Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

Finally. I have been waiting for this moment.


Lmao honestly I don’t have any elf characters so that’s a good point.

At first I was upset when SL was released because Lightforged DKs became a thing. That shouldn’t exist.

Shadowlands in and of itself ofc.

Now Lightforged Warlocks.

Like, the story and lore was what holds this game together, and they are forsaking all of it.

If there was an in-game breadcrumb lore event leading up to it, sure- but this… what the hell? Lol.


I know orc priest and draenei rogues did. Draenei rogue are basically space pirates.

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Seeing how they might just slap the class with no lore excuse, we’d be wishful thinking by thinking we’ll get Void Knights.

They’ll just open the class and call it a day. I think even Spongebob show takes its story more seriously. :eyes:


Gonna have to get over it. Having a coherent world that people are invested in is something you do to promote long term growth.

We’re past the point of them caring about that. This is about quick and easy race change cash grabs.

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Lore, snore. I think it’s high time we eradicate factions and create more immersive class/spec experiences. This accomplishes that quest.


Now do Forsaken priests getting access to holy and disc spec.

Now do Orc Warlocks and Night Elf Demon Hunters.


Those other races aren’t as controversial as Warlock.

Lightforged Warlocks being a thing is hilarious and sad.

It makes 0 sense based off the entire lore of Lightforged


The swift decline before death, imo.

What’s the point in playing a game about story with no cohesive lore and retcons every other week.

I didn’t know Night Elves and Lightforged loved demons.

The very foundation of the game suggests they hated demons, but what do the devs know?


Canonically, Forsaken use the Shadow and not the Light outside rare cases.


Yep, that’s what I mean by “skin.” Just make the abilities purple. :slight_smile:

Then I will look forward to hopefully seeing similar with some explanation for this!

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I really didn’t think I would get to being this pessimistic, but I think this is the time.

Nope it was just a “here ya go!”


Future Tinkerer class made hunter mech suit??


Honestly I think they should do this any time a spec that “doesn’t make sense” is added. Like worgen shamans should have the Pilgram siblings return. We have had a number of sketchy draeni in the past, I can’t recall for certain if any were warlocks but that would be the perfect place to start. Redeeming satyr into night elves would be another good example.


Yet if we ask for the lore rich Ogres, Mok’nathal, Broken or High Elves then Blizzard hisses at us.



orc warlocks were explained, thrall allowed them to practice with fel but not in the open, since the horde races was from the older horde…

night elf demon hunters are night elves who are mostly survivors from the war of the ancients who went to follow illidan, they are also insane…

they can use holy magic, it just burns them, followed by making the very body feel “Alive” again, as in they can feel everything, even taste the rot.

so lore wise, they are mostly shadow spec.


Corrupted Uncorrupted Orcs


Agreed! And apparently the trainers added in 10.0.5 did have something like this, as Zerde let me know, so I’m hoping they’ll do something like it for this new addition.