Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

Well, some of us are still here, but most have left, and while the sky hasn’t hit the ground for this game yet, that doesn’t mean it isn’t falling.


you know jack :poop: about the lore. Kil’jaedan is a warlock, a draenei warlock. Lorewise makes sense.

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that makes zero sense, since hes not a draenei, hes an eredar, one of the people that literally sold themselves too Sargeras an became a demon…


Actually you just proved you don’t, as Draeni is literally ‘exiled ones’ in their language, and as such Kil’jaedan the Eredar (the race that Draeni are also, in the same vein as Blood Elves is a name and are the High Elf race) never exiled and went with Velen, is not a Draeni


eredar = draenei.

Draenei are the ones who refused to join sargeras. They all the same.

Personally I feel betrayed.

Bad enough they can be shamans of all things.

that’s like asking why humans dont have tails when monkeys have em.

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there we go. Draeneis = eredars. it’s like saying blood elves are not the same as high elves. they are the same race. jesus lol

It’s an MMO. Other players are part of each others’ experience.

You understand that if players could suddenly play Spider-Man, it would completely kill the immersion of the game if you had a bunch of Spider-Mans web-slinging around Valdrakken, right?

I didn’t sign up to play through every single person’s fanfic. I signed up to play the creative vision of the likes of Chris Metzen, and the fantasy world that captivated me in WC3.

If Blizzard suddenly added a bunch of anime-looking waifu characters, you’d better believe it’s going to impact everyone’s experience, not just the player playing.

So when Blizzard decides “we’re just going to gloss over the tens of thousands of years the Draenei were hunted and killed by demons”, that affects everyone.


They are, but the Draeni and Eredar groups are fundementally different in beliefs, and the ones upset about Draeni being warlocks have perfectly valid reasons.

But also as another poster said above, Warlocks have historically been outcasts of every society except undead, so there is no reason it couldn’t be easily explained the new player ones are same as every other race.


Cross-faction gameplay is believable, but light-forged draenei being warlocks is pretty darn wild.

It honestly just appears like every race is going to be able to play every single spec soon - minus stuff like Druids since that requires more work for blizz to make happen. But yeah, I don’t think they care anymore about lore interactions in terms of specs, and while I get making SOME things more open, I do think there should be strict lore boundaries with certain specs/races.

Oh wells though.


I’m all for new warlocks, but that’s just dumb.


Same thing for NELF… But if anything the last couple of expansions have taught me is that Blizzard doesn’t care anymore… If they don’t care why should I… I’ll go spend my money where they still care.

The Light failed them.
Xe’ra’s betrayal showed everyone how cruel the light can be. Warlocks have been fighting with fel for years - if the Light was lying the whole time…why not try it out?

WoW lore, and any lore in fact, works best when you YES, AND it.


Light is not the antithesis of Fel, Arcane is. Light is half of the origination of Fel to begin with. If Void Elves are able to be Warlocks, there is no reason why Lightforged Draenei shouldn’t be able to aside from general ideology. And speaking of that, as was stated before, Warlocks are already outcasts dabbling in forbidden magics.

The entirety of Azeroth (its inhabitants and the planet itself) have been victims of the Legion and its demons and Warlocks, so really why would any native race being a Warlock be more acceptable than Draenei? Also, keep in mind that Warlocks of the Horde and Alliance are not the same as those of the Legion.

All that being said, I do agree it would be nice to have some small story explanation for some races, even just a small addition in that race’s starting zones or something like that.

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Gameplay > lore every single time.

I’m excited at the idea of making a Draenei Warlock, but some of y’all can stay mad at everything.


Don’t believe so, this was a result of requiring fel crystals to replace the arcane addiction.

Its been awhile since I’ve been to silvermoon, but I assume they are still there in retail for referencing.

On a side note, enjoy all this “lore” whining from people who know nothing about the lore. (Not you tovi)


We know the real reason for it. Gotta have more Character Service Sales.

Mag’har is just as insane. I mean did they already forget that they did two expansions back to back giving the why on these two making no sense? Because Warlords of Draenor and Legion both were pretty detailed “Why this doesn’t work”.

I refuse to believe that this is accidental, or just a “oops” moment. Blizzard as a company is not stupid. The people there are not idiots. Because of that, one has to chalk up decisions like this to intentional sabotage.

It was probably another decision made by some diversity hires, same way the War of Thorns was. One would of hoped Chris Metzen would of stepped in and opposed this. If those two class combos go through, and they probably will… Then that just says all anyone needs to know about Blizzard’s interest in this game, it’s quality, or how much they value it truly.

…That is to say, they don’t.


There is 0 lore connection to panda warlocks since we all lived on a turtle until MoP.

It all about :moneybag: from character services despite lore now.

My race just magically gets warlocks without explanation.

There is no source for Pandaren to draw from or knowing such things existed while we live on a turtle in our own little world.
