Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

Its only a matter of time until we have Dracthyr Demon Hunters now. The Edgyiest of bois. (I hate the idea though)

Really though.

All the Blood Elves had to do too, was be in Quel’thalas and their eyes turned green.

Confirmed in Blood of the Highborne story.

Also a Cdev Q&A from ages ago.

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do YOU know the lore?
basically their entire race was corrupted and joined the legion.
even the most devout worshippers of the light succumbed to the allure of power that kil’jaeden promised.

if you want to play as a death knight who was a former paladin that died, that’s OK with you, but heaven forbid an eredar priest turned into a warlock somewhere along the way and clutches pearls that’s different somehow

I mean genuinely I’d want to see felborne customization, maybe feltotem stuff, but thats not exactly true, not every race shows the effects of fel to the same extent as orcs or elves without substantial interaction. For whatever reason those two are like sponges to ambient magic

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its more like this


And High Elves from Allerian Outpost in Outland need to have green eyeglow.

That’s true. So Why aren’t Maghar Green now if they’re in the Horde. There are a ton of warlocks in ragefire chasm and on Azeroth at large.

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An being a warlock does not expose you to fel magic constantly, when they are the ones channeling and casting it?

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Because WoW is not a RPG.

The playable orc is the children of the orcs that drank demon blood. They’re the same age as Thrall.

Think about the timeline. If your character drank blood, they would be old and crusty like Eitrigg and Saurfang.

THe Frostwolves did not drink demon blood.

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orcs got changed because there were a bunch of locks at once channeling. the one off warlock isn’t enough to do it, besides, who cares about it really. there are much worse things to criticize about the lore and how warlocks specifically work is not one of them.

True that it did not need drinking the blood, but the frostwolves exposure wasn’t just indirect but direct exposure as well (some of them were practicing with fel), at least far as chronicles says:

Chronicles volume 2, page 79-83

I assume if a maghar decided to live down there he’d turn green eventually. It takes constant exposure, they wont turn green if a warlock happens to pass them on the street or anything but if your neighbour is shooting mtn dew all over the place its gonna start taking a toll.

Exactly. World of warcraft is not an RPG. It’s a something or other that people play.

I don’t even really care that much. I’m going to make a big beefy boy like I wanted to back in 2007 before I quickly learned that I had to choose between an undead or… the other choice.

I didn’t think all the orcs were Frostwolves though. They were a mixture of orcs captured by humans.

they’d turn green if they constantly use fel magic, but there is warlocks who use shadow magic too.

Perhaps not to their surroundings.
But to themselves, definitely.
A couple of fel crystals did wonders for even Blood Elven farstriders, who btw, were usually not around the fel crystals themselves because they were usually out in the forests.

So why isn’t my blood elf warlock green?

No I don’t think they would, but it would give people something to point to when someone starts talking about how their void elf priest uses holy light or how now their draenei warlock decided to use Fel after being hounded by the Burning Legion for eons.

I personally hate the “all classes, all races” rhetoric and I think that the differences between races/cultures in Warcraft is what brought the game of World of Warcraft to great critical acclaim.

I would never ever argue that homogenization is a good thing for a fictional setting like Warcraft. It removes uniqueness from the world, the cultures, and the way that people think of the setting, which leads to blandness.

And nobody likes blandness.