Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

no one plays this garbage for lore anymore lol this is a video game not a visual novel and even if it was its terrible. the gameplay should always come first no matter what. tho i agree lf goats are weird to add in, oh well more options is better. gameplay > story.


Undead Druids could sorta… make sense. Would require Blizzard actually putting a good justification in-game though.


Well gnomes are known as a food source. I am sure there is enough bones to meet that quota.

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first major retcon in WOW was with TBC. the first ever was between Warcraft 1 and 2

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either implement racial flavoring too classes, or just… just stop adding classes that make no sense for the races


That is hot!

Whatever it all makes sense.

They need to hurry up and give me tauren DHs and HMT DHs and Paladin.

I got some money for you, Blizzard.


lore is storytelling – it is dynamic, not a history book they wrote in 2004 or whatever. it’ll change to meet the needs of the game.


I don’t even need a questline. Hell, just a simple conversation. Like a Lightforged and a Draenei standing in front of one of the Warlock leaders in Stormwind and saying, “hey, we’re outcast now, but we want to do this to help.” That’s it. That’s all they’d need to do, honestly.


Void Knight (Paladins)?

Sure, whatever. Paladins for everyone.


Instead of complaining about this maybe someone can go on the ptr and see if we have draenei/lightforged warlock trainers?

Based on past new race/class combo Blizzard at least adds flavor text to these to explain these harder to justify class combos.

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The Velf Pally would need its own skin, so I think that’s why they didn’t do Pallys for everyone first.

Them hitting the On switch isn’t good lore.

These races have history in rejecting Warlocks. Especially the Draenei, Lightforged, and Night Elves.

Enabling it is a huge deal.

I have no faith in Blizzard explaining it well.


The most truestest statement ever made. Activision tossed the lore out years ago and the people crying about Warlocks getting expanded are several years too late to be crying lol.


still a dumb idea to make LIGHT FORGED WARLOCKS or draenei in general…
that’s like giving hunters an ak-47. heck why not just give them a giant robot just for funzies…


That is alot of Alliance folks wanting to post here.

Did the other ones they added have storyline that explained why they exist now?


They can just change it so everything is Void related. Just set a small story about it, say that they were Paladin’s before they turned Voidy or whatever. We need more Pally’s…and Druids.


There has to be a balancing act, though.

If gameplay is truly the ONLY thing that matters, then we would all be playing in MS excel spreadsheets.

“Lore” is everything. It’s how your character looks, how your abilities look when you cast them, all that cool-looking gear you get. There are times you have to let “the rule of cool” take the lead, and certainly times when gameplay is more important.

But if they’re just throwing all this lore away, then what are we even playing? Why do factions exist? Clearly NOTHING matters anymore.