Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

The lore is just an excuse the developers use when they don’t want to add something. When they want to add something, the lore becomes irrelevant.

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the amount of tears in this thread is absolutely hilarious over class/race combo, BRING ON THE WORGEN PALADINS NEXT PLEASE. I want to create my worgen crusade


More options for player customization are better. More class options are better. There are always RP servers that adhere more to the standard lore tropes.


Keeping limitations intact for outdated lore reasons will never trump paid race change revenue.

Does anyone care about lore outside of OP and like a handful of other people?

I do, but im a firm believer that things can change


Did a write up on the quest if anyone is interested. Yes it’s as bad as we thought.


But there doesn’t need to be storyline justification. Gameplay trumps story. Let every race be every class. (Minus Demon Hunters and Evokers, probably. That at least makes sense.)

In a video game yeah, at least this one. In a single player RPG maybe not so much. But I hope they have some reasons why this is happening in lore/story.

I agree with this. I also want to quantify that most people don’t care about the story. If I recall correctly for most expansions you could just dungeon spam your way through it. Storyline has always been optional up until world quests required full completion of the storyline, but you can also just skip all the cutscenes. You’re not really stopped from doing that.
I think in a game that isn’t necessarily about the story, class restrictions stop making that much sense. It just feels restricting.
Vulpera druids soon and so on and so forth.

More like people that inherited the lore and have decided to wipe their backsides with it.


LOL no it wasn’t tauren rogues. There is actual lore for that. The Grimtotem have always had tauren rogues and they have been with the TB tauren since vanilla. They swore loyalty to the Horde in Cata. There only difference between a TB tauren and a GT tauren is paint.

What I think was the “screw it open the floodgates moment” was giving Dark Ranger skins to any Alliance elf that had a few gold coins in their pocket. No lore, nothing to explain why a kaldorei priest or druid suddenly has undead skin and red eyes, it was just “here ya go! visit your local barbershop!”


Don’t belittle those for quiting.

It’s their money and yes, there are players that actually pay attention to the lore.

They also saw that Blizzard can be petty. See how Blizzard treats us High Elf fans.

That should tell you all you need to know that Blizzard will handle this poorly.

I’ll only accept Draenei Warlocks if they get Red Eredar customization optionS.

I’ll only accept Lightforged Warlocks if all their Demons are Lightforged looking and their effects are changes to reflect that.

Then I need a lore reason shown to us in-game.

I mean. The lore never made sense. Tf are you talking about lol.

More importantly, OP, we need grimtotem face for tauren locks.


The forums are awash with urine from all the beds being wet over this. It’s amazing. It’s BRILLIANT. (Smells a bit though)

When Shaman gets the same treatment, it’ll be even better.



"In the Fractures in Time content update, the Warlock class will become available to Night Elves, Draenei, Lightforged Draenei, Pandaren, Kul Tiran, Tauren, Highmountain Tauren, Mag’har Orcs, and Zandalari Trolls.
Warlocks will also be able to undertake a new quest line starting with the quest “Beginning Impositions,” which will unlock a new imp pet customization. Players will also be able to visit the Barbershop to customize their pets.”

scource : https://www.wowhead.com/news/fractures-in-time-official-patch-10-1-5-development-preview-332919


Apparently not, and I’m seething.

I said many times that I am 100% for expanding race/class options but ONLY if it makes sense, lore wise for that to happen and there are no serious lore conflicts within the racial lore.

And for the most part, the new warlock race combinations are fine. There’s nothing impacting Tauren, Pandaren, Kul Tiran and Zandalari Trolls from being Warlocks. There’s no direct lore that prevents them from going down that path, so, throw in some quests to explain why they’re doing so and bam, job done.

But then we come to the problematic ones. Highmountain Tauren, Draenei, Lightforged Draenei, Night Elf and Mag’har Orc.

Now for Highmountain Tauren? It’s not as big of an issue. Granted they were targeted by the Burning Legion and the Bloodtotem betrayed the Highmountain Tribes and corrupted themselves, becoming the Feltotem, but that can be looked over, mostly. At best it’s a niggling annoyance, like an itch you can’t quite scratch. Annoying at first but it goes away and then it doesn’t really bother you for a while.

But the others? Lore conflict bonanza, all of them.

Let’s start with the Draenei. This is a species who, for 13,000 years, have been on the run from the Burning Legion. They lost their original homeworld to the demons, many of them lost friends and family, either when the demons killed them, or when they willingly threw in their lot with the Legion and became demons themselves. They were victims of genocide, thanks to the Legion corrupting the Orcs, and they’ve been attacked by the Legion multiple times on Azeroth.

So they have absolutely no love for any demons or their corrupted kin. None. They hate them with a burning passion. Hell, many of them are so focused on using the Light that they consider shamanism to be heresy and those that practice it to be heretics.

So a Draenei becoming a warlock? It shouldn’t happen, ever, and if it ever did, the other Draenei would outright hunt down and slaughter any of their kin who dared to go down that path, as many of the AU Draenei did during Warlords of Draenor when their kin joined the Sargerai faction and chose to aid the Legion or the Shadow Council.

And it’s even more unlikely for the Lightforged Draenei. This is a species who, for 13,000 years, instead of running from the Burning Legion, has been fighting them, with no ability to reinforce their armies. When we find them on Argus, they are at the end of their rope. Turalyon stated that if they didn’t get aid that they would lose the war, and had we not shown up on Argus when we did, that would have been a reality. Xe’ra would have been killed by the Legion and all of the Lightforged Draenei, along with Turalyon, would have been slaughtered.

And now we’re expected to believe that these Draenei, who are so focused on serving the Light that they literally altered their bodies to do so and are considered zealots by most, would not only tolerate but accept warlocks into their ranks? Hell no! Absolutely not!

This doesn’t just go against the lore, it pisses on it, wrings up the leftovers into a ball, throws that ball into a furnace and then for good measure pisses on the ashes before leaving it to rot in a dark hole.

Similar story with the Night Elves, again much like the Draenei, this is a species that has suffered considerably at the hands of the Legion. They lost 90% of their civilization and a serious chunk of their population when the War of the Ancients erupted and the resulting explosion of the Well of Eternity destroyed the continent of Kalimdor, leaving the world as we see it in World of Warcraft today. They shaped their entire civilization, post-war of the ancients, into one that shunned all use of the arcane, fearing that if they plumbed into the depths of that magic again, it would cause the Legion to return.

They exiled their kin, lived for 10,000 years in the forests, and then when the Legion did return during the events of Warcraft III, they sacrificed Nordrassil to stop Archimonde, which caused them to lose their own immortality and their immunity to sickness and disease. They HATE the Burning Legion and all demons. And while yes, they did eventually welcome the surviving Highborne back into their ranks, even after admitting them they still despise the use of arcane magic. The Nightborne’s reliance on that magic was one of the reasons Tyrande didn’t appreciate them as a race and their dogmatic views on its use were one of the reasons why Thalyssra aligned her people with the Horde instead.

But there is a BIG difference between the use of the arcane and the use of the fel. It simply would not be tolerated, not by any Night Elf leader, not by Tyrande, not by Shandris, certainly not by Maiev. None of them would accept warlocks in their society. End of story.

And finally, the Mag’har Orcs. This one is actually a pretty simple one. They literally cannot exist. Mag’har is Orcish for ‘uncorrupted’. That’s not a vague interpretation that could be seen differently within their race. No. That’s literally what the word means. So the moment a Mag’har Orc were to go down the path of the Warlock and accept the fel as a source of power, they would no longer be ‘uncorrupted’. Their skin would turn green (as it does for all Orcs who use fel or are exposed to it for lengthy periods of time) and they’d become your bog standard Orc. No longer Mag’har. Not even in the slightest.

None of these races should have warlocks as an option. End of story.



i’ve waited for years. YEARS to be a draenei warlock. Now… it’s time. IT’S FINALLY TIME. muahahaha FINALLY I CAN EMBRACE MY EREDAR HERITAGE!


No but seriously, i’m so excited to play my favorite race class combo. I hope I get cool new skin tones.


Okay Sylvia Plath.

Huge W imo. The fact that so many of you desk pounders are implying you’d accept this if they just give you a quick quest to justify it is funny too.


I don’t know, I kind of see a difference between using spells and being totally infused with stuff. Using a shadow spell and being a void-y entity are two different things in my head.

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