Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

I never even mentioned those games. You just made nonsensical comments and attempted to turn it back on me— poorly, because those words never came out of my mouth. You were literally quote a small portion of the internet that tells you WoW is an MMORPG and you ignored it flat out. Let’s look back at your bad argument, shall we?

And the best part again…

A permanent ignore seems to be in order.

I hate seeing people fight. That’s what I found on google.

:point_right: :point_left:

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Yes, please ignore each other, so those that are interested in class availibity changes don’t get swamped with 100 posts going back and forth on what genre WoW is.

Blizzard defines it is an MMORPG, it has RPG elements, its an MMORPG, done, please move on

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That is the problem, you outright ignore the arguments. What you are basically saying, that the only thing an online game needs in order to be a RPG, is to incorporate some RPG elements. Various online games have done this, and yet they are not RPGs.

There are and should remain far more criteria for what could be considered a RPG. At best, World of Warcraft is a action MMO due to its heavy combat focus. The RPG is lacking in anything but a leveling up and quest system, something that was included in strategy games such as Warcraft 3, and other action MMOs such as Destiny 2. Level up and gearing, or rather, point-management system are also found in MOBA games such as League of Legends or DOTA.

What defines a RPG game is at large player agency, something World of Warcraft lacks to a great degree, and something which Black Desert Online as well as older MMORPGs actually had. One could argue that class-race restriction are also hitting player agency, but at the same time having them in created “meaningful” choices. But due to WoW’s lack of RPG there are no meaningful choices anyway. What is so meaningful about choosing a tauren warrior over an orc warrior? Nothing but aethestic, that is not really meaningful from a game-feature perspective.

So at the end of the day, WoW would do best at leading on player agency to accomplish some semblance of ‘RPG’ and this also means removing class-race restrictions, and probably removed factions too.

And Blizzard defines it as an MMORPG as the picture above shows, and regardless of whether the rush-to-end-gamers ignore them, quests make up 80% of the lore of WoW, and are a major part of it, the storytelling is there, please stop going for another 100 offtopic posts.

You want to consider it just an action RPG? great, do so, but we really don’t need to hear about it on a class options thread.

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Biggest problem is that many games incorporates RPG elements in some sense. Even Call of Duty and EA’s Battlefront 2. Incorporating RPG elements does not make a RPG, which is the point.

Good for them.
They also think that removing class-race restrictions is a good idea, so can we just agree with that and have this thread locked?

I know. That’s what I said. Many times. And as you noticed, I did move on. But thanks for playing moderator and then arguing with them yourself? :woman_shrugging:

Blueberries for everyone :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Yay blueberries!


“I…am…void…where prohibited.”


Just because a race generally does things one way doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have individuals in that race who do things differently.

For emphasis, just because a race generally does things one way doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have individuals in that race who do things differently.

  • The Draenei undoubtedly have younger members who didn’t initially flee from Argus who aren’t as directly traumatized by the thought of working with demons
  • Draenei are still, at heart, Eredar who researched powerful magic and toyed with the forces of the universe to further their goals
  • Draenei can do a face-heel turn on a dime. Yes, a lot of the Draenei NPCs that we know are unflaggingly true and just, but we’ve seen with Yrel where she fell to being an extremist, we saw how easy it was to corrupt and turn Draenei on AU Draenor to the Legion (seriously, pamphlets).

I wrote this up before, text for a prospective Draenei Warlock trainer, and I’ll put it out there again, this is literally all they need to do is put something like this in. Covered and done:

What’s this over here? A new NPC in the Warlock training area? But it’s a Draenei! You talk to the Draenei and she says…

"Greetings, adventurer! You must be wondering why I am here. Our people do not usually use demons and fel, or at least the ones on this world do not. The Draenei actually have a long history of experimentation with different types of magic, though, from the days when we were known as the Eredar. Many of the founders of our society thought that it was important that we understand the tools of our enemies to protect ourselves and further our goals.

Some of us have started to experiment with those tools again, safely of course-- OH! Sorry, is that my Imp nibbling on you? My apologies!

Do not worry! We will be careful not to fall to the corruption of our ancestors…I hope."


Lore has not matterdd since cata

Lore MATTERS, first the Death Knights get butchered now warlocks… what’s next, a Tauren or panda demon hunter?

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And why not? We’re on Illidan’s blades, after all.

I think Illidan scraped you off :frowning:


He really did not want pandaren demon hunters, too much power in one place.

Eh, it’ll be reverse-engineered by Gnomes and Goblins or maybe even Vulpera and Humans soon enough. Or Pandaren figure it out themselves since we’re getting locks!

BE and NE are sweating now that the true heroes are starting to rise. :panda_face:

Please let the Draenei have a red skin option for Warlocks.
Also I’m glad that the Zandalari finally get the Warlock class.

So many new races to corrupt…err I mean train to become Warlocks. :smirk:

I plan on bending and corrupting the light to do my bidding.

Now /Dance Peasants.

That’s why some of us have been saying, it’s not impossible, just improbable— unless there’s lore justification.

But the lore justification gets more difficult for ones like Mag’har and Lightforged. That’s where I’ll be interested to see if they even address it.

Make class skins a thing and call them Felforged.

There problem solved.

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