Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

I swear this is the only community that complains about having more options to play with. Also LORE BE DAMNED when it comes to gameplay, class race restrictions make no sense when it comes to gameplay, and from a lore stand point, its easy to unlock class race combos. Do you guys really think that no one in the night elf society has even thought about taking up and learning fel magic? Especially after seeing some of their brothers and sisters sacrifice everything they have to become infused fel magic and become a demonhunter? You’re really gonna tell me that no one among the Draeneis haven’t had even a passing interest in it either? Yes the fel was the reason their home world was destroyed, but that hasn’t stopped others before. Pandaran have lived among the horde and alliance for years now, you’re gonna tell me that none of them have had a passing interest too?
Tauren, HM Tauren, Zandalari, and Maghar orcs have lived among the horde for a long time now, which horde has many races that practice fel magic and demon summoning, are you gonna tell me that no one from either of those two races have had any type of passing interest in trying it out for themselves? Especially considering that some of their brothers and sisters practice it.
And when it comes to lightforged, its a case of using the demon’s own power against them, like what the demon hunters do.
And if this upsets you, brace yourself for Nightborne Shamans, Gnome druids, and Goblin Paladins, you know its going to happen sooner or later, you should have seen all of this coming after Mages, Rogues, and Monks got all their restrictions lifted.

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This, this a thousand times, Gameplay over Lore.
Also excited to make a draenei lock as well.

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Or lets use the logical lore connection, since Exiles Reach is the canonically start of characters when Pandas can be warlocks and not the turtle.

And even if assuming the turtle start, Mists was in year 30, and Dragonflight or the current time is year 40, so by simple fact they have been around Horde & Alliance warlocks for 10 years, some of them decided to pick it up to fight their enemies/defend their friends/family/faction.

Same as any other race that has warlocks, and no specific reason not to pick it up (such as lightforged/regular draeni, maghar orcs, etc… do)


everyone who says “idc about lore” are the same people who watch movies for explosions or action, because it looks nice to them.


I really wouldn’t say fighting fel as much as harnessing it for their own means.

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Nobody cares what you signed up for. If there were a bunch of Spider-men web-slinging around Valdrakken that would be great if that’s what they wanted to do. I’d be very happy for them because I know how to mind my business. Also, every race learning to deal with and control demons isn’t any more unusual than every race being able to swing a sword and shoot a bow. It’s called progress.

Play WC3 and WoW classic then. A stagnant game is a dead game.

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We got our “explanation”

"See that wreck out there? Mjne are a people born of wreckage and ruin. The exodar on argus. The genedar on draenor.

The exodar on azeroth.

And each time the light preserves us.
Not all of us, just a fraction.

Just enough to continue.

But i wonder if there might be another way. Not in opposition to the light, but along side it. You asked me earlier why i am here.

This is my answer.

Because i survived the wreckage of my people and i am determined to become stronger for it."

(Typed out quest text)


No they don’t and I certainly dont. If story is gonna stop me and others from having more customizable options the lore can die ina whole.

Oh I meant fighting alongside, not against - whoops!

News flash: the lore doesn’t matter and has never really been good

I don’t know. I’ll be making one!!! Can’t wait!

it’s so bad but you’ll be catching me on a tauren warlock when patch drops

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I can’t wait for the complaints when they open up more classes to Dracthyr because it “goes against their lore.” One minute the complaints are that there aren’t enough options for players, citing other games that allow any race to be any class and such, the next is a complete 180 to complain that the changes go against pre-established lore in an active and evolving world wherein lore also continues to grow and evolve.


cutlures and what those cultures value change overtime. canonically, the story in wow has taken place over the span of MANY YEARS. many event filled years.

yes, that means things will change and evolve. if you want the story to stay the same forever, you’re looking for classic.

this is a live game. the story and races and culture in that story will be updated.


Based on Draenei lore, I find this ridiculous too, but whatever brings in the subs I guess


Warlocks have always used Void and Fel, look at the abilities for the Affliction Warlock. Not to mention, they summon Voidwalkers, and pretty sure the first spell they got in Vanilla was “Shadowbolt”. Void Elf Warlock makes more sense than any class aside from Shadow Priest.

What’s wrong with a lightforged draenei forcibly enslaving demons to use against the legion?

Draenei and LFD getting warlocks just shows you they do not care about the lore at all. There should not be any Draenei warlocks. Draenei hate the fel traveled for many years to get away from it.


Sentient individuals have this thing called free will and aren’t mind controlled by their culture unless they’re literally a hive mind. None of the wow player races are a hive mind. We say Draenei becoming warlocks in WoD.

Culture is irrelevant there will ALWAYS be outliers and there is no objective reason the PC can’t be an outlier.

You could try to argue LFD and warlock because of light infusion but I don’t think that’s a big deal either. LFD and the army of the light would kidnap and torture demons to gather information. I imagine those could fit as warlocks. Lore wise probably a type of inquisitor using msotly fire magic and binding magic against the demons.

Another possibility and I’d love to see them actually add explicit lore rather than implicit but is that with the Legion defeated many Man’ari have come to Velen beginning forgiveness and in his infinite capacity to forgive he welcomes them in along with some warlocks. (red skin customization for draenei too please). I’m sure many will be pissy. But Velen is Velen. He’ll forgive someone even if they tried to murder him. He forgave the blood elves for kidnapping and torturing a naaru he forgave illidan for blowing up Xe’ra.


I’m curious to know how they’re gonna do this, considering that some races outright despise demons and anyone who summons them.

Warlock doesn’t make any sense for all races.