Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

I am pretty sure it was stated some time ago, that blizzard intends to have every playable race be able to play every available class.

Perhaps with the exception of Evoker.

Potentially Demon Hunter too.

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Wrong. I do want to enslave my enemies.


Class lore has been dead since vanilla when we got female nelf druids and male nelf priests.

I welcome more warlocks into the fold.


Exactly. That’s the entire fantasy of the Warlock class - a societal outcast that practices forbidden magic in secret.

I look forward to rolling a Man’ari Warlock in a few months.

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While you are right (this has been asked for- as have Forsaken paladin), might I remind you that LF and Draenai are basically religious zealots and there’s also a REASON they left their homeworld? And not just because Orcs.

Just like Forsaken paladin, this has been explained why this makes no sense.


Gameplay should help uphold lore, and reverse.

Story is also a huge part of a roleplaying game, and building a character is equally so. But WoW have not been a RPG for a very long time - so in this instance, people may as well not care.

Really though, it is a huge missed opportunity by blizzard, to not say that there is a difference between the adventurers (Our characters) and then the average civilian of each individual race.

Blizzard can still promote culturally different races, without having it stand in the way of our characters being able to be whatever we choose. Because our characters are already very likely to be extremely outlandish due to an adventurering spirit. Our characters will see, feel and try out new powers on their adventures. It just makes sense with that perspective.

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Do you think a new player would read such a disclaimer? I feel bad for new players because they are joining Warcraft when much of the racial culture has become homogenized.

When certain races can not be certain classes it gives players clues as to what constitutes a race’s culture.


The thing is gameplay should never suffer for something so worthless as this games lore.

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You have how many other races to choose from? A race that is traditionally religious zealot should not be getting warlocks.


Your gameplay doesn’t suffer. Nor is lore worthless to many people.

If you notice, much of this thread is simply asking for justification within the storyline.

This is still partly an RPG and lore should matter as much as gameplay. But seeing as how you can still play Warlock and will still be able to play Warlock when this happens, you aren’t “suffering.”

Your opinion isn’t fact.


Thankfully Blizzard disagrees with you and people who want to play a religious zealot warlock are going to be free to do so. Hopefully they get rid of all the worthless class restrictions.


I can be eredar. Am happy

Hoping they give us the red skin and green eyes


This game has a story: many stories. Every single race in this game has lore justifications for why they can be the classes they can be.

I fully expect Bliz to have a very valid lore reason to justify why 5 races that make no sense to have them suddenly have warlocks.

There is no gameplay reason for it. If nothing else, Bliz might have to look into Draenai racials.


Good thing we got that pesky “lore” out of the way of gameplay so people can finally play a class thats been in the game since 2004.


You know undead can be priests right?


Lorewise they’re predominantly shadow priests, you know this

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I can almost 100% guarantee you they’ll add nothing. They don’t need to.


Evoker is inherent to the base nature of the race, they aren’t using outside sources, they are using their own racial wings, their own racial draconic essence, you can’t just ‘insert’ a draconic being into another race.

DH can be trained and created by others, and funnily as the die hard ‘noone can be DH but elves’ posters studiously avoid commenting on, Murloc DH’s exist, if a Murloc can be a DH, then anything can, and illidan is very unlikely to have trained them:


gameplay > lore

gnome evoker when

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I have been able to play an undead holy priest for how long?

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