Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

We have two Eredar races playable already.

I love seeing people talk about how the devs don’t know the lore as they repeatedly prove they themselves do not know the lore.

Everyone complaining about these new warlocks have no clue what they’re talking about.

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They have undead holy priests

I could have mentioned Darnassus but that no longer exists.

The park district doesn’t exist anymore. The dwarf district is more like Chinatown in New York City. That’s not mentioning the prominent figures in government and authorities (read: guards) are still humans. Stormwind is still very much a human kingdom.

Refugees are generally outsiders that are not native to the locale; time would need to pass to see whether they assimilate into the culture or if a mix of cultures would happen. Assuming they’re not just sitting around doing nothing until a new tree pops up or something.

I’m honestly surprised Blizzard hasn’t tried doing something with the refugees as of yet. Duskwood and Redridge would have made good places to house/relocate them. I’m partial to Duskwood because it has a portal to the emerald dream and the area has ties to the Scythe of Elune (the original questline, anyways). The worgen could also serve a purpose by helping the locals deal with the ferals that roam the area. I’m assuming Tobias Mistmantle is also still around.

Lightforger Draenei Locks are all part of the Jailor’s complete wow retcon mission. Seriously, the new devs hate wow lore.

They need to collapse all these races into Eredar and let you choose between Draenei, Lightforged Draenei, and Man’ari.


Really wish they would stop taking a big :poop: on the lore.

It’s bad enough how they introduced allied “races” (As the vast majority of them are nothing more than glorified customization options that could have been achieved via the barber chair, character creation screen or a character model slider for kul tirans) and there were some shaky race/class combos as it was.

Most any race/class combination not already in the game that gets added is going to range from :roll_eyes: to :man_facepalming:


You’re actually not wrong here. Races need to be revamped so that they make more sense, and that starts by collapsing the ARs and core races into their common race, then splitting into subraces (for instance, Mag’har and Kalimdor Orc, or Plainsrunning and Highmountain Tauren, etc etc). Each overarching race gets a core racial or two, then others can be selected as the player wishes.

Another problem is the notion of LFD and Void Elf being a ‘race’ when in reality they’re more like classes, but that’s a hornet’s nest Blizzard can’t un-kick.


Once again you choose an odd race considering new york city is a melting pot city.

That could work for some of them.

LFD and Highmountain could easily become customization options.

Mag’har and DiD too but you can take my DiD mole machine over my cold dead fingers!

Mechagnome could prob be customisation but obviously Vulpera is it’s own race. I also don’t see Zanda trolls being merged with darkspear trolls as they use a completely diffrent body same with KT and stormwind humans.

Nightborn and void elves are cross faction model exchange therefor they can’t be added to a pre-existed race.

DiD’s Mole Machine would probably have to be renamed into something akin to a Dwarven Earthshaker or something. And yes, there would need to be new races made due to the collapse of other races. Vulpera doesn’t really have an analogue to weigh against.

KTs and Zandas would probably be BT3/4 of Human and Troll respectively.

Nightborne are probably (and it’s a BIG probably) okay to remain since they’ve supposedly been separate from NE for gods know how long, but VE really, really don’t have a claim to exist, not as a ‘race’ at least. While I’m not a huge fan of them in general, it really honestly should have been HE, making the split between Thalassian elves a political one rather than a ‘racial’ one. Ever since Pandaren, the ‘faction races need unique silhouettes’ argument rang hollow.

What would help a lot is two things: decoupling races from their factions, thus making Alliance and Horde content optional rather than required, and having class dictate your starting city options instead of race.

I agree on the motion that this is insane.

Mayhaps though it is time for 2 new server types be made?

Lore servers with class restrictions that reflects race class combo’s that is lore freindly, and sand box servers where they can open up all class options with out lore explaination for ppl that likes sand boxing?

Here is the question, Greatbrae, how does lore with class restrictions work when the lore has to evolve and move on?


Time for orc druids, orc demon hunters, undead druids, panda druids and dwarf druids :joy:


The notion of “moving on” from the core tenants of the Wrcarft universe and how different forms of magic works isn’t “evolving”, it’s simply pretending previous lore doesn’t exist.

Lightforged Draenei essentially are Paladins. It’s one of the reasons I think they’re a terrible interpretation of an actual “race” (more like cosmetic unlocks for the core Draenei). They’re “Draenei, but their bodies are directly infused with the power of the Light”. Which is essentially what a Paladin is (which is the primary different from Paladins and Priests).

The idea of a Draenei being an elite soldier who undergoes a specific ritual to infuse their body with the Light, to then become a Warlock is… stupid. Unabashedly stupid. It also directly contradicts lore, in which we know FOR A FACT that the Light is not compatible with Fel energies (or undeath).

This isn’t just a “leap” in logic, in flat out doesn’t work. This isn’t “player agency” or “choice”, it’s completely disregarding the rules of your own universe. Which is basic writing 101.

I would also point out that Draenei aren’t even a “race” – they ARE a culture. They ARE the spiritual people that left Argus and the rest of the Eredar, and they’ve been hunted and watched their brother and sisters being slaughtered by demons for tens of thousands of years. That 100% is who ALL of the Draenei are.


I’m with you man, but what Can we do?

And yet, we have Lightforge Draenei Death Knights. No, there was no outrage when all the AR’s were allowed to have DK’s, but as soon as it comes to Warlocks, everyone loses their minds.

And also, Light and Fel can work togerher, it isn’t just something we see commonly.

Want an example


Lore can evolve. But this isn’t evolving it. It is shattering it, and spitting on it, then beating on it like a dead horse.

Each race has it’s narritive. Their own way of thinking. Something different from the others. Without that, might as well call them all humans.

Green human, blue human, etc.

Also the entire narritive of dreanei’s is the rejection of fel, and not being currupted by it. Those that did was considered as traitors to their people and hunted down.

Lfd is even worse off. They know full well what that magic does, and all the sudden the army of the light is allowing it? Why would they even fight against the fel if they are just gonna embrace it? Also what does this make illidan look since this kinda proves that being remade by the light does not prevent fel use? What about apart of the lore that prevents the lfd’s being used as fel feul? Do we disregard that too since they are now compatable with fel?

Makes 0 sense to the point it’s a joke.


It’s even weirder when it’s the race of, quite literally, die hard Light zealots.
They should have no reason to use anything other than the Light, and we could easily explain that for each class minus the few which would stick to their Draenei roots.

For example:
Mage - Arcane which fits with the original Draenei society
Rogue - the traditional non-magical kind but uses Light to manipulate their surroundings to become invisible by bending light around them

Fel and Shadow based Lightforged Warlocks simply doesn’t work.
They would need to make it canon that these are canonically a form of “Destro Lock” that uses Holy Fire. However, that’s not what they’re doing.

This is ultimately why they should have worked on Class Skins before opening up restrictions.

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Doesn’t the maidens main mechanic (unstable souls) reinforce the idea that mixing light and fel has unpleasantly explosive results?

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