Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

I believe Rommath still have green eyes in Suramar. Liadrin turned from green to golden, along with many Blood Knights and Blood Elf priests.

There’s going to be outliers in every race. Sure, draenei or whatever race aren’t generally gonna want to play with fel but perhaps that one weirdo that was on the fence about the Legion decided to pursue studying dark magics seeing how other races on Azeroth are able to be warlocks just fine.

We should be allowed to play the outliers and make our own interesting unique stories.

Aye I knew that a number got Golden, but I hadn’t been paying attention to Blood Elf npc’s enough since the cleansing to see if they still had green, interesting.

Though as what Brightstride said above makes sense as well.

void elf paladins please

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races are not culturally monolithic. its like saying “uhm well a person of X race or gender cant be a doctor or a scientist!!! don’t you know their LORE AND HISTORY???”


Not to my knowledge for the mu one

Lightforged DK was the exact point I stopped caring what Blizzard did with lore.

they did say that they want to open all races to all classes and vice versa so why u mad

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thought it was a type of plant they took to help sustain the addiction.
an that caused some of em to go withered from withdraw

It is true it is never really explained.
But it takes time to wear off, not necessarily. The green glow quickly turned to golden, afterall. And it did so specifcally for Paladins and Priests.

If you were to make logical inference, this implies that when a Blood Elf uses a specific magic enough, their eyes will turn the colour of that specific magic. In this case, arcane turns their glow blue. So a mage should theoritically end up with a blue glow at the same pace as a Blood Knight got their golden glow.

Especially considering, that the mage can not just choose not to take out the holy side of the magics. Light, as we know, cleanses fel quite effectively, and arcane, as we know, is helping keeping in control. The Blood Elves at large, should actually have had a quick cleansing of fel due to the Sunwell.

That is merely logical inference from pieces of lore that we have.

We see light cleansing fel quite often.
A demon hunter speaks about their arcane tattooes as keeping their inner demons under control (Something like that)
And Blood Elven paladins and priests get golden eyes.

Draenei look pretty killer in warlock sets.

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When they give evoker to all races will they even try to justify how they can fly? I doubt it….

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In a couple older books thats how it worked. Valeera picks up some arcane artifact thingamabob and her eyes instantly turn pink. But thats obviously kind of suspect.

The way I saw the gold was light can easily cleanse the fel glow, but for arcane it’ll take a while. BFA had some pirate belf with gold eyes so its not limited to priests n pallys either, i guess its just general sunwell tapping

What Tovi said could definitely be the case, it could be a retcon, if it is it makes sense though.

When the sunwell was taken from them their source of arcane magic was, and so as said they had their withdrawals, and were addicted trying to get their arcane fix back of what they once had.

But those would be bits and pieces of arcane when they can get them, not the ambient energy of the area encompassing all those of Silvermoon, then what little bits and pieces of arcane fix they can find.

i would imagine that they’ll do it in such a way that they use whatever race as a visage…y’know, like actual dragons? i would have liked that better than being a reskinned male blood elf or female human

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That does not make sense considering how the Sunwell works.
Every elf, be it High Elf or Blood Elf, are connected to the Sunwell automatically. We know this from the Lor’themar story “In the shadow of the sun” when a High Elven priest can feel its reignition and her addiction getting lighter.

Every elf from Quel’thalas would be instantly hit by the light and arcane powers from the Sunwell.

Honestly, what it is is blizzards storytelling council just not being able to tell a consistent story.

But atleast they gave people the option to make that consistent storytelling themselves.

They rely on the Shadow as canon. Only a few Forsaken use the light as Priests.

Calia is their attempt to change that

Sure but it makes sense that active practitioners of one or the other would get a bit of a boost, with gold eyes manifesting faster due to the lights general aptitude for dealing with fel. All of them are being bathed in a cocktail of holy/arcane 24/7, but how it manifests probably depends on the individual. Fels kind of stubborn, takes some elbow grease to get rid of, but if a green eyed belf paladin spent day after day blessing people and doin holy miracles I can see their eyes turning gold faster than the avg citizen passively benefiting from the sunwell yknow

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But the Dracthyr will still be the race. And their lies the problem. Either they open Evoker to every race and try and explain how regular mortals have powers from the flights or Just open them as visage form which would be a better choice imo.

I personally quite liked Cdevs original answer to this.

Undead can use the light, but it comes with: Burning yourself and slowly “ressurecting” your body in a sense by bringing back your senses. So an undead who consistently used the light, would eventually be able to taste the rot in their own mouth, and feel maggots burrow in their bodies.

I like it… the answer was morbid.

Eh, the Sunwell being a very powerful thing comprised of two things that directly counters fel. One of the two even purging it wholly. While I agree that using either magical power by channeling it through the Sunwell, which is what the High Elves and Blood Elves do, would speed up the cleansing process - I do not see how it would make a difference for mages or paladin.

For civilians and possibly rangers, yeah, it would probably take additional three years. But not very long.

Again, it all just boils down to blizzard’s inaptitude to actually tell a consistent story… not to mention them not updating old zones constantly - which would be quite expensive, that much is true.