Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

Draenei Warlocks sound bad a$$.

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Blizz will probably say “Remember Ulfar? The Thornspeaker leader? Well he decided to teach others and Undead are pretty good with Drust Magic so bam! Undead druids y’all! Love our creativity!”

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You can read a game manual.

I rather Undead Druids have fungal forms, decay themed tbqh.

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Which would be a shame with this hot potato and the feedback people are giving. There’s a good thread on the PTR forums by Baalsamael with feedback that discusses the changes Blizz could do with the quest, so here’s the spoiler warning if anyone decides to go visit the PTR forums, which one would hope Blizz would look at.

To save time they’d probably just take the skin used for the “rotting” bears or deers in the game and slap them on top existing druid models. The boomkin form would be some nightmare fuel if they did that.

That’s not the issue.

The issue is poor writing to force it out.

It’s Blizzards responsibility to make it make sense - not the player.

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for one i am not a boomer but ok gen alpha
and i am for more open races/classes

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They aren’t exactly given a choice to become Death Knights. That choice is made for them, they just have to live with it.

Also, they weren’t on the run for 13,000 years from the forces of death and the scourge.

Whats a Lore?

Lol, all this hate on Lightforged Draenei Warlock is making me wanna main one instead of just having one as an alt because it would just make most of you more salty. :salt: :salt: :salt:


It’s glorious to play a race/class combo that makes so many nerds cry.

It’s a hidden racial for all tauren paladins that you guys can now enjoy.


The thing that keeps MatPat’s Game Theory channel going and fan fics enjoyable/cringe.

Our definitions of “lore” vary, because I’m talking about pres-established history and rules. FFXIV only has what you’re told happened before (the Allaghan Empire’s existence, FFXIV’s version of the War of the Magi), whereas WoW has actual events seen in prior games (Lothar & Co. storming Karazhan to kill Medhiv, the entirety of the second war, Arthas’ fall).

What FFXIV does is make visual callbacks to things seen in other games in the series, but that isn’t strictly lore since they’re not events or concepts native to XIV’s setting. XIV’s version of the War of the Magi is not the same as FFVI’s version of the War of the Magi. FFXIV’s version of the Crystal Tower isn’t the same as FFIII’s version of the Crystal Tower. There have been times where they’ve lifted things from other games, and to me it has been to the detriment of FFXIV’s setting because it reeks of nostalgia baiting (Rabanastre and the Viera being copy-pasted out of FFXII, the gunbreaker job as a whole).

Paladins aren’t that difficult to justify, especially now that there’s more direct interaction with light entities and non-religious folk (gnomes) can become priests. Druids will be more difficult for certain races, though the door on that has opened because of Ardenweald (which I see as the likely reason) along with the existence of Kul’tiran and Gilnean druids (meaning druidism isn’t exclusive to night elves and trolls). Druids will probably come with an expansion because of the sheer amount of work it would involve, unless they plan to make everyone share the same animal forms. Paladins will probably be in a content patch.

It’s a make believe game. Make believe your draenie\light forge warlock was an eredar sleeper agent whose mission became moot when the legion fell. Come up with your own story. It’s fun!


Maybe not the right word choice.

Neither was every Draenei. Not all Draenei were alive and adults when they fled Argus.

Me too :stuck_out_tongue: might RC Vel. Though ngl I think I’d rather be a regular Draenei than LF. Have you heard female draenei /laugh? I love it so much.

Hell yeah! I liked all the new combos brought on with cata. I like the lore for Tauren pallies. But I would’ve been satisfied without it too.

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“Personal agency” doesn’t mean you can just combine completely separate concepts.

That’s like saying “I want to be a Death Knight, but one that uses all Holy magic. And I want their race to be an Orc – but one that looks like a Night Elf and is on the Alliance.”

You’re basically completely disregarding the world-building that made so many of us attached to the game, and you’re basically saying EVERYONE ELSE has to sacrifice, so that you can have an option that works.

Again, the current WoW has been out for nearly two decades. Maybe YOU don’t care about the structures that make each race and class distinctive, but you’re the one disrupting the status-quo, and telling other people “your lore doesn’t matter, it’s preventing my freedom of expression” or whatever, instead of recognizing “hey, maybe fans of WoW actually enjoyed the careful detail that went into making each race and class feel distinctive”.

Do you think WC3 would have been a huge as it was, if all the races played exactly the same? Do you think Starcraft would have?

We’re not talking about “some hypothetical fantasy game, where everyone can be everything”. That can absolutely work. FFXIV takes that exact approach. But WoW wasn’t designed to be that. It was designed where each Race had a completely distinct culture, and each Class had a rich history behind its “fantasy”.


Depends on how you define “separate concepts”. Something being seperate doesn’t mean it has to remain such or can’t be combined through some means. Race and class are already seperate concepts that are merged for the PC.

False equivalency.

There is nothing that violates established lore about a Draenei Warlock. Because people aren’t slaves to their culture. But death knights don’t use holy magic because that’s not how the class works. Orcs can’t look like night elves because they’re not night elves. Though if you wanned to RP a half orc half night elf on the alliance using night elf mdoel you’re free to do so. I’ve seen weirder TRPs.

I love and care about the warcraft universe. Including the world building. I care about it being a living breathing universe with “real” people in it who are cappable of making their own choices within the physical capabilities within that universe. So a gnome can’t became a goblin but a gnome can find religion and become a paladin.

Who is “Everyone else” here? You can only speak for yourself. More race/class combos isn’t a loss, it’s a gain.

Correct and the IP as a whole has been out for three decades.

I do. Which is why I believe individuals shouldn’t be slaves to their races cultural norms.

This is not inherently a bad thing. That’s kind of the schtick with warlocks anyways for literally every race (barring undead).

There is no such thing as “your lore” or “my lore” there is only THE lore that blizzard decides. I don’t agree with all of it, and I’m sure you don’t agree with all of it. But it is what it is. There is no in game lore that says Draenei are physically incappable of becoming warlocks. There is no in game lore saying Draenei are slaves to their cultural ideology.

The culture of each race is not being disturbed. These are outliers. The culture has not been changed.

You’re speaking for all fans again. As a fan of wow and wow lore I vehemently disagree with you. I enjoy the detail ab out wow. I enjoy the cultures of the races. Which is why I enjoy characters who go against the grain and be their own people separate from their culture. It makes an interesting dynamic.

WC3 and Starcraft are both RTS’ where you play a race/faction rather than individual characters with fully independent agency like in WoW. But even in WC3 you had Illidan who was an outlier and contrarian to night elf culture. Demon hunters are not part of night elf culture they’re against it! So even bringing in Wc3 doesn’t work.

Any individual of any race can learn to become a warlock. But that doesn’t mean their culture or race as a whole accepts that. Which means even if we got a Wc4 we probably wouldn’t see Draenei warlock units just because they can and do exist in lore because it’s contrary to their culture.

No. We’re talking about world of warcraft where there are no lore limitations on class based on race other than evoker. Every race except evoker and death knight is a skill someone learns to do. Some folks may have aptitude towards it such as mage, but anyone can learn to become any class if they dedicate themselves to it. They aren’t premade units coming out of a building like in an RTS with no personality or individuality.

Many race/class combos that are locked have in game npcs already. There is undead paladins, human shamans, draenei warlocks, night elf paladin, orc druid.

Are you really going to stand as an external force and physically prevent a Draenei from learning to become a warlock? That breaks lore to me. There being some magical/cosmic force that binds a member of a race to their culture norms. Preventing them from thinking and making choices individually or contrary to their culture. That upsets me as a fan of the lore. That no gnome living among dwarves would ever find faith in the holy light and is physically incapable of doing so because of an unseen force (You irl).

Races have distinct cultures in ffxiv as well. Clearly you haven’t played it. But the WoL is not bound to their races culture because no sentient individual is.

Agreed. But culture isn’t damaged or changed when an individual chooses to forge their own path contrary to their culture. I don’t think anyone is asking that Draenei openly celebrate and welcome warlocks and that their culture becomes friendly to demons and dark magics. We’re asking for an individual to reject their culture and do what they choose to do.

You do realize that warlocks are contrary to almost every culture in the game? Even modern Orcs. It would be no different for Draenei. The class history of warlock is to be an outcast. The culture of Draenei would forcibly outcast the Warlock.

It is supported by the lore and the living world of azeroth.


I know, right? All this salt is encouraging me to main a LF Draenei Warlock.


So what are your thoughts on undead paladins and mag’har warlocks?

A death knight using holy magic is exactly what people are asking for with undead paladins. Undead simply can’t use light the way paladins do, it wouldn’t just not burn them because they have more faith or willpower or something, that’s not how undead work.

A mag’har using fel the way a warlock does would over time turn green just like a regular orc, therefore no longer mag’har. They can’t just stay brown, that’s not how their biology works when exposed to fel.

Illidan was imprisoned for it and both times he has been broken out of jail in Warcraft’s story across the years, it has been as a desperate move because the characters in question needed any ally they could get. He is a last resort, only tolerated because it was necessary. He is not and would not be accepted anywhere near night elven society in the way warlocks are about to be in game. They should be completely barred from entering old phase Teldrassil and whatever the new tree growing in the Dragon Isles is gonna be.

Oh but I thought you didn’t care about lore. Why does this matter with your position? Evoker for everyone! Why hasn’t blizzard made them available yet? It’s not like either of their forms need special assets made anyway.

There are other special cases that should absolutely never be made available even if you entirely ignore the cultural aspect of this argument, but you and your ilk always tend to ignore such reasons for everything but evokers which are somehow special and above this in your minds.