Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

Personally I would love to play a Draenei lock. If I played this game for the lore, I’m going to be seriously disappointed. The trick is to have low expectations right off the bat so it can only go up from there.

There is no such thing as a racial conclusion of opionions. Why y’all think cultures are monoliths? Even if 99.9999% of a culture is anti something all it takes is one person existing and that person could be the PC. But clearly highmountain tauren had people willing to become warlocks in the past hence the feltotem so what’s to stop them from doing it again?


i think once they added tauren rogues, they said ‘screw it, open the floodgates.’

…i’m excited for pandaren warlocks. :slight_smile:

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The lore reason is: timelines all fubar. The second all-round literary skeleton key besides amnesia.

Need I say more? :cry:

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ion said that they want df to focus on the dracthyr evokers so you can rest assured they will have warrior, priest, mage, hunter, warlock, and whatever else available to them in 11.0. it sucks but at least we’re getting other race+class combos in the meantime

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Give me an eredar warlock, not a Draenei, a Lightforged Draenei warlock & a maghar just don’t make sense. Get rid of these 3 for goodness sake.


That’s what’ll kill it for you? I love wows lore and yeah light forged warlocks don’t make a lot of sense, doesn’t stop me from enjoying the game though. But I wish you well playing the next mmo that doesn’t have conflicting lore. Oh wait…


So you don’t think there is value in complaining about poor lore decisions when they happen?

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Of course there is value, I think it’s a dumb decision too. But pulling out the old “I’m quitting wow if they ‘reason’” is just tiring to hear over and over again

A Turtle made it to the water! …Told me all I needed to about WoW.

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I once legit had a panic attack doing that quest. In defense of the quest I have a panic disorder but it’s not common for video games to give me a panic attack. Heck even super hard ones like elden ring.

Then ignore it. You don’t need to agree but some of us are getting to final straws. And if you notice, I said I wanted them to add a story reason for it. That done, then I’ll deal, because culture was then addressed. And Zerde was nice enough to tell me that they did add storyline to the 10.0.5 trainers for the other class combos that were added. Which is very positive, because it means they should add it to the incoming ones.

I’ve been here 17 years and seen quite a lot change, retconned, added, etc. Sometimes, some of us just get tired of seeing RPG taken out of our RPG. Unique culture and lore that made races different and not every class was what some enjoy.

I didn’t make a threat. There’s no use in threats. No reason. It’s irrelevant. All I did was say what I will do. No one cares. It’s just my feelings. And you don’t have to agree. That’s totally fine. But don’t dismiss or belittle others for it.


Started playing in 08… im 26 now, I still care about this game, but im telling you Shadowlands has almost done me in and dragonflight has given me hope once again but… this, ive mained a warlock so long and to see tauren, HM tauren, Night elves, Draenei, Lightforged & Maghar (seriously!?) warlocks different people lead this game now, I know old wow wouldn’t completely destroy the lore.


The lore went out the window when they came up with amazing things such as:
-Tauren but with more horn
-Night Elves but weird
-Blood Elves extra purple koolaid
-Draenei with extra light.

Let’s also stop pretending every race/class combo has some sort of super deep reasoning to be what they are. I still remember when nelves got to be mages and everyone was flipping out because it went against the lore and so on and on, that was what? 12? 13 years ago? I guess wow truly died when those tree huggers got to fling ice bolt or something.


You realised that Shadowlands happened right? Its obvious how little they care about lore.

But as a side note… who cares anymore really. The game is nearly 20 years old at this point. It doesnt matter or change anything in how YOU play if a Draenei is a Lock.

Im just waiting on KT Paladins


All bow down to yomamaissofat

The lore has been terrible for years, but this isn’t one of the bad parts - literally any race can be anything. Maybe apart from some classes, like druids, or DHs, for other lore reasons, but I’m not too sure on those.
Like… believe it or not, every society will have it’s outcasts. A Draenei could just decide, hey, this light thing isn’t for me, I’m more drawn to the dark arts - I’ll go to Stormwind where all the cool warlocks meet and learn about them.
Draenei won’t just explode the moment they think about channeling Fel magic lol.
As for LFD, it’s not impossible either. Maybe a LFD just wanted to turn to the dark side. Or mix the best of both worlds. It happens.


They did say that, I remember reading and telling people on another character at the time before DF that they had a post in the news section saying this was their intention.

I can’t find it anymore but they’re making it pretty clear now it’s going to happen, they’re just taking it one step at a time.