to be fair, ranting about lore is a good way to understand lore. A lot of appreciation for the backstory of a game that you like can be gained from them.
And soon so too shall lightforged Draenei.
They… already are?
You know what….you’re right. I’ve just seen so many “I’m quitting because they are making warlocks every race” threads that I feel like I have ptsd from it, lol.
Can’t wait to run around the wandering isle as a panda lock just because I can.
Do you really not know how to get your ACCOUNT when the link to it is literally at the top of this page?
Lightforged Draenei warlocks*
Wanna do this as a panda dh, there was a panda who wanted to be a dh in monk zone
Iron from Azeroth is not the same as iron from Draenor, so even if the resulting construct was the same, there’s bound to be variances because of the materials available. In fact, it’d be weird if metal and stone compositions on Azeroth and Draenor were exactly the same.
Did they? WoD showed that the Kirin Tor, Alliance and Horde were doing the heavy lifting. Khadgar even led the assault on Hellfire CItadel. Most of the involvement I saw from the mag’har was dealing with the Iron Horde.
If you use fel magic on a daily basis, that’s going to do things to you based on the rules established. So I’d expect a brown orc that chooses to be a warlock to start turning green as they practice that craft. As I said, this wouldn’t be the case if Blizzard had picked another reason for why orcs turned green/eredar turned red/blood elves got green eyes. It’s too late to walk those back, though.
So I’ll reiterate: If you want to extend warlocks to races that hate demons or would be physically changed by exposure to fel, you need non-fel pacts added to WoW warlocks.
Good thing for speculations, since not every spec is all about the Fel. Aff usually fights using Shadow Magic, while Destro fights using Fire. And Demo is just about summoning minions.
The page was down that day while they were working on the website. Do you really no know how to read?
Meaning I know where it is but it wouldn’t load to get into it. Just a spinning circle. They were doing maintenance, apparently.
You done making condescending comments that don’t make sense because you can’t read? Thanks.
Yea, in the past Warlocks weren’t even that tied to demons. They had Death Coil, Afflic had a Shadow Priest vibe, most Twilight cultists had similar abilities to Warlocks, etc. The class concept seemed to be “dark caster” instead of “Legion magician”.
Why do these things have to be mutually exclusive ?
Why do you need a reason or better yet, lore reason, for one race to be a class?
It’s a fantasy game. Anything can happen.
Come with me and you’ll be in a world of pure imagination, take a look and you’ll see into your imagination
There is no true immersion. And there won’t be for quite some time due to technological limitations. True immersion will be the only way you will ever be a class. You’re not out here at your job with your level 1 robe and wizard hat casting fireball at Samantha the accountant.
It’s just an odd sense of identity and loyalty to a class or race or lore. But to each his own, I suppose.
Honestly, Blizzard should just let players be what they want with whatever combination they want. You wanna be a Human DH? Go for it. You wanna be a NE Paladin ? Let the light be with you.
It won’t break the game. Quests will still exist. Mythic Plus and Raiding will still exist. Open world shenanigans will still exist.
You do realize we left right? And there was still cleanup to do? Also Grommosh was involved and never turned green. We see him old and brown.
Except the rules have never established that. You assumed that.
If you noticed not all Man’ari eredar are even red look at Archimonde and that guy in Karazhan. Not all orcs around fel magic turned green either. Blood elves are probably the only example of being around fel having a universal effect.
Every race hates demons as a general rule of thumb. I imagine most warlocks don’t bind and enslave demons out of love. But none-the-less warlocks are outliers and races aren’t a monolith.
This is inconsistent. Which makes sense as fel is a byproduct of elemental chaos so it makes sense that it is inconsistent. We’ve seen fel transform blood elves into demonic elves and yet not all blood elf warlocks turn into demons like that guy in magisters terrace. Fel doesn’t ALWAYS transform. It’s obviously more nuanced then that.
You’re thinking of the wrong universe. Warlocks don’t make pacts with demons. They summon them and forcibly bind them to their will. Demons generally aren’t happy to be enslaved though some seem ambivalent.
Destro is the only spec that actually uses fel magic at all anymore. And it’s only a few spells if you don’t do the green fire quest. Which is chaos bolt is the only one I remember off the top of my head but might be more. Warlocks aren’t IMBUED with fel or demonic energy. They’re not demon hunters.
This is why I keep insisting that they need to finally do another Azeroth update (old world stuff).
I think we’re all ready for WoW 2.0 though. We’ve gotten a new set of writers it seems.
Tauren couldn’t even be Paladins due to Lore. Blizzard at least cared enough to justify Tauren Paladins with extensive new lore before letting it happen. Here, they didn’t even bother to do that.
What ignorance.
Do you know WHY Blood Elves got Green Eyes and Reddened skin? Because they were around Fel. They didn’t even need to actively consume it to get the change. Just being around it is toxic.
Heck, Thrall is green despite never drinking the Blood or devouring Fel. Just being around it was enough to change him when he was born. Him coming out Green is what convinced his parents to betray the Old Horde.
High elves also did this when they were around fel.
Yet it doesn’t change maghar or void elves into blood elves whenever they visit Argus…
Technically Verisa should have turned blood elf with all the fel exposure… and any one who visited that planet really.
We should all be demons/fel infused after all the dark magics we’ve fought and been through.
All warlocks should probably have fel eyes and stuff. Human warlocks should be hunted down because humans hate witches…
Yet this stuff doesn’t happen in the game. Because the lore is just background stuff.
Verisa/alleria visited Argus without absorbing the fel. So honestly I think that lore was inconsistant a while ago. Alleria fought against the burning legion and no fel eyes. For thousands of years. She keeps the blue glow.
Then again we had fel eyed blood elf paladins for the longest of times.
I’m just so happy I can play a nelf warlock.
My favorite race in wow.