Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

LOL that’s great. :rofl:

But really, the trainer text will hopefully cover it. lol

You didn’t prove anything. WoW isn’t strong enough in the direction of RPG to curb player freedom in the name of it, especially when the last few expansions have been so far in the field of absurdity that it doesn’t matter anymore. Wea re so far beyond the point where something like this matters that they could come out tomorrow and say all Draenei have decided to become warlocks because they like the vibes and I’d say “yeah that sounds about right. I should become a warlock too, they DO be vibing.”

Nah. Just bring back the class quests, so people stop forgetting we’re evil and don’t need permission from our culture to do what we do.

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They fled, but there’s always going to be 1 or 2 etc that start to use the fel and then influence others. It’s always going to happen. It’s not like they can flee, and then never have another member of their race/faction try it out…

Corruption is inevitable.

Thank you for ignoring literally everything else said as you did earlier, because you refuse to have a civil discussion. I’ll just reiterate and leave you to your anger.

Have a nice day.

And yet, I wrote a whole long reply about why and how Draenei warlocks make sense. If you were actually a Draenei, I could understand the ire. But…again, my take on my Draenei is that if you have lived millenia seeing the Light do nothing to save innocent people as your fallen brethren destroy every planet you touch, every race you interact with…then not just your family is butchered, but your whole race is almost wiped out?? And the Light…did nothing? Why continue to worship it? Why bother? It changes nothing. You lost everything, and so many other planets lost everything, why not just do whatever you want? Why not be a good aligned warlock who enslaves demons out of spite, and uses them for good? The current warlock storyline in their class hall is even like…that they’re good guys doing bad stuff for good reasons, now. It’s just Lightforged that boggle the mind, for me. You don’t join Isis, then go sign up for the U.S. Army…unless you’re a spy? Not much way to explain that one for me. Lightforged are fanatics…who are physically bound to the opposing force to fel.

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It’s always interesting to me that they put so much time and effort into all of the class storylines and cultures and then just… stopped. Makes me sad. There’s a lot they could with that now.


The class quests really hammered it in that warlocks are THE evil class.

Not this anti-hero dk/dh stuff, straight up, grade-A evil.

I’m all for people’s RP reasons to do whatever it is they do. But you’re not canon nor are you the story or the lore.

Blizzard is responsible for making it make sense for the IP. Otherwise it degrades story/lore further and just ends up making those who do like those things just walk away from the game. I did it when WoD was announced. Nothing since then til SL made any sense with the exception of Legion.

Lilliana isn’t writing the story/lore. Blizzard is. I am for more race/class combos. Make it make sense in game.


Wrong again. The class hall quests hammer in that you’re good guys now, binding demons and serving the good of Azeroth.

What are you talking about? There is still a predisposition for Tauren to be spiritual and physically inclined. There is still a predisposition for Humans to be pious and militant. There is still a predisposition for Dwarves to prefer enclosed spaces and industry. And so on, and so forth.

Part of figuring out a character is how much you want to adhere to your cultural origin, and how much of your culture you’re willing to abandon.

Racial fantasy is something that could use work for races that aren’t typically in the limelight, but it’s not something dictated by PC class availability. Just because Tauren can be Mages doesn’t make Thunder Bluff a nexus of arcane practice or even an outlier. It just makes that particular Tauren a bit eccentric and maybe a bit less welcome than their peers.

We ARE non-canon, because it’s always the main NPCs doing the heavy lifting. We’re never allowed to be the star for whatever reason. So if we can be replaced by any blank slate, let’s allow that slate to become anything the player in question wants.

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Well, I think Boredom was saying that the Light left them and nothing but a body remained. There’s nothing in the racial that says a pile of ash is left behind.

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“Again” implies I was ever wrong.

Class quests, not the class hall. Though since you brought it up: I would argue that the class hall is just you serving your own interests, you don’t benefit from azeroth getting razed.

Take a look at some of those classic quests and flavor text for reference. We are the evil class, and even “good” warlocks have to do things ten times worse than what DKs do just to cast a shadowburn.

Indeed I’m not - but I am representative of the fact that there are in fact people out there who want this - who see what the real world is like, and that all of one type of people aren’t all exactly the same. Draenei aren’t all religious anymore than every white person is a catholic - individuals will have their own unique experience with religion in a fantasy universe as much as in the real world. Sure, those who have lost faith may be fewer in number because of their religious culture…or maybe there will be even more, because fanatical cultures are known for creating just as fanatical polar opposites. Hyper religious parents often end up with atheist children, etc. You can’t paint all Draenei with one brush - some will see the path to good as being in enslaving the demons that once hunted them.

I never said I was against a questline explaining it, I detail this in my original post.

And no, Lilliana doesn’t write the lore, but we’d all be better off if I did. :wink:

But this is the issue. No one (not you) cares to have it explained or at least SOME reasoning why it exists.

I’d even go for a Night Elf rolling Warlock having the Stormwind opening and starting in Northshire Abbey. Or even a Night Elf Paladin. Like, hey that makes sense. They aren’t welcomed in the Kaldorei society due to their practices, so they went to Stormwind.

Blizzard. Sucks. At. This.


If you don’t think draenei can be warlocks, you are a racist because believing that only some races can do some things is kinda racist if you think about it

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Not sure how long it took you to think of this to type it, but since you took the time to do it, you should probably rethink some decision making. jfc

The class hall and class quests are intrinsically tied together, but I’m not here to derail the conversation further. Warlocks were specifically set up as being less of an overtly bad thing so they could later open it up to more races, and have a new age take on what is supposedly an evil profession both IC and OOC. If your job is training dogs, you wouldn’t say it’s evil, right? So why is training demons? What’s evil about it? It’s how you use the magic that makes you good or bad - it’s how much you corrupt yourself along the way…or don’t. Being a warlock is not inherently evil, it’s just that most people are too weak and fall prey to corruption…much like Sith in Star Wars. WoW’s whole approach to magic these days is very ‘it’s how you use it’ in theory. If you mass murder people with arcane, and heal them with fel-energy, which one is evil?

But! There’s lots of intensely emotional responses on here that detract from the point of the whole thing, which is…just making lore to support these changes that do, per lore, make sense… even if some people refuse to realize that not all of one race are all one thing and all believe one thing. There will always be outliers.

They could turn Lightforged Draenei and Draenei Warlocks into a W real quick if they allow Red skin color and green eyes. Eredar ftw.

Pretty much…