Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

Up until SL the lore was ok, but then that expansion completely ruined it

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Blizzard has claimed that they care about this sort of thing…so I hope they do. I very…very much hope they show they do, and follow through. Just dropping the announcement without any indication of how it will all be integrated is uh, well… so alarming that people are super emotional on this thread. Fingers crossed they surprise us all with a well-thought out questline/introduction (especially for these combinations that make little sense).


I came back for DF because I thought some of the things they were doing leading up into were pretty good ideas. Liked a lot of what’s going on. Warlocks on all with no explanation is worrisome and just seems like continued abandonment of lore/story. I think that’s what everyone is worried about.


They would need to restrict Warlocks to only the red skin variants. Maybe even give the combination some unique label?

As other comments say, not all Eredar are red. Obviously, the more fel-corrupted, the more one changes - we see that in all demonic corrupted creatures. But you don’t just turn red bc you’re a warlock who uses fel, lol! We going to force one skin color on all race’s warlocks? Anyone/everyone’s appearance changes with too much fel corruption…so that wouldn’t make sense. But also we see night warrior customization and undead elf customizations not locked to any one class, so I doubt they’d do that with Draenei warlock.

To go along with the “no class gating” thing…arnt all the characters we create supposed to be chosen ones? Let us make our character whatever class we want! Blood elf shamans, Orc Paladins and so on!

He is playing along with what lore they release or change… you would be the one to have to stop playing in this debate. No dog in this race… just pointing out the facts. :smile:

They’ve said they’re working on unlocking all classes for all races. This is part of that process.

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If players wanna be the only “Blue Draenei Warlocks”, it’s fine. Other players aren’t really lore since you’re the Champion of Azeroth or whatever.

The “lore friendly” option of having red Draenei warlocks for those who actually still care about Lore would be welcome I suspect.

Awesome!!! :smiley:

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Giving nobodies weapons that could destroy Azeroth


My heart is breaking…

Agreed but I have to ask…why are the players never ment to be the saviors? Who on blizzard actually thought that was a good idea? Because it’s not, it’s the old trope of one person doing all the work, saying there lying and telling them, “no, no, it was ALL THIS NPC that saved the world” sorry for the nonsensical rant

even that is more justification than is required to make this work.

You do know the Draenei in lore have had Warlocks since the end of Legion right? When Velen offered any ex-Eredar a home.

There is zero connection, you have no idea what I’m talking about, clearly.

That lore work for the demons among the Illidari but it is still an ill fit for the Lightforged. They Illidari dislike demons but WILL ally with them if it helps them fight the Burning Legion.


Playing the Paladin’s Class Halls quest you eventually get to visit the Priests Class Hall. They are allies like that.

Prove that it is a RPG.