Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

No. They don’t.

Glad we’re on the same page. Blizz gave up on WoW’s worldbuilding years ago, after like…the 4th rewrite? Things got weird after Legion. The devs only care about telling linear stories in a high fantasy world. They do not care about history, consistency, or internal logic.

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If they’re going to crap all over my favorite race, then I want the same treatment for the other races. At some point some of you will feel the betrayal.

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so this should mean that Forsaken Paladins are right around the corner?

I’m all for races getting new classes, if it makes sense. Anyone can learn to be a Warlock, but say if a Mag Orc starts to use the Fel then they become a regular Orc. It doesn’t make sense. They’re not even trying to justify it either, like adding a new skin tone option for Mag Orcs where you start to see bits of green on their skin or something.

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Lightforged Draenei shouldn’t be allowed to become warlocks, but normal Draenei should be allowed too, cause of the Erodar(sp?) i want a red skinned Draenei running around. We’re at the point in the game were it’s literally just class fantasies anyways. Is it really going to effect the way you play the game if someone makes a Draenei Warlock? I doubt it.

Mages have existed since the dawn of time. So to have warlocks.

The entire context of the Tauren are different now. If someone doesn’t already know their lore and history, then there is no longer anything of value to communicate through their Race or Class choices. Tauren are literally nothing more than “big cow people” now.

Races were never “one-note”. They DO have cultures, though. Orcs were not traditionally studious wizards, Night Elves did not abide the reckless use of magic, the Tauren were a deeply spiritual people. “Classes” are not “jobs”, you don’t just pick up a wand and suddenly you’re a Mage. Each Class in WoW is a particular archetype, most of which also pulled inspiration from units available in the RTS games.

By removing any and all restrictions, you basically render all lore completely moot and invalid. Warlocks CANNOT be a class with strong ties to the Burning Legion, because NOW, we have a bunch of Lightforged Draenei who’ve sworn to fight the Legion by having their bodies infused with holy power.

The lore literally cannot exist, it cannot connect those dots. So Blizzard now has no choice but to completely abandon any lore that references the Lightforged, or the Warlock class. Because the existing lore is now fundamentally broken, and in order to sate this new wave of entitled players who “don’t want to be told who their character is”, Blizzard just has to keep things as vague as possible.

So yes, the existence of certain race-class combos fundamentally RUINS the experience for other players as well.

I want to play in the WARCRAFT setting. Where Orcs are noble savages, Humans are traditional medieval fantasy knights and wizards, and so on. That’s what we ALL signed up for nearly 20 years ago. If it was really such a problem, people wouldn’t have stuck with it, and it SURELY wouldn’t have become a worldwide phenomenon with over 12 MILLION active subscribers.

What is essentially happening, is we’ve been playing an RPG campaign for nearly 20 years, and these new devs have decided to completely upend the campaign and change the rules. No feedback from players, no commitment to preserve what’s made this campaign so special. They’re just changing things, even when it literally isn’t compatible with the existing lore, and they’re just completely ignoring anyone that takes issue with that.


Oh no, not… flips through notes … MORE options for all races, making every race better!


Druid mechagnomes next year. Put your money where your mouth is Blizz.
We all want that race/class combo!

I still want pandaren druids, not that mechagnome nonsense. :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re right. If I showed someone that didn’t know what WoW was modern Tauren art and assets from Retail, they would think every Tauren is a wizard and thief. That they’re deplorable and mischievous. They don’t project spiritual attunement or physical might at all, no sirree. When I look at Baine, I see a Mage, you’re right. And nevermind the experience of actually interacting with Tauren NPCs.

This. Is. Not. The. RTS.

We are not all coming out of the same barracks. My character can have different aims and ambitions from yours. That’s the point of playing individual characters.

Night Elves STILL don’t like the practice of Arcane magic. Orcs are STILL known for favoring might over magic. Tauren are STILL deeply spiritual. It’s just that individual Tauren CAN pursue different destinies and paths than their forefathers.

You’re right, Warlocks siphon power from demonology and pacts born of desperation or pride. And pride is something a typical LFD has in spades.

The lore can exist, but you need to be willing to accept a player as being able to toe that line spectacularly carefully; being devoted to the Light while exploring and using the weapons of their enemy. Alternatively, the Light’s investiture doesn’t always leave those that forsake it: Blood Elves, Arthas, both of those did actions that were entirely anathema to Paladins as a whole, and the Light should have forsaken the BE and Arthas for what they did. But it didn’t, so the Light is already suspicious and nebulous in its function.

If we’re supposed to play pre-gens, we shouldn’t have the ability to customize our characters, to give them names, to decide their classes, or to determine their backstory and history. We’d just hit the ‘Alliance’ or ‘Horde’ faction button and go play out pregenerated critter that exists solely to die.


Only for those with the strange unwillingness to use the tools provide to ignore players they don’t like.

It became a worldwide phenomenon because it was a more casual-friendly Everquest, and MMOs were hot at the time. Launched now, WoW would flounder and die because the game itself is so outdated not just with the mechanics of modern gaming, but the philosophy as well. Back then, players were used to being told what their limits were (again, see Everquest, OD&D and AD&D, etc). Nowadays, those limits make no sense, because races have evolved from being one-dimensional tropes into more fully-rounded entities.

What is happening is some of the players at the table have asked ‘but WHY not’ and the GM is going ‘well, maybe we can make it work’. It’s the other players at the table going, “UM, ACTUALLY blah blah blah” instead of listening to the GM’s interpretations.


I’m for all race all class.

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Eredar. It’s the name of the species Draenei are a part of. Draenei are a faction of Eredar who rejected the legion. The other faction which embraced the legion are Man’ari.


you dont have to be a red dranei to be a warlock same with mag’har orcs
Long exposure to fel magic changes your skin to red if you’re dranei or green if you’re orc.
BUT, a red draenei it’s called Man’ari or something like that, it’s a new “race” same with green orc, the game treats them as a different race (just like a green mag’har is just a “normal” orc)

Player warlocks have never been allies of the burning legion.

Lore isn’t moot be allowing a handful of individuals to make choices contrary to their culture. It’s enhanced.


And most are. But most is not all.

Would love to see it. Wouldn’t play it but would love to see it.

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What lore? Lore is not present since Warlods of Draenor


I would encourage you not to play into their word game by calling them “restrictions”. What these all race all class people want is race homogenization and to remove the culture of the in game races.


They do not care.

I have been asking for Eredar for a very long time now. So have many of us. They have been in lore way before Lightforged came into the lore. Eredar should be the warlock race. Not the LF,

In my book people that are still against this at this point after them doing Mages, Rogues, Monks and Priests for all races are just really sad people.

I personally welcome Warlocks, Druids, Paladins, Shamans, Demon Hunters and maybe even Evokers for all races that way everyone can play what they want when they want to without outdated and pointless restrictions.


I’ll use Night Elves as an example.

Think about their culture, how they value nature, balance and life, and how the abuse of magic and unnecessary violence go against all of that. Still, the Demon Hunter concept is deeply meaningful to the Kaldorei. Thing is, it is not because it follows the culture but precisely because it goes against it. DHs carry all those Nelf values and still dabble into demonic magic but it is to fight things that would harm what they’re trying to protect. And in doing so, they become pariahs.

Literally, any culture can have their demon hunters. The fact they can be hated or shunned doesn’t mean they can’t exist. All it takes is someone to write that lore around it, but writting it never breaks the lore.

If that lore isn’t written, then players can assume and write it themselves.

Nothing is being broken here.

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