Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

There is nothing stopping a draenei from going rogue and learning fel magic.

We won, booya.


Because it only changes the color of Orcs you get green eyes or whatever

I know I sure don’t care. I want to be a dwarf evoker already.

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Appearantly races are affected differently by fel.
Blood Elves just ended up with green eyeglow instead.

They did say that they’ll be creating new warlock demon customizations. Maybe there will be a Lightforged demon option for warlocks. It’s pretty odd, but people have been asking for Draenei warlocks for uh… well, a decade now, actually. If we still had the old forums you could probably go back to WoD even and find threads asking for them.

probably cause they consumed any magic they could, say like arcane, life, fel, probably random other things too.

def before even then. probably since draenei were introduced.

High elves (which Blood Elves are) eyes have typically been indicative of the source of magic they either draw from, or prevalent around them.

That is why they were originally blue, Blood Elves in WoW started with green, then got gold when the sunwell was infused with holy magic, and later their arcane blue (though the last likely was mainly for players to be able to have high elves on the horde, then indicating the source/common nearby ambient magic as before)

Draenei warlocks I’m fine with honestly, LFD locks just feels as goofy as LFD death knights. “Lightforged” is a pretty narrow scope of character (because its basically a quasi-class tbh) and getting one with their golden sparkles and holy crusader antics going around shooting evil chittering skulls and curses is a bizarre disconnect.


Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Ner’zhul stay kinda brown?

Yeah true, that’s just as far back as I can remember with it. I remember replying to threads with the exact same lore reasons, draenei warlocks would just be man’ari, which would get them killed.

But since then we’ve had a ton of lore… messing and lots of story advancements and changes. Strangely, Draenei when they were first introduced in TBC did have more nuanced and darker elements when it came to their magic, but that was forgotten.

MU Ner’zhul was green. AU Ner’zhul was more of a shadow priest than anything else.

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I will well aware.

It is why Blood Elves should in theory have gotten blue and gold eyes at the same time, because the Sunwell is not just a fount of light magic, but arcane magic too. It is half-half.

It is actually the strongest version of anti-magics to fel, hence why it is strange any Blood Elves regardless of class choice have green eye glow still.

IIRC this was a retcon.

Belves were supposed to be addicted to arcane but they had green eyes. I think people questioned Blizzard about this at one of the Blizzcons along time ago.

What I think is great is that they have JUST released a class that is directly connected with its race. So they have already decided that that lore is actually wrong or they are only ever going to make the Dracthyr a Evoker and nothing else so they cant get complaints of them haveing one more class.

LMAO why? I love it

And hope to see skin tone for draenei too

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The bigger thing to consider is that Warlocks in general are rare. Not many can control the raw destructive power of Fel energy.

It also just actively destroys the mortal vessel, so it’s not something you can do forever.

Do post-sunwell cleansing expansion zone Blood Elf NPC’s (players would not get the option removed for customization reasons) still have green eyes?

AU Ner’zhul was basically Great Value Ner’zhul anyway. MU Ner’zhul lost his wife and became a very powerful and respected shaman by throwing himself into his studies to cope. It took 25k year old demonic demi-god and a crisis of faith to sway him, and it still didn’t take completely.

AU Ner’zhul went full mustache-twirler, violating the souls of his ancestors, and banishing his still alive wife, because AU Grommash told him to.


Blue eyed blood elves started cropping up here and there, especially in DF, cause player options normalized it. Generally its accepted to assume the fel glow will take time to wear off even with the crystals removed from silvermoon. Its not really explained whether these npcs were green and are now cleansed or avoided it to begin with though, up to you.

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