Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

Lmao, no. Undead using light at all in vanilla was a massive retcon. People just didn’t throw a hissy fit for some reason.

But Dreinei Do serve demons and work with demons and fel. This is shown in story and lore via the red Dreinei :thinking:

You are wrong.

You’re aware that the story the lore is based on continues and evolves right?

You can always choose to not create a combination you don’t jive with.

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That would hold if being near Fel energy wasn’t enough to turn an orc’s skin green. Remember that Durotan and Draka never drank Mannoroth’s blood and weren’t warlocks, yet turned green by periphery.

Discounting elves, note that two of the races that physically change through Fel exposure are not native to Azeroth. Maybe there’s something in how the titans made the Vrykul/Earthen/Mechagnomes that minimizes how exposure to Fel affects them.

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The titans made the orcs in a similar fashion humans came about.

Key word is periphery. As I said, it takes a large amount of fel to change things. That fel also changes the earth. It’s not like those orcs are on the other side of the planet and somehow turned green. It’s how blood elves eyes changed who didnt absorb fel enough to become withered. There were crystals with demon souls placed in Silvermoon that helped the populace with mana withdrawal.

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I really don’t think it is that similar. There are multiple races that evolved/devolved to finally get to Orc.

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Either way, orcs came to be because a titan in the first place.


Ah yes personal agency destroys culture. Gross perspective.

What lore is being changed?

What lore stated that no member of these races would ever become warlocks?

How do you even know if there will be lore or not? The patch isn’t out yet. The new lock combos aren’t available on the PTR. For all you know they could have a questline for the Draenei. As for night elf. It’s obscene to me to consider that night elves would be willing to become demon hunters but not warlocks. Both use the enemy against the enemy.

How do you know? It’s not in game yet. It’s unlikely but not impossible. But these demons might not be lightforged but rather prisoners.

LFD warlock justification: Inquisitors who are basically fire mages who enslave demons to use against the legion.

Mag’har warlock justification: part of a group of orcs who cleaned up the demon infestation mess by using magic to bind demons.

Mag’har is just a name it’s not some kind of magical spell that binds the actions of everyone under that name to have specific behavior.

I still don’t trust him but yeah he vibing.

Incorrect. There is nothing preventing them physically from doing it. Culture is irrelevant. Individual people have agency beyond culture. Other than forsaken and maybe gnomes warlocks out outliers in every single culture they come from. Humans don’t exactly embrace warlocks. But humans can be warlocks. No reason a Draenei can’t be.

Already exists in lore.

Incorrect. With the exception of Evoker. Every single class in the game is something you learn to do. And there is nothing stopping any individual from learning any skill. Well I guess you don’t learn to become a death knight but any powerful enough necro can create a death knight.

Me too and BECAUSE I care about the story and the existing of warcraft as a living, breathing, as realistic as possible universe than race/class restrictions should not exist.

This. The PC is an individual person with their own agency and ability to make choices for themselves even if it’s contrary to their culture.

Death-undead and life magic don’t actually contradict each other as much as logic would dictate. As such nothing wrong with an undead druid. As for Undead paladin I don’t see why it would be dumb. It’s a paladin who’s faith is so strong that they willfully endure the pain of the light. Similiar to forsaken holy priests who canonically exist.

Now would many undead choose the pain of being a paladin? No. Would none? I find that more unlikely. Heck the paladin could be a masochist and like the pain.

Yeah but there is nothing to suggest simply using fel magic turned you green. Blood of mannoroth was basically radioactive and made all orcs who drank it radioactive and green. But clearly being near a fel source doesn’t ALWAYS turn you green. As all The Mag;har fought against the demons in AU Draenor and guess how many turned green? Zero. Clearly only certain types of fel has that effect.

You don’t think it’s similar because there are more stages in between? Titan created a sentient rock that eventually became orcs. Titans created a bunch of machines which eventually became humans. How many generations of differing species hardly seems relavent. Humans had Vrykul in between them and being robots.

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Dranei warlocks are stupid, i will die on this hill, and i will IC (because im a filthy RPer) never acknowledge them.

If you look at draenei/lightforged/eredar as a whole, because lets be real, some of them are old enough to remember when they were still one group, i would consider that the eredar and lightforged variants of them are as much a class as a race.

You generally dont go to tyrhold to learn how to be a mage, and you don’t study under the kirin tor to be a warrior. In some ways, lightforged warlocks and say, eredar holy priests reflect this sort of difference more than the racial ones.

No but someone born into the Kirin’tor who had no chocie of their birth COULD choose to become a warrior because they can choose that. Just because a few Draenei are old enough to have been able to willingly choose their faction doesn’t mean all are.

That would be a hard sell considering that very few are born into the kirin tor, with a possible exception of Medivh.

It is not that you first join the kirin tor and then become a mage, but rather that you become a mage, and then join the kirin tor. this change in order is fairly important.

With respect to the lightforged, they, as a faction are closer to the latter order, than the former. You can note that the quest to unlock the lightforged as an allied race shows that the lightforged, as a faction, draw their numbers from draenei recruits, trained as potentials, and that they must pass a trial before becoming “lightforged”. It is hardly something that a character is born into. You may also note that the race description for them also identifies the lightforged as the “most dedicated draenei” in the army of light.

Becoming lightforged is, currently, quite explicitly, by choice, not by birth.

People are born into Dalaran a city ran by the Kirin’tor. People a born into being Draenei. In that way it’s nothing like a class because it’s a choice. Sure the oldest among the Draenei choose but I’d imagine 99% of Draenei are not ~13k+ years old.

True but how do we know LFD warlocks aren’t those who work FOR the army of light rather than against it. Enslaving demons and forcing them to fight other demons sounds like exactly the thing the army of light would do.

Because there is literally no Lightforge that use Fel or enslave demons.

Yet now there is one out of nowhere?

Lightforged isn’t a race. It’s a choice and they admitted that most who go through the trial end up failing/dying from it. The survivors emerge changed and all their old thoughts and doubts are meaningless - as they have been reforged into being the greatest champions of the Light.

That’s why the Lightforged in that Warlock quest is a badly written fanfic character as they don’t act or think like a Lightforged. It’s like the writer never did any research on what it means to become Lightforged. Their old life no longer matters to them, only their reforged life.

Now if they had Lightforged demon allies and effects then I would give it a pass with a raised eyebrow.

Yet using generic Fel and demons? No. That’s wrong and insulting.

I’ve already suggested that being kirin tor is not established by birth; the same, as per the accompanying test, seems to apply for lightforged.

It is precisely like a class because it takes more effort to become a paladin, a mage, warrior, or lightforged, than it takes to simply remain as is, which in the lightforged case, is remaining draenei. Anyone with doubts in the trial to become lightforged is called on to step back, to remain draenei, that it is a sign of wisdom, not cowardice. In the absence of choice, a draenei remains draenei, and does not become lightforged.

Considering the breadcrumbs from Au draenor, from the prime naaru, the light enforcing its own, single “canon”, i would consider it more fitting that the lightforged are resistant to change, and more than a little insular and xenophobic.

I think it more flavourful for them to have strong, clearly-defined flaws, than for them to be unwaveringly justified, and in the right, but comparing headcanons and fanfiction is neither here nor there.


Exactly. Glad we agree.

So there is no actual in-canon reason to prevent these restrictions. Only head canon which can be limited to those you choose to rp with.


This is why blizzard should just wait releasing them until all of the class-race combos are ready.

Get it all out at the same time, let the complaints happen for a few weeks if not a month’s time, and then it’ll have died down, people are back to playing the game, they have not quit.


Who cares, let’s rant about lore when there are 1419481203 billion other issues that are game breaking.

I can’t tell if this is a forum post or a new anime.

“I’m a draenei warlock! So what?!”


You appear to have mistaken my coment on your speculation on how LF warlocks are going to be justified as representative of the entire comment chain.

The quest chain is still in the game, and for now, remains a prerequisite for making a LF character. The race description is still front and center in the wow race overview online.

Being lightforged is still very much, canonically, a choice, no matter how distasteful you feel it is, in the same way that the jailers existence is still canon.

Au draenor, the prime naaru, and one reality are all established concepts, or content within the game right now, and are, to put it generally “canon”. each of those events tends to clash with your headcanon, and are all in-canon reasons that do not reflect your headcanon of the army of light.

Please don’t be obtuse.

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