Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

Give Draenei a red skin tint.

Problem solved.

It genuinely bothers me how you people don’t know about the classic class quests.



Where in the Lore does it say that no one can succumb to the Fel magics?

Disclaimer: I get where you’re coming from, but if we look at Fel as corruption, it’s fairly simple

That is basically what Blizzard’s explanation for Draeni is, another poster above posted what the PTR text for it is:

I think too many Draenei becoming warlocks has been the recurring issue in WoW history.

Careful now. I tried to point out canon and i got people probably wanting to gouge my eyes out cause they want their fel draenei waifu badly.

I’ve seen people who defend canon behind a fortress only to tear it down and tear down anyone in their way for their desires.

I actually can’t wait to be a draenei warlock.


If Op wants to complain about Lore. technically only Male Nelf were druids… its stupid at this point let everyone be everything


This is disingenuous.

Players did not decide on these “lore breaking” race/class combos. Did they want them? Sure, but let’s put the blame where it belongs, which is right on Blizzard’s shoulders. They could have told us no, the same way they have been telling us no, for 18 going on 19 years.

And what else are people supposed to do? I was one of those that did not want stupid race/class combos but I was overridden. So I either deal with it or I quit. If you’re one of those people so mad at this decision then vote with your wallet.


And make it exclusive to Warlocks!

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Please learn to read.

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So where are the RPG elements?
WoW is just another Destiny game, without the guns.

Destiny 2 is a FPS-RPG. Thanks for failing at your own argument. I have already listed some of the many RPG elements. Enjoy your day.

It’s not. I’ve seen the most stalwart people give in when they see something they want and damn anything else.

The other issue yes blizz makes changes that contradict itself because they keep getting different people rotating in making choices.

As for the wallet thing. Hard to do when you have people who live in this game no matter what and they keep funding it. As much as i tried it myself nothing really changed.

Lets get night elf paladins finally!


Gotta laugh at two people from the same abomination shoe-horned non-transmoggable race arguing about this crap.

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No, it is an action MMO.
Or player-based categorisation - a looter shooter.

Just because it contains RPG elements, does not make something a RPG. Otherwise MOBAs would be RPGs. Warcraft 3 would be a RPG.

World of Warcraft is not a RPG, I would argue it never was, atleast if you have ever been an avid RPG player. Be it video games or tabletop games.

Atleast Dracthyr is more interesting than Void Elves, so that is something.

Do you think there are a lot of new players? I don’t. I think WoW is basically in stasis mode with 1-3 million average players that are mostly 30+ in age. Seems to me WoW has joined the ranks of Everquest and Runescape, as in they’re not going to ever die but they’re maintained by the remaining diehards that won’t quit as long as servers are up.

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Same so since my years of arguing against things like Forsaken Paladins and Draenei Warlocks have been, or will be, overridden, I might as well go with the flow or quit.

So I decided to go with the flow and enjoy my new fel cows.