceling your sub because more options are opening up to players is, in fact, an absolutely stupid move, they decided to invent a Silent Majority to back up their claims. I can point at the Warlock thread to back my words, what can they do?

The PC is an anomaly in the world; an unusual being of strange potential. Since we’re never referenced by name or appearance, only by deed, what does it matter the shape or vocation of that avatar? Thunder Bluff didn’t suddenly float in the air just because the Tauren PC could be a Mage, I’m pretty sure the Exodar won’t become the next front for the Burning Legion just because a Draenei gets desperate enough to form a pact.

You want the hostility between races and the printing-press units from the RTS? Go play the RTS. It’s beyond stupid to have the Alliance and Horde at each other’s throats when we’ve had four distinct lessons why this is, and remains, a very bad idea. Furthermore, races are capable of learning and sharing techniques, otherwise we might as well just be playing pre-gens. It’s okay to step out from Thrall’s shadow, I promise!


tldr Enjoy ur bud light.

More like blud lite amirite