Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

That lore changed after Calia returned. She’s been trying to open the Light back up to the Forsaken. When we get Forsaken Paladins, it’ll be due to her efforts.

You don’t have to engage with me at all. I’m not forcing you to do that any more than Blizzard is forcing you to play a race/class combination you don’t want to.

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Not so sure about this. Calia is a very, very special case of an undead - she is not at all the same as the playable undead who served Sylvanas for the longest time.

But she is probably the reason why undead will get paladins, indeed.

I’d really dig Forsaken “paladins” if they were like militarized shadow priests in plate, kind of an inverse of the original pally conception in WC2 with the Cult of Forgotten Shadow being the drive.

but doubt.jpg

too much gameplay to work on

I can make an undead holy priest right now in classic WoW. We can literally have millions of them running around if we so choose.

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Maybe some of them don’t. Drama

Blizzard really do need more questlines like the warlock’s green flame for other classes.


Ugh, Calia.

Her “efforts” consisted of hiding from both her living and undead people then suddenly caring about the Forsaken after she died.

She’s not due anything.

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A lot of these wild class/race combos would be great with stuff like that but every “sunwalker” NPC is a tauren dressing up like Uther so idk if its much of a priority

I don’t think they will be. Calia is their way do it with the Light.

Though Shadow Knights would be cool.

There is, it’s called Warlords of Draenor. Where we saw plenty of evidence that even within Draenei culture, not everyone was Light worshipers. There were Draenei who allied with the Legion there. Not Eredar, Draenei. So it has happened before. If it could happen in the alternate timeline, it can happen in the Prime one.

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That was an AU that we aren’t connected to currently.

Current WoW Draenei don’t got Warlocks. That was reserved for their enemies the Red Eredar.

I think Draenei Warlock makes a lot more sense than Pandaren Death Knight, maybe just me though :stuck_out_tongue:

I just wanna know why Dracthyr can’t be warriors…

Yes, I am aware it was AU. Which is why I specifically pointed out that it was in the alternate timeline. Because I knew that. And if it can happen there, it can happen in Prime. There’s no great magic barrier preventing a power hungry Draenei from secretly studying those kinds of things. It’s not impossible.

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And many of us thing it’s a stupid choice, so we’re complaining about it.

Blizzard can do whatever the hell they want. You’d think good business would be adhering to the designs that made it a worldwide phenomenon, instead of continuing to chip away at the things people say they actually like.

I mean hell, almost everyone universally lauded Legion’s focus on “class fantasy”. Why haven’t they continued supporting those kinds of choices?

It’s like the current Devs just don’t like WoW, and so they’re trying to turn it into something completely different. And we’ve seen subs continually drop in response. Weak storytelling, tonal inconsistency, injecting real-world matters into quests – it’s not the same game we signed up for.

So, perhaps that’s just where the divide exists now:

People who used to love WoW, and people who don’t that are trying to morph it into something else.


add red skins for dreanei warlocks plz, also night elf paladins ty.


I’m pretty sure I spent half of WoD fighting draenei warlocks. So I’m a little confused what the hangup is.

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“I like when people have to play the game in a way in which only I approve.” - an actual argument made by somebody on the forum


If only they would make a quest line to contextualize that… oh wait!