Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

What tears again? I’m sorry are you alright bro?

Honestly, we have that same issue with Lightforged DKs. Undeath means the Light left them, so they aren’t Lightforged anymore, just Draenei.

The only way I could justify that back when it happened was that no one’s going to remove their plate tattoo things. But… it still wasn’t great.

Brown and Gray Mag’har Warlocks just can’t even be justified in any similar manner. Honestly, neither can Lightforged.

I’m at a loss, tbh.

These types of responses are simply trolling and gaslighting.

Don’t like the opinion, fine. But there’s no reason to insult and belittle anyone. Take a break.


Sounds like a personal problem Charlie Brown. I’d stop projecting.

Also, the warlock player characters helped fight the Legion in both BC and Legion.

Being a Warlock does not mean you’re a Legion collaborator any more than being a Warrior makes you a Garrosh collaborator.


Are there people in here that are arguing this?

Absolutely there are.

He doesn’t know how to do anything but. At least I took the time to investigate the issue to see if my concerns were meritted before I posted. It just extremely unfortunate that they panned out as being completely justified, especially with the company’s track record.

Oh look… He’s already posting his next thing.

Guys like him have no off-switch and always have to get the last word.

Not to mention the Legion destroyed two of their planets in the process.

I haven’t read all 600 responses. Seems an odd thing to say to me. Some races don’t have Warlocks for cultural reasons and history. But that doesn’t mean they’re suddenly Legion collaborators.

Exactly what I was thinking. Draenei who turn warlock are automatically Man’ari. They’re Eredar. Unless we’re getting a plot device where beleaguered Eredar join the alliance after the fall of the Legion, this makes no sense.

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I just said they existed, I’m not looking to have a WWII adjacent conversation.

I read the first couple dozen and there were references to it pretty early on. I agree it’s wild

OMG YES! They can already be priests and warriors and are WAY more in tune with the light than trolls ever were.

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of course the midwit who would try to compare something in a video game to a real life tragedy would have you believe that all demons = burning legion when that is simply not the case

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I have a friend who would adore that, and I support it if Lore is crafted to enable it.

Are you all just unaware that they’re giving every class to everybody? Are we going to see this meltdown for every single one?

Those 2 probably aren’t next but they’re very likely coming. Might as well cope and seethe about it now and get it out of the way.

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Incorrect, Man’ari are specifically the Eredar that were turned into Demons, not Eredar that practiced fel magic.

From the quest https://www.wowhead.com/quest=9693/what-argus-means-to-me

Or from Chronicles

Players have said they do not. This is them “listening.”

For some, that is the unfortunate part.