Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

I disagree.

Lore should be respected and if a change is added then it should do so in respect of the lore before it.

The way Blizzard is implementing Warlocks to these races isn’t respecting the lore at all. Blizzard isn’t even using tbe lore hooks that already exist that could have been built off of to justify these Warlocks


Hey! Sargeras and Ghuldan are gone. Somebody has to fill the ranks of the Burning Legion! Now I need to play my Void Elf Pandaren Monk. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

here’s my low effort meme I took 30 seconds making explaining this nonsense that lore went out the window long ago.


Early April Fools?

Didn’t he quit?

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

At least Gobby Shamans got unique totems.

Lightforged Warlocks don’t even get a Lightforged cosmetic for their demons.

Lightforged Draenei and even more so Mag’har (which literally means uncorrupt) simply cannot be warlocks, these two right here have zero justification on why they exist, like the warlock quest on the ptr doesnt have a maghar orc even shown, no maghar orc warlock is immune to fel corruption, could’ve simply added dragonmaw skin tone to regular orcs as they’re only nongreen orc locks i know of besides red orcs, like are the devs new to wow? the fact people are even trying to justify lightforged draenei at all obviously started playing post legion


he was a broken because of the powers he wielded

The only thing that would make sense is if they expand warlock pacts to be with more than just demons. If you add light or shadow pacts, you might be able to make it work. Then it’d be a matter of redesigning some of the spell aesthetics to be a little more neutral (instead of being Fel all day every day) and add light/shadow-themed warlock pets.

If you want to take a page out of DnD, expand the range of warlock power sources even more. DnD locks had a laundry list of possible patrons including demons, fey spirits, and celestials (light). It’d be more work for the art team, but that would mitigate the issues caused by expanding warlocks to more than just the current races.

Lightforged demons are not a new concept here. Are we forgetting this guy?


I’m aware they’re a thing, but the question is: does Blizzard?

That said, the term “light demons” sounds too weird to me so they’d need a new term/name. You also need to back up this addition with writing. And you’d still need to change the particle effects of warlock spells so they’re not all Fel.

As i stated in other threads about this. Lore went out the window long ago with the introduction of goblin shaman. Goblins has no affiliation with nature, and are the complete opposite of what shamanism is, yet they “bartered” with a lone fire elemental after they captured it and all of a sudden have affinity with all 4 elements.

I would like to make sense of that, but i really can’t lol.


I honestly completely agree, Goblin Shamans were a travesty. Really, Cataclysm had a lot of terrible decisions in general (which aligns with it being the beginning of WoW’s subscriber decline). I do think Dwarf Shamans were a good fit, though.

The problem is that Draenei and Lightforged in particular, are concretely incompatible with the Warlock class. There is no bridging that gap. Just like Void Elf or Undead Paladins, they cannot exist in the lore.

Personally, as I’ve suggested before, I think Blizzard could salvage this by actually removing the “Lightforged” as a stand-alone allied race (moving their customization options to the Draenei), and replace them with “Eredar” from Argus, who can play as different classes.

Or hell, even the Broken.

Ultimately, WoW’s lore simply is not compatible with the notion of “every class can be every race”.

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Draenei go “broken” when their ties to the Light are severed completely. Either through long-term deep environmental corruption (the Krokul on Argus) or through a magically manipulated mutagen (the “red mist” used to attack Shattrath with a magically modified “red pox” plague).

As far as we know, just using fel energy and summoning demons isn’t enough to do that.

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Your opinions don’t reflect the rest of us, I care for the story, I guarantee I’ve played much longer, no everyone shouldn’t be Druids, especially not a fox with zero background in the game almost.

I feel like people care less about lore when it comes to character choice for play. People seem to forget that Forsaken priests existed pre-Cata with the old Light lore. Humans couldnt be Hunters for some reason, etc.

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The in-game justification is that the player character isn’t part of a weird racial hivemind and is allowed to be an oddity. There. Done. No lore compromised.

There’s like MAYBE 1-2 race/class combos that don’t physically work for the race and they’re both undead issues (paladin, which TECHNICALLY works as seen by an NPC, but realistically would be dumb – and maybe Druid, but I dont know enough about that).

Would it be cool if there were flavor tidbits for playing a counter-culture combo? Yeah. But it’s not really necessary to fit in the world. As long as there aren’t suddenly tons of Draenei Warlock NPCs running around like it’s never been taboo.

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Wow, that hit a new low I wasn’t expecting.

They should still be called out for it. Failing at consistency or lore doesn’t mean it should be thrown out the window wholesale. That’s like saying “I tripped on this bump in the road, so why bother walking?”.

If Fel hadn’t been used as the reason the orcs turned green, or the blood elves’ eyes were green, or the eredar turned red, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. And if Blizzard had painted warlocks as misunderstood or questionable at best instead of leaning towards malevolent, the decision to extend access to that class to all races wouldn’t raise any eyebrows.

Since that’s not the case, the next best thing would be to expand who warlocks can make pacts with and make the necessary visual changes to communicate that to the player. If you’re adding races that a) hate demons or b) are physically changed by the Fel energy associated with demons, then you have to add non-fel entities that can be a warlock’s source of power. Light-related entities (even if has to be light demons), nature spirits, maybe something based on the Fey and so on.

That’s a blatant copout and nothing more. And that doesn’t apply to anyone. It’d be different if others in-world reacted to your class choices, but that’s not the case with WoW.


Why is this brought up when it’s only true for a constant supreme amount of fel that changes anything? Blood elves had the least amount of fel of the three and only their eyes changed. Yet no other race gets changed since. Humans, gnomes, dwarves, trolls, etc.

These changes only happen because of a constant supply of fel that is so overpowering it changes everything around it. Not some basic caster being around.

Edit: I did forget about the belf withered though.