Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

I think it’s great! My Draenei lost her faith in the Light when Orcs violated her home and family and people… and the Light did nothing to stop it, after also doing nothing to stop their fallen Eredar brethren from chasing them from planet to planet killing and converting other races to demons for thousands of years; the Light didn’t save those planets or those innocent people, either. She hasn’t believed in the Light in years, and has mostly just been a chaotic neutral shaman since TBC! Saying every Draenei is a fanatical Light worshiper at this stage of the story is like saying every single white person in existence is Catholic - it’s simply not true, and everyone has their own relationship to religion… even pseudo-Catholic aliens from space. (And there’s a trope around those who grew up Catholic rebelling against it - why not Draenei? ‘Rebelling against a long-established pseudo-Catholic religion’ is even one of FFXIV’s most celebrated expansions!)

Now…Lightforged Draenei? Those make no sense as Warlocks. Unless all their Light accoutrements become fel colored and they are obviously fel-tainted instead of Light-tainted, this is a bit ridiculous. But regular Draenei? Why not? Every individual is allowed to do as they please, and maybe enslaving and commanding the demons who once sought to enslave and command THEM is a spicy way to turn the tables! There’s lots of reasons a Draenei might go warlock…but no reason for a fanatic zealot who has bound themselves to the Light to go Warlock. I’m 100% behind Draenei warlock, however, and have long thought it’s ridiculous to force ‘you are religious’ on my character when she has no reason to be, after all the times the Light has failed her people over the millenia. Her ‘faith’ resulted in a butchered family and near genocide of her people - why not enslave the demons who caused that!

Draenei becoming warlocks makes perfect sense. Times have changed since they were first put in the game - that’s like saying Night Elf mages make no sense! Times have changed, and the Night Elves are open to allowing arcane users back amongst their ranks, despite it once causing the near-end of the world! So Draenei can change too - that’s what sentient, sapient creatures do… adapt, and change with time. Stop fearing change, step back from your knee-jerk emotional response…and look at things from more than one angle. And as a roleplayer? Lore is vital to me. Essential. If you don’t like Draenei becoming warlocks, well…I would say that in character having a Draenei be offended that another Draenei became a warlock makes sense, but as a human being? I don’t care. The real world changes with time, and what types of people do what things - so why not the fake world? I like seeing the fake world evolve with time in the same ways the real world does. It makes it more immersive!

I do, however, expect Lightforged Draenei to be handled differently than other races, and have a unique customization AND quest about it, because you cannot bind yourself to both the Light AND the Fel. That is impossible via lore - they have already bound themselves to the Light… how can they also bind themselves to demons? Make it make sense - heck, even giving all Draenei a special quest for it would be nice.

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It didn’t… But they were in Legion and our guide.

They aren’t just thinking of it. Its already done.

I disagree. WoW has steadily and sometimes even rapidly stripped away it’s RPG elements. There’s no agency in the story because you aren’t even part of it. There are no choices to be made within the story that are meaningful. The only RPG aspects that exist boil down to character gear. The game pays lipservice to roleplaying games but when compared to basically any singleplayer RPG on the market barely holds up as a roleplaying game. I’m not playing Pathfinder: Kingmaker or Deus Ex. I’m playing modern WoW, a game that boldly rejected what RPG elements existed in it’s past by 2023.

Even character builds via the talent tree exist basically in service of quests and dungeons/raids that fall squrely under ‘action’ more than they do ‘RPG’. Your party has nothing to do with each other outside of the trinity roles, and there are no RPG elements within the dungeon.

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Not really. I mean to be fair Eredar were the first warlocks and those amongst the Draenei that left could have been like “man did I join the wrong side” and hid it until Legion deciding to use that power to fight the Legion.

Same with Night Elf warlocks. And Tauren had Feltotem so its possible there was a Feltotem that tried to redeem themselves.

With LFD its kind of moot since we have death knights.

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NGL, I was going to explain some of the stuff, but after yesterday I don’t see the point. :sob:

LFD DKs died and the light left them when they were risen from death, that’s a wholly different thing.

Thats the funny thing.

It doesn’t break lore, at all.

Anyone who wants to challenge me on that is going to get absolutely dominated.

Lore says they exploded in the light not that the light left.

They literally go BOOM

I don’t think that’s what the racial says. I’m pretty sure it says the Light explodes from their body.

I’ll get the link and we’ll see who is right.

(Just says “erupt upon death”)

If this was Mists of Pandaria I’d probably be raising an eyebrow but WoD made me check out completely. We’ve had time-traveling orcs and the jailer, Draenei warlocks don’t bother me in the slightest. Mainly because I’m incapable of thinking it matters at this point.

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Thats what I said.

Facts prove you incorrect. This is an MMORPG.

Irrelevant. MMORPGs don’t need agency to be MMORPGs.

Also incorrect. Storyline, history, lore, the way professions work, the story behind those, the fligthpaths, the world, etc. are all RPG elements.

This is an MMORPG, not a single player RPG. There’s a large difference.

Talent trees can be tailored for many types of gameplay— including RPers on MG and WrA and other places.

Also incorrect, as storyline, RPG items, etc exist within them.

You are free to play the game the way you want to play it, but your “facts” are wrong.


Any race for any class combo makes sense. Groups of any race can learn new stuff or deviate from over arching principals and beliefs of their race.

For Draenai, they literally got so warlocky at one point that most of their race became the eredar… they aren’t totally against shadow or fel. Never have been. Deep rooted racial history of using non-holy magic.

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The ending of bloodmyst has you fight a draenei warlock right off the rip.

The idea that nobody else would eventually turn to fel is goofy. Warlocks are heretics, culture never matters.


I’m not reading this whole smug, self-indulgent post but I am going to say that the facts are that you’re getting Draenei warlocks.

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Clearly, Orc warlocks just hung in the cleft and humans hung in the catacombs for the scenic view.

In other words, you dislike when proven incorrect. I’m sorry for that.

Please show me where I said we weren’t or that they shouldn’t do it. Because all I said was they should add storyline to justify it. And I also said that they are, seeing as how they already did so with the ones added in 10.0.5 through the trainers.

If you want to play ignorant just to argue, then find someone else.

The draenei [ˈdɹænɑɪ] (meaning Exiled Ones in their own tongue ) are a faction of uncorrupted eredar who fled their homeworld of Argus to escape the corruption of the demonic Burning Legion.

Thanks for demonstrating why people are up in arms about these decisions.


“And then Prophet Velen said ‘let there be warlocks’, expositioned for an hour, and everyone clapped.”