Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

Best joke I’ve heard in ages.

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Race isn’t the focus in FFXIV because by the time the game takes place, almost everything has been integrated and intermingled to the point your profession and personal accomplishments are what matters. The thing is, WoW has never reached that point in societal development because the cultures have not been integrated and intermingled to that level.

Using Ul’dah as an example, if it was located on Azeroth the bulk (or even entirety of its population) would be lalafell. The ruling class would entirely be lalafell as well (including not only the Sultana, but every high-ranking military officer and all members of the Syndicate). Limsa Lominsa, were it located on Azeroth, would be primarily Roegadyn or Hyur instead of the melting pot of pretty much every original race in the game.

Likewise, the professions might have local origins but are not designed around cultural norms because of FFXIV’s cosmopolitan approach. Sword-users (or Gladiators in the EN version) are sword-users regardless of whether they’re from Gridania, Limsa or Ul’dah. They all know the same skills and don’t have various interpretations based on race or nationality. That’s simply not how Warcraft was built.

The kind of developments above require decades, if not centuries to pass so that the different races unify under cultural or regional identities. And this is assuming you don’t have a war break out to reset things. In short, you’d need a long time skip. FFXIV just has an advantage because it was introduced as a cosmopolitan setting instead of one where you have clear racial lines drawn (something FFXI had).


Who cares! Just another Lock running the same tired stuff as before.

Blizzard, give me the helm and I will give you lore-friendly excuses for all class/race combos instead of just shoving them out the door and letting people squabble.

Do it.

I figured I was right.
Just ignore this guy from here on out lol. He’s dragging his Roleplaying into the forums and dragging us into it.
So unless you are really into roleplaying, you are missing out on a lot here lol.

AS for you, Candela. I am in the middle on this. I want there to be a lore reason that we get to see in game, but I also have to reconcile the fact that this is a game that is in a pretty bad spot in the public eye.
Things might not keep going so well, so for now we might just have to settle for the fact that the restrictions are loosened up.
There is no lore reason why they can’t, so you are still wrong there. However, I like your view even if I disagree with it.

I want them to raise up from their fear. Embrace it, turn it into understanding and acceptance.
You forget, as we found out in the Shadowlands, the “Demons” are almost as much a victim as everybody else is. They were manipulated by dark forces or Sargeras, depending on which lore nerd you ask lol. They just got left with no choice BUT to embrace the demonic powers.

I am sure some demons would be more than willing to be summoned in the name of justice instead of always having to do evil things.
In every myth and legend of almost every fantasy story…no race or faction or species or anything…nothing is homogeneous. Not every “Demon” is like that by choice.
Not every Orc is green by choice.
Not even warlock is evil. Not every Nathrezim is evil…

So it is inevitable that people would finally grow up and realise that they can harness the powers instead of being victims all the time…

Except even in FFXI, you had cross-pollination of culture and peoples. Mithra and Tarutaru could still start in Bastok if they liked.

EDIT: The point of this is that in WoW, the races have absolutely had enough time to intermingle to the point of sharing knowledge, disciplines, and cultures. Not only have they had nigh-on two real-time decades, but we’re also not considering timeskips or anything else happening.


You have the temerity of accusing me of dragging roleplay into these forums? i replied in kind, answered your question. Perhaps, by your own standards, you should be the one being ignored?

Rebuilding in a slapdash manner usually isn’t the way to regain public trust. But i’m sure money talks.

Agree to disagree.

You have left out that the inverse is just a readily true. I am ambivalent about the concept of the lightforged being good, because they have always been good.

But you forget, my quibble is not about how your player character reconciles this. It is how blizzard handles it. They can continue to present lackluster justifications and continute to preserve the dissonance between the what is said, and what happens. Or they can be better.

Is it so hard, to accept that i am pushing for the content to be better? I have no qualms about the concept of opening up said combos, in the same way a raider has no qualms about a new raid tier. I have an issue with the quality of the accompanying content, in the same way raiders can bemoan lackluster, or degenerate mechanics, like how currently, in WOTLK classic, hardmode Vezax requires many raid teams to just stand around and not dps.

You may may make excuses for blizzard, multi-dollar company that they are, but it should really be in your self-interest, and their good to expect, and request better of them.

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GJ entirely glossing over the part where I am agreeing with you about 10 times.
I see you are just being disingenuous about this discussion. Keep playing the victim.

Exaggeration, and insults?

Please, do continue.

One of the reasons why the game is in a bad spot is because of the restrictions. There is a lot of MMO’s out on the market, and none of them has been as restrictive as World of Warcraft. Though restrictions isn’t the biggest reason, it is one of the reasons.



not a single thing about this is lore breaking

Because a few people have their underpants in a knot about fussy imagined lore rules?



Does… nobody on the Dev team care about the Lore anymore…?


Every nation still had a racial profile. If you were in San d’Oria you were surrounded by elvaan (and all story NPCs were elvaan). The same applies for Bastok (humes and galka) along with Windurst (Tarutaru and Mithra). You even had story NPCs like Halver being openly racist towards you if you weren’t the same race as him, so it wasn’t all flowers and lollipops.

Not when the nations in WoW still have a singular racial profile. You can’t honestly compare a melting pot like Limsa or Ul’dah with Stormwind (almost all-human) or Ironforge (almost all-dwarf).

The kind of thing I’m talking about would be like Silvermoon having a diverse racial population in all walks of life instead of being just all-blood elf. So you wouldn’t see an orc or a troll in Silvermoon and think “he must be with the diplomatic delegation from Orgrimmar or a tourist” but instead “oh yeah that guy works here as a guard/shopkeeper/politician and he lives in {insert street/subsection of the city}”.


Kael and Illidan as bad guys, then as good guys
nelfs mages
undead hunters
taurens rogues
void elfs
belfs warriors

Lol, did you come out of cryostatis just recently?

I think the modern horde and alliance has existed for well they formed at the end of wc3. 4 years from wc3~

Okay looking it up the battle for mount hyjal occurred in year 21. DF takes place in year 40. Which means 19 years. Long enough for a human to be born and become an adult knowing no other life than the modern alliance with night elves, gnomes, dwarves.

There is absolutely no reason a human of stormwind couldn’t befriend a night elf and want to learn to become a druid. He’s known night elves his whole life and druidism fascinates him.


They should have given us red eredar along with this. Such an easy inclusion.

Thinking about this more, why not just make the Eredar a race and be done with it?

Weird cities you choose.

Stormwind has lots of dwarves and decent amount of other races. More recently a massive influx of worgen and night elves.

Lots of gnomes in ironforge and have been since vanilla as well.

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