Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

Next is creating a Void Elf Paladin. Naturally it will use the Light with no explanation.

You know the dreadlords aren’t demons right?

I even hate to recall what Shadowlands did. Now we have Dreadlords that are actually from the Shadowlands…

Why did the team think this “twist” was necessary?

Same reason they think this was neccesary: a complete disregard for the lore.

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I never realized how many biological determinists played this game.

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Lightforged Draenie, I thought was weird given the lore and their whole ideal etc …
However — If Draenei get lightforged customisations for their demons (Such as Lothraxion the redeemed) - I’m :100: percent all for it, and my hype factor would blow through the roof! :partying_face:

(Personally I hope for race-inspired features upon the demon customisations for all the races)

… But yeah, hopefully they have lore justifications for the more pure races such as Draenei (Lightforged included) and Tauren – Amongst others for lore build.

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I tested making a lightforged drenei today. In their underwear appearance it is obvious that there has been grafting something into their skin, it is more than mere tattoos since that is another option, but that graft is mandatory. And this is covering a good portion of their body.

Everything post-MoP felt like fanfic tbh.

At the same time we’ve had Undead,Holy Priests in the game since vanilla.


Gameplay trumps story is the same excuse Star Citizen uses for their vaporware. Story is the core part of every RPG. So nope. Demon Hunters and Evokers too for everyone. We do this, we go all in, and commit to full on crazy with the diversity bullcrap. We do this, we burn everything that is Warcraft to the ground.

Frankly, I begin to welcome it also if only so a more competent company can pick it up and make it’s successor and bar those who infected this franchise from any sort of access to it.

again, there is a questline on the ptr explaining why these races decided to become warlocks. maybe try checking out the ptr or reading some articles instead of being a big crybaby forum warrior

Actually champ I did a full write up of the quest from the PTR. So that’s a lie on your part.

There is no justification or lore given on Mag’har or Lightforged. There is a Lightforged, but he never uses any Warlock spell save summoning you. Mag’har aren’t even present at any point in the scenario.

So yeah. What were you saying again?

“i dont like it so it’s bad” must be a very high level of discourse for you

Read the article instead of being cognitively dissonant. Or are facts scary?

This really should be a thing and it would bring some really neat flavor to existing classes. Like Void Knights.

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Having Draenei be Warlocks is like a holocaust survivor joining the WW2 villains.

Absolutely ridiculous.

Gameplay and freedom of choice will always be more important.

If you don’t like LFD Locks, don’t play one.



This would also solve the problem with ease because we could justify Mag’har Warlocks as Blood Magic users or some such. Truth is and remains that Fel + Mag’har = Green Orc!

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You are aware collaborators did exist, right?

i mean it’s a work in progress and by no means final so dry your tears, there may very well be more stuff added to it later

The ones that were having their families burned? They willingly joined the opposition because they thought it was a good idea?

They weren’t forced into it?