Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

I want them to at least try to make sense and go the extra mile.

Like if Lightforged Warlocks get Lightforged looks on their demons then that’s enough for me.

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Just now noticed this thread again, almost 500+ replies in less than 24 hrs? :flushed:

…only GD’ers could take something so trivial/that almost no one cares about, and make a mega-thread out of it :laughing:


The Warlock combos that are truly incompatible with lore are Lightforged Draenei and Mag’har Orc.

Imagine caring about WoW lore after BFA/SL

One thing Lingxiu has always been right about in these discussions is the player does not represent the entire race.

A small example is one of the few quests in this game that give us a choice. Mount Hyjal gives you the option to spare a harpy’s life or end it. A Draenei would typically elect to spare her because for the most part they’re good people but the player can be evil and slit her throat.

Party in Goldshire, Draenei Warlock only, on 10.1.5 release.

First round is on me.

Do you ExoDARE us?

It would be really nice if Blizz gave an in-game reason for them appearing. Like how there’s a stealthed rogue Tauren in Org who tells you he’s been there all the time. But nah, patch comes out and there they be because Blizz says so.

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I think something that might help with that is revising the new player experience; rather than starting at your racial start, each class has a city typically associated with it and you start there instead, whether it be an underground guild, circle, academy, or whatnot.

So you have Exile’s Reach, Class Starting Area, or Race Starting Area.

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This is still an RPG. It should and it will, if they follow what they did for the others in 10.0.5.

Your opinion is noted and I understand some feel that way, but adding a few lines of NPC conversation doesn’t change that.

We have absolutely no idea how many do or don’t.

What a nonsensical and insulting comment. Literally everyone who stops doing something or quits a game has reasons on why they’re done with parts or all of it. Stating that changes nothing.

The only fragility I see here is you triggered by something no one else would care about, because it doesn’t affect them.

This was addressed before to those who seem to get so annoyed by someone’s opinion:


For this to actually work from a lore perspective we would require a roleplaying encouraging patch/expansion where npc’s actually care about what you are. I am OK with draenei warlocks but as individuals they should be considered fallen and shunned, especially by other draenei. Lightforge draeniei warlocks make absolutely no sense. They are NOT an alternate race of draenei, the Lightforged dranaei are hardcore light infused draenei that joined them to get light infused. There is an excruciating selection process for who they accept in their ranks. You do not actually need to be a draenei to join the Lightforged but you must be a Lightside fanatic. No room for a warlock there.

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I get where you’re trying to come from here…But my dracthyr can barely fly as it is.
Much to my embarrassment, I’m almost always on a dragon mount, just like everyone else.
I wouldn’t miss the dracthyr racial of being able to barely fly once a minute in exchange for 2% crit and stoneform.

The amount of people seriously trying to say “lore doesn’t matter”…

If lore really didn’t matter, we wouldn’t have “races” or “classes” at all. Everyone would just be human, and we would have one spec for each type of gameplay.

Legion was praised for its focus on Class-fantasy. For some reason, Blizzard has never even attempted to use those themes since. Or even apply similar logic to “Race-fantasy”, with things like the Heritage armor quests, which people seem to love.

But when you try to completely divorce the cultural themes of a Class, from the cultural themes of a Race, you just wind up having a world where players are essentially “non-canon”, because they’re not part of anything.


While im not gonna throw a tantrum or anything about this, i do feel like warcraft lost a bit of its flavor today.


I can, with consierable effort, wrap my head around the possibility of a draenei being a warlock. It’s not easy but I can see how they could have a few edgecase individuals pulling it off.

The lightforged though? The guys who have been fighting the legion for tens of thousands of yeas? Not a F***ing chance.


It would be easier if their Demons, by default, are Lightforged Demons and it’s a mutual pact between them. If you change their looks then, whatever. That canon would still be Lightforged demons as the default.

Course that would require Blizzard doing extra work… And I don’t see them caring enough to do that.

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You and I both know there won’t.


That doesn’t really jive with the lore, like at all.

You’d frankly be better off making a whole new class at that point.

It could work, as we meet a Lightforged Dreadlord early on Argus.

Just out of curiosity, how does Lightforged Dreadlord help make sense of things?

The thing is, the Nazrathim aren’t demons, they’re denizens from revendreth.

So one becoming “lightforged” doesn’t really mean anything.