I did not have “Soulpriest” on my Shaman either, so it must be specific to certain classes. Very interesting that it’s for Warlocks! But I can definitely see it making sense in a way!
It looks great! I love it too, I know a lot of folks don’t care for it and while I agree it’s not the BEST looking set of all the heritage, it’s really grown on me. It gives very Shaman/Rangari vibes. I do wish the helm didn’t clip off our horns though!
Speaking about the soulpriest/auchenai stuff. They said they sensed I was already attuned to speak with the dead and I was able to speak with the spirit of Exarch Maladaar.
Was that somehow triggered and if so, by what. And what does the quest look like if you’re not.
I just did it on my mage and it was not available. I assume the reason both priest and warlock have it is because they both use shadow magic, but neither really represents what Soulpriests are.
There is a ritual quest in WoD where you see the spirits, I assume that is the trigger.
It didn’t trigger on my mage and the Soulpriest cast a spell to let me see the spirits, it was not the same as the WoD ritual though.
It was good. The Draenei story had reached a conclusion and they were at a cross roads. So the needed some direction. It gave Blizzard more opportunity than normal and they didn’t just let it slip away.
Keep in mind that the Kyrians do say that if a different power claims a soul, they are not allowed to contest. Hence why they don’t interfere when it comes to individuals like Bwonsamdi or groups like their Val’kyr cousins, Odyns, Helya’s or scourge / Sylvanas.
So it is possible that D’ore, the naaru “buried” in Auchindoun is what keeps those Draenei souls there. As those souls have been “claimed” from a certain point of view.
The one thing that I do lament about spending some time doing the Heritage quest, is it reminds me of how much I dislike the male model is a walking fridge. Otherwise I likely would play one. Please play around with different body types more, blizz.
I desperately hope for body types to be an option one day for most (if not all) races. I’d love to play a large/muscular Doom maiden type warrior or a thin and waifish Kaldorei Warlock.
I feel like this is the case with most of WoW’s masculine models. They’re always super JUICED and that’s not entirely realistic for say a Mage or Warlock who spends a ton of their time studying. (Unless hitting the gym is part of the Kirin Tor’s curriculum… )
For sure, while they are at it stop skimping on the bling for guys. That is one of my favorite parts about Drakthyr; if you want it, there is lots of opt in hair decoration for guys.
This was actually something I desperately hoped would happen for the standard Draenei customization. The Lightforged have lots of great bling but the regular Draenei don’t aside from a circlet and/or tail jewelry. I hope they also separate jewel color and metal tone as two separate choices and widen what color combinations we can have for all the races that have jewelry options.
Nope. From the Kyrian only WQ you have a simulation of a human who had being claimed by a val’kyr, and the correct solution is to “return to life”. The reasoning is that Kyrians have to respect finders keepers basically.
People hating on the male draenei model don’t pick up on just how many Arnond Schwarzenegger in jokes are folded into the voice, model and animations.
From his iconic Mr Universe flex pose, to the T2 one handed shotgun flip, to the Conan 2h weapon stance the whole model is a love letter to Arnie. I’m pretty sure there’s a Get to the Chopper gag on Azuremyst Isle if I recall.
I have no idea why they decided on it but I’m glad they did.
Very particular reason for why they designed Draenei this way.
Back before any of the concepts we have of the Draenei today, the image that was cooked up by Metzen for the race was just the vague idea of ‘Lawful Good Demons’.
Since a playable demonic race was something they wanted to do since back before the game had launched.
This eventually shifted into the idea of the Draenei meant to exemplify the idea of being ‘Heroes’ or ‘the Good Guy race’.
Hence why they were type-cast as being paladins.
Their proportions, that being the massive chests, were designed to mimic Superman, and their animations were meant to be ‘flashy’ akin to them striking a heroic pose. They were meant to conjure ideas of being ‘badass’ or looking like comic superheroes.
The reason they did that was because Draenei were meant to be ‘menacing’ and ‘evil-looking’, which was meant to contrast with their ‘Lawful Good’ nature. Also meant to contrast with the Blood Elves, their counterparts, which were meant to look ‘good’ but had a brutal and more ‘grey’ culture/society. Problem is, Draenei really don’t look menacing or evil at all from a glance.
Blizzard and the writers as a whole, thankfully, began shifting away from that concept pretty early on. However, this basic idea still lives on in their animations and proportions, even if it was toned down a bit with WoD’s model update.
Does create a weird side-effect wherein all the quests surrounding the Draenei in BC Outland really have nothing to do with their lore as being related to Eredar or being a group of ‘cosmic heroes’ or whatever.
Managed to cobble together a nice “Soulpriest” transmog by combining the Augari Wakener’s set with the shoulders and gloves from the Telhamat colorway of the heritage. The Spectral Censorite’s spire matches lovely with the set too which is great!
My problem with male draenei being bulky is that it looks like they break the back of most mounts I have.
I need to find a mount for my man’ari so bad. My lightforged draenei monk has a golden cloud serpent, i don’t like those much on ground, but it is the best option.