Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

They already are. Physically they are identical because they are the same race. High elf/Blood elf is a political distinction. Their eyes change color to match the kinds of magic they’ve been exposed to over time, but high elves likely had some source of arcane that kept their eyes blue. And among the blood elves there are plenty of individuals whose eyes aren’t the same color for a variety of reasons. It all depends on what they’ve been exposed to and if they have a source to counteract it, which they do after the restoration of the sunwell.

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Illidan was only a WoW bad guy in the first place because they needed recognizable characters to be villains for TBC. He was more of an antihero in WC3 and that carried through into Legion when he was brought back.

TBC did him, Kael, and Vashj a major disservice and I don’t mind one bit that they brought him back to try and undo some of how lame it was to just hit him with the villain bat back then.


It’s okay to have a villain that is morally gray or even a hero.

sometimes there is no good or bad guy. Just 2 opposing forces.

Apparently Metzen always hated the idea of “anti-heroes” and fully intended Illidan to be a straight up bad guy from WC3 to begin with.

…Which I’m not sure is well told, besides his rampant power n magic mongering, hes definitely no arch-villain there.

I don’t mind any of the directions they could have taken Illidan.

My problem is that they didn’t just pick a direction, and keep going.

They switched directions, and it made the whole storyline for him confusing.

Even if he writes lore, there just isn’t much ‘Warcraft’ lore to go by anymore. Blizzard ruined the ‘lore’ a long time ago.

I’m mostly okay with Legions course correction tbh. Its a little -too- much of a whitewash in some places but he’s still a wildcard making crazy plays and averted his own chosen one arc. At the very least it sort of felt like the Illidan I knew again.

(Kael however never recovered, and only continued to get trashed in Shadowlands, o well)


Considering nothing is being homogenized. That wouldn’t make sense. A class is a skill you learn. An alchemist can’t suddenly become an engineer without starting from scratch. At best you could ask for the ability to change class or multi-class but I imagine that won’t happen due to the gameplay legistics. Since changing class is a thing that can happen in lore.

That sounds like a Draenei… Not Lightforged.

You’ve shown yourself to be willfully ignorant multiple times but on the 1% chance you just missed it. As you can see in the little portrait in the upper left corner he is lightforged.

He’s noting that the reasoning would be more applicable to draenei, not lightforged.
If you follow the ships of the draenei and lightforged, this does kind of reflect it, as they travelled on different ones.

Genedar (combined) > Genedar (draenei) + Xenedar (LF) > Exodar(Draenei)

In a pinch, i would hazard that there were no lightforged draenei on the exodar, especially during the time it was wrecked, as there are only 5 expansions where the exodar was wrecked and no lightforged were around it.

As this particular npc appears to have been present for the exodar crash, well…

Being a Draenei the thought of being a warlock makes me sick.

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Good! You don’t have to be a Warlock. You can even hate those Draenei who choose to be warlocks. But you can’t stop them.


Any Draenei should already know better and not be one.


Holy, calm down. I want to play a warlock panda. I suggest you go RP on an RP server and let us other players have fun while you seethe.


Then you can.

I have no issues with Pandaren Warlocks. Go have fun.

In fact I quite literally stated in the very post you replied to that I have no issue with them. Maybe try reading a post before you reply to it.

Things that developed rarely change from ptr though. Hell most bugs reported in ptr make it to live before being dealt with.

Lore encompasses history of the setting and all auxiliary materials. ESO, to my knowledge, exist solely by the virtue of the Dragon Break phenomenon (summed up as “all endings are canon”). FFXIV’s lore pales in comparison because it is a relatively new setting and doesn’t have books and whatnot to flesh out the world.

Sure, we could have a discussion of WoW’s various lore missteps, be it the existence of void elves and mecha-gnomes, the cosmology chart that came 15 years too late, every character that was thrown under the bus or the stupid ideas brought to fruition (WoD), but that doesn’t take away from the fact that WoW has a lot more lore backing it than other games because of how long the Warcraft franchise has existed.

Depends how much of it is canon at this point.

That said, depending how we define lore, FFXIV could in fact have much more. Seeing as FFXIV can pull lore from various other FF titles, which it already has. That is a years upon years worth of lore.

FFXIV is its own self-contained story. But in terms of lore, FF has Warcraft beat.

If Draenei are too holy to be warlocks why are they allowed to be death knights?