Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

This should come with mandatory red skin, like how Dark ranger red eyes are locked to the lifeless skin with the elves.

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Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Haha, everyone knows you aren’t going to quit! You are too addicted to the forums to quit! What do you have, like nearly 100k posts by now, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

While not all Man’ari are red. I would like to see a group of Man’ari rejoin with their Draenei bretheren would be a super cool storyarch. Skin tones already in the game for regular Draenei since WoD (before that Man’ari has a unique model). So a quest like and a toggle would be cool.

Eh. They don’t need to be converted demons. They could just be enslaved demons. The Army of light is not above imprisoning demons.


Velen is all forgiving and was willing to forgive his son who was a demon lord even as he tried to kill him.


Not really. Draenei are cowards. They run rather than confront in most cases. Countless Draenei became warlocks in WoD. And I don’t see Draenei illegally hunting down other Draenei as citizens of the alliance for “warlockism” as it’s explicit legal in the alliance a aslong as demons aren’t summoned in public placed.

They don’t have to tolerate or accept them “among their ranks” they’re legit just a member of the race. Probably not going to be welcome in the next exodar party but other than that they won’t do anytthing.

Their warlocks are likely fire mages who bind and torture demons for information. Inquistitors. The army of light has no qualms capturing and imprisoning demons.

Warlocks don’t exactly worship demon.

The lore is Individual person > Culture society.

Night elf warlock is essentially same lore as demon hunters. In fact I think the Illidari had warlocks as well. They’re outcasts. Added a race/class combo doesn’t mean everyone and their mom loves anyone who is that class and there is no lore to support that. In fact as far back as wrath the DK is spat on by npcs. Demon hunter is similar. A useful outcast.

Mag’har means “uncorrupted” yes but it’s not a magic term that compells anyone from the tribe to never become corruptable. Garrosh is a MU Mag’har and he became old-god corrupted. As for skin tone the lore on that is funky anyways. Supposedly the MU orcs green skin is slowly going to revert to brown but they never outlawed warlock-ism. But at the same time the frostwolves supposedly didn’t drink the fel and became green by being near those who did. There is some inconsistencies but I’m going to assume the fel a warlock uses isn’t as intense or “radioactive” for lack of a better term as the blood of mannaroth.

None of those races will have warlocks. However the player will be able to create a character of those races that can be a warlock sense personal agency will always trump culture. There will ALWAYS be outliers. Always those who broke rules or taboos whether for power or for a perceived greater good. It really doesn’t matter the motivation.

As long as they aren’t some monolith hive minds, or there is a biological incompatibility there is no reason any member from any race can’t learn to become any class.

With that logic the only actual locked class is evoker. However, Evoker lore is brand new and is still being unraveled I wouldn’t be surprised if there isn’t a way for mortal races to learn the abilities at some point if blizzard so chooses. It’s possible Dracthyr were once a mortal race transformed by Deathwing into their current form and the process is recreated.

As long as individual choice and free will exists I’ll continue to support all races, all classes.

Though a nod or questline to explain it in the lore is appreciated. I think Velen welcoming home the Man’ari would be a neat story.

Demon hunters start recruiting and training again without Illidan could explain them opening to other races.


13,000. They’ve only existed as a species for 25,000 years.

Yeah you both hit the nail and missed it at the same time. His ‘son’, family bonds are far different from random Draenei number 2479.

Go to Azuremyst Isle and stand near the Shaman trainer there at Azure Watch. Also, Farseer Nobundo literally dealt with a lot of hatred from the Draenei who saw him as an abomination/heretic.

The Draenei in the Main Universe have changed considerably since they arrived on Azeroth, they no longer run. As for WoD, if you remember those Draenei were condemned as traitors and the were put to death by either the players or NPCs.

Blood Elves, yes, not Night Elves.

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I’ve been saying about how stuff like these new race/class combos take away from the game for a while

To no avail obviously, but I think this “let everyone do everything” mentality is bad, not good. Nothing wrong with having an established set of combos for lore reasons. This is an MMORPG anyway. I’m not exactly a lore buff, but I like an established world in a fantasy open world game… call me crazy…

Even more importantly, nothing wrong with having an established look

This is going to make the game look worse

Look bad.

There will be Pandaren Demon Hunters and Goblin Paladins soon enough and that beloved WoW aesthetic? Gone.

The art team does a good job, we shouldn’t let the playerbase just go wild like it’s microsoft paint.

Imagine if the Louvre let everyone who entered add their own personal touch to the Mona Lisa… It would look terrible.


Good thing that another player’s preference doesn’t impact your own character’s integrity. Kinda like how people can absolutely take their own crack at the Mona Lisa.


Lolol the point was: everyone who enters the Louvre expects to look at the mona lisa… that’s why I used that metaphor.

Everyone has to look at the same world in game.

It’s kind of like when little kids on the playground are playing Star Wars or something, and then that one kid just insists on being Spiderman… it ruins the game.

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Then don’t play with that player. Don’t group with them, don’t quest with them, and the problem solves itself. It’s not hard. And if they try to force their way into your groups or otherwise grief you, that’s reportable behavior.

Also, a handy pro-tip: Getting randomly assigned to your group via LFD/LFR/any other queue is NOT forcing their way into your groups or griefing.


Maybe Bliz should add their Overwatch classes to wow… Game won’t look bad. I want a machine gun.

There’s gotta be lines drawn in the sand, hence why there were every limits on class/race combos in the first place. It fosters a known look and world for everyone. That one oddball who always wanted to make a Void Elf shaman might be happy, but the game will look worse for everyone.

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It will look bad for you, because you don’t want to see it. So you have every tool in your arsenal not to have to interact with them. /ignore. /gkick. /kick. If it’s your chat/group/guild/key, it’s your rules.

All races being all classes isn’t disruptive except to grognard purists that can’t fathom different races training each other in skills.


It will look bad for everyone

Everyone has different tastes. If you were to poll every player and ask them what they want to do, you’d get wildly different answers and the game would look a’mess. Gotta be some constraints…

Just think about it, why do you think they had restrictions in the first place? Why didn’t they Orc druid it from day one? It was a bad idea then and is a bad idea now.

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These types of complaints always hinge on this weird idea that:

a.) Fiction doesn’t change over time, and evolve.


b.) That somehow everyone of a same race always agrees with each other, acts the same and are completely identical.

When this game and the RTS games always had defectors (i.e. Thrall and Illidan).


c.) That everyone’s created characters exist in lore. They do not. A general hero does.

It’s an RPG game. People should be able to RP their character how they like and anyone in disagreement, can avoid that easily by making their characters how they see fit.

Just do your own thing and stop trying to limit people who have requested this for years. Because it’s been a pretty popular request.


They were operating on an outdated philosophy of ‘some races are simply unable to do certain things’. Which was already pretty yikes, but these arguments against class expansion continues to keep races completely one-note. There’s no interest in the character if they all come out of the barracks the exact same.

Again, the philosophy of fantasy gaming as a whole has been nothing but growing expansion (outside of things deliberately hearkening back to the days of old). Plus, again, every class is trained, so it stands to reason that every race should be capable of learning these trades.

This isn’t the RTS, we don’t all come out of Mulgore the exact same Tauren.

EDIT: Forgot to squeeze in my classic refrain; Thunder Bluff doesn’t become the next Dalaran just because a Tauren went to wizard school.


No way! Just because your family or ancestors do or don’t something doesn’t mean you will.


I mean… have you read the quest text and optional dialogues in DF? Have you seen some of the female centaur and dragonkin? At this point it would be totally believable if Majordomo Selistra were to offer Lightforged Draenei hormone therapy so their bodies could do fel magic.

Blizzard has moved the lore-team to the same location as the class balancing team.

They are both placed down in the basement, in an area without furnitures and lightning. And their coffee-machine is broken as well.

That is how much Blizz cares about some things in-game.

The cultures are objectively untouched. These are unique individuals. They aren’t transforming the culture. Hell race and culture aren’t entirely synonyms. They could be say a Draenei part of that race but reject the culture. Born long after the Draenei fled argus and decided that demons are cool actually. You can’t do anything to stop them from going to a gnome, dwarf, or human and learning the arts of warlockism. Will they be accepted fully into their society? Probably not. But their race won’t transform because of their chosen class.

I agree it is incredibly frustrating.

Like imagine if they were born in Azeroth. A human. REALLY wanted to be a shaman or druid. But some unseeable mystical force prevents them from learning it no matter how much they try simply because of their culture. Not their biology but the culture of humanity has not embraced those things thus making an individual human physically unable to learn to become either no matter how much they dedicate themselves to study.

It’s silly.

This might make a bit more sense if certain classes were faction locked and thus to learn to become the class you’d have to go to enemy territory and then wouldn’t be welcome back home that would add nuance enough to stop a class. But if other people in your faction has the class nothing stopping someone from going up to one of them and learning.

Just like real life you don’t get to decide what other individuals do with their life. Even on an RP realm. You can’t stop an individual night elf from becoming a warlock the same way you can’t stop them from being a demon hunter and you have to see them because they exist. That being said with silly toys that change your race I doubt you’ll even notice the difference.

What cosmic force prevents these things from existing pray tell?



Yup. You know who else lost a lot to the Legion and demons?

Orcs. Humans. Both can be Warlocks.

That’s a pretty broad statement. Not everyone in a race has exactly the same feelings and point of view. The Draenei on AU Draenor got handed pamphlets and some of them decided to go all-in with the Legion. Some Draenei are undoubtedly younger and didn’t spend ten thousand years on the run. There are a whole lot of examples in real life of people who should hate certain concepts and people who actively try to destroy them, but don’t. I won’t send this whole discussion careening off the rails by going into specifics aside from saying, it happens.

They didn’t just up and spontaneously go looking to kill people. The Sargerai were actively trying to kill them, what the Draenei did was retaliate and retreat. That kind of zealotry didn’t turn up in Yrel’s Lightbound faction until the Mag’har intro scenario that was canonically thirty years later.

I mean…they’ve been on Azeroth, working with Warlocks for years. None of them has gone on a holy crusade to purge the Alliance of all demonic influence. It might make for some awkward dinner table conversation if their friends and family start dabbling in fel things, I’m sure it’d raise some eyebrows, but that kind of hardline vehement rejection just isn’t something that we’ve ever seen in the game.

It’s a name that they called themselves. If you name your kid Aubrey, a name that means “blonde”, and she dyes her hair red later, does that create a paradox where she can’t exist? They use a name for their people that refers to the history and circumstances of the clans coming together to reject being subjugated by the Legion. If someone who did that later takes up learning how to summon demons and launch Chaos Bolts, that doesn’t undo their history or the racial group that they come from, it doesn’t even make them corrupted if you want to get hung up on the semantics.


What a strange retcon.

Earlier lore claimed that the Draenei had been fleeing the burning legion for 25,000 years.

Source: [Draenei - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft ](https:/ /wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Draenei?oldid=5165617)

That’s not really how Velen works. He also forgive Illidan for murdering one of his gods. Velen is all about forgiveness and any Man’ari genuinely seeking it would find it with Velen.

Ah so old lore. And yet Shaman was eventually introduced into their society. Despite prejudice. Kinda disproves your point about warlocks now.

Yeah because they sided with the legion not because they were warlocks. You’re not considered good or evil on azeroth based on what you do but rather who you side with.

There is nothing to suggest that a night elf cannot become a warlock if they can become a demon hunter. It’s quite silly and ridiculous to think some will literally vore a demon soul and gouge out their eyes but no night elf would be willing to bind demons to their will.

What lore is preventing physically someone from being something? How does MORE choices take AWAY from anything? The culture remain unchanged. Individuals went their own path. In D&D a literally tabletop roleplaying game any race can be any class. You can even have a Tiefling Paladin or an Aasmir(sp?) Warlock. Because you are playing a person not a culture.

That has nothing to do with allowing individuals agency in a fictional environment.

They’re kids, let kids be kids cmon. Play pretend anything is possible. You’d have been awful to play with as a kid.

But this isn’t the same. Because spiderman doesn’t exist in the star wars universe. Yet there is nothing preventing Draenei warlocks in the WoW universe. The only question is will blizzard let us play them and the answer to that question is YES.

See that’s asking for something that doesn’t exist in the universe. Both Draenei and Warlocks exist in the universe and there is no cosmic force or lore that prevents them from meeting. In fact they have existed as NPCs.

I’m 90% sure the reason for the original limitations is each race had unique class quests. So they were lazy and didn’t want to design them for each class.

That’s good.


That an individual void elf decided to get in tune with the elements? Are you god? Are you the god of the warcraft universe? Who are you to tell that void elf “NO ! YOU AREN’T ALLOWED” a good immersive RPG world has to exist like a real believable world. And an unknown extradimensional force preventing people of certain races from becoming certain classes breaks my immersion to hell and back. Existing in the setting, in the world of azeroth and there being an invisible barrier physically preventing a human from being a druid without any lore explanation is so much worse for me as someone who cares about the lore/story than letting individuals make choices contrary to their culture.

This has always been the way things has been so it’s always how it should be. Is not a reasonable argument. As garrosh says: times change. Adapt or die.