Many of us would accept Lightforged Draenei if it respected the Lore and made sense. Like, have them have Lightforged Demons and effects. So that they aren’t hurling green Fel energy at foes - which goes against the race identity of being Lightforged.
Or giving Red Eredar options for regular Draenei since they’re the ones who actually used Warlock and Fel stuff consistently and in great numbers. Could easily explain that they were redeemed after Legion and Velen brought them back into the fold. A lot of us would roll our eyes but would accept that.
Yet when Lore fans ask for it to make sense they have, in every topic, been mobbed, belittled, and insulted by those who don’t know the Lore nor care for the Lore. These people want their opinion, devoid of knowledge upon the matter, to be treated as the gospel. It’s disgusting at how proud they are for choosing to not care or know what they’re talking about, while attacking those that do.
It’s like being a Car expert yet having someone with no Car experience trying to argue about Car specs when the only thing they know is the Color.
oh hey guys, Emet needs attention. here ya go lil fella.
…lol proceeds to then insult people in favour of opening up class restrictions.
Bold of you to assume that we don’t know or care about the lore. I’m actually very well versed in lore, but I’m not a child and understand that gameplay > lore, and that nothing my individual player character does has any affect of WoWs larger lore.
Well… the poor implementation of Dracthyr told me that. But I was really holding out hope for some uniqueness in some of the new class combos for races. Lightforged demons, Void touched Pally spells for Velfs, etc. But…
Someone makes a thread about people insulting others for their opinions and how it’s disrespectful and inappropriate and nonsensical.
People proceed to insult them for it.
Stay classy, GD.
It’s funny to me how it’s okay to flip out and scream and shout about gameplay issues, but when some people would like lore to make sense or have flavor added into new lore changes, they’re called names, insulted, belittled and harassed.
I’ll just mute this before it gets worse, like all of the others did.
I am a lore fan. I’m such a fan I’m on two (previously three) RP servers. This whole debate is just the Facebook group era all over again. It’s embarrassing at this point.
Usually, its a case of who is posting the thread. A lot of GD people take note of people who are jerks.
The OP does the same thing he complains about to other people on the regular :>
I’m a little offended at the implication that I don’t care about the lore just because I get excited at the interesting writing prompts new combos offer instead of grabbing my torch and pitchfork to join a mob rallying under the flag of (captialized) “Lore”.
Few would argue that, but in some cases it seems more like they just go “this fills the rule of cool” and put things in with not even a nod to the lore.
So many of you lack imagination and need Blizzard to think for you.
Just because I pick a lightforged draenei to be a warlock, that doesn’t mean in my own backstory/headcanon that I’m an actual warlock. That is the beauty of RPG. So many of you limit yourself.
I am 100% race changing my warlock into a nelf, and I will think of them as a mage, or maybe an Illidari. Who knows. The sky is the limit when it comes to make believe.